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Posts posted by GeminiRising79

  1. Well maybe it's time to burn all your Rush albums.

    why would that be? There are many artists that have done/said things I may not agree with, but it doesn't make me hate their music. Axl Rose is a dink, but I still like GnR's music. I don't agree with James Taylor on a lot of political things, but I still like his music. It's possible to look at the 2 things independently, it's what separates us from the animals :)

    John Lennon is my favorite songwriter and singer. I think he was manipulated politically, became a mouthpiece, and stated some positions I totally disagree with. I still love the man's music. Sometimes musicians and artists say stupid things that contradict what their music seemingly projects. Debate, discuss, argue, it's what fans do.


    Can't stand the Nuge but I could make sweet love to this album all night :)




    Nugent was my favorite prior to discovering Rush! :) Loved those first three albums and double-live Gonzo lol!!

    • Like 2
  2. I was listening to a Denver radio station last week and was surprised to hear the DJ say rumors are the tour may not continue due to Al's arthiritis and Neil's tendinitis.



  3. Neil had some issues tonight...Alex looked best, and had the guitar problems in 2112 and Geddys voice needs a break. Set list was great though...


    Let me fix what I wrote last night, (on a cell phone) Alex looked BEAT...not best.... He looked like he was dying with the double neck on his back...


    Both Alex n Neil would have an easier time if they dumped the extra weight. They looked fairly taxed-out. Geddy looked as fresh as a cheerleader the whole show!


    Truthfully...I was thinking that for Neil...when they showed him on the big screen during his second solo, you could see the beer gut! Besides the smoking, I always thought he was weight conscious!?!?


    Didn't think Alex looked bad weight/health wise...but he didn't look like his usual happy, fun self!


    He was having a bad hair day as well with that humidity. Im sure it was toasty under that rug as well!

    • Like 1
  4. He looks great in the sport jacket, but Alex needs to toss it for a collared shirt. Its just too hot and hes a bit overinsulated to begin with!


    As for Neil, I would just cut the guy a break. So he makes some miscues or deviations, no big deal. He was still back there whacking the drums pretty well for a fat older guy lol!! :)

    • Like 2
  5. Neil had some issues tonight...Alex looked best, and had the guitar problems in 2112 and Geddys voice needs a break. Set list was great though...


    Let me fix what I wrote last night, (on a cell phone) Alex looked BEAT...not best.... He looked like he was dying with the double neck on his back...


    Both Alex n Neil would have an easier time if they dumped the extra weight. They looked fairly taxed-out. Geddy looked as fresh as a cheerleader the whole show!

    • Like 3
  6. Was there last nite..reviewing later. Flew back from AMS n zoomed straight to show....pooped!! :P



    uh, the man next to me at my daughters swim meet is tellin me AMS is American Samoa?!?!


    I thought my 640 mile round trip last second purchase was somethin...ams gotta be closer than western pacific?? Amsterdam??





    Hi Gabriel! Its was Amsterdam. I would be sleeping under a shrub if it was Samoa lol!!!! (At least for the first set!! :)

    • Like 1
  7. Was there last nite..reviewing later. Flew back from AMS n zoomed straight to show....pooped!! :P


    Was there last nite..reviewing later. Flew back from AMS n zoomed straight to show....pooped!! :P

    Happy Birthday btw. Hope you enjoyed the show... :cheers:


    Aw, thank u Narps! :) Will post abt it as soon as I get my equillibrium back!! :)

    • Like 1
  8. G: A lot of fans are bitching about us having any inclusion of CA material into the upcoming tour. Should we really include something from it?


    A: (effeminate tone) Well, honestly, it is the weakest and biggest detractor to our entire catalog. I still am really pissed about my performance there. I took a left, creatively, when I really should've gone right. And the fat fingers didn't help. Phuck me.


    G: That's alright. I have to admit that I cringe when I hear myself sing. Wish I never visited the damned Alps before recording it. Really nothing u can do about it now. Plus, fans are enigmatically delighted you're producing some kind of new noise out of those weak speakers.


    N: Damn it, thats enough u guys!! It was a real bitch for me to put that chit album on paper. Do u know how many times I wrecked my keyboard like that German gamer boy did on youtube?? I came close dangerously close to riding the GS off the end of the Santa Monica pier. We have to include a song or two from it since there are a minority of fans that actually like it. Also it would be unfair to our TRF posters that have managed to actually convince many that CA is a masterpiece. Lmfao!! "Perception is reality" is my motto, Ha Ha! Plus, I make the rules around here so get out, eh.

    • Like 1
  9. No second leg will be added.


    They are not going to return to Europe for the forseeable future.


    Yes, its over for the entire Rush planet after the R40 tour. Not only are they retiring, but they've decided to just go ahead and put themselves into suspended animation and be jettisoned into deep space directly in the path of a black hole located in the constellation Fornax.

  10. Pack your arse in a plane and meet up with some folks from here. It isn't odd. Think about it.

    ^^^^Listen to the man Zumbi. Some things in life, you have to out think the problem, and be brave. We have these places here called the YMCA's, Let me share a bit about them with you if you need a place to stay. They have so much to offer:



    Don't encourage him to take the path u did, TM. I know u guys r constantly recruiting, but at least draw the line at a Rush fan ;)

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