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Posts posted by rnrgal

  1. QUOTE (edgyspice @ Jul 13 2008, 10:19 PM)
    QUOTE (Marathonist @ Jul 13 2008, 07:15 PM)

    Uh-oh.  Neil has that David Cassidy thing going on here:

    Still hot, though! drool1.gif

    Nothing wrong with that. David was a cutie back in the day!

  2. bless 'is heart, but I think Neil could have used a bit of TV makeup for some of the footage in the AWIP video. Don't shoot me for criticizing him, but, well, he does look a bit "rough" (not in a good way) in those shots. I do like his facial expression in the bottom one, and the top one was from a funny scene. (There's a bug on the lens!)


    I read that all the time about Neil and Tom Hanks looking alike, but this is the only picture I can think of where I really can see a resemblance.




    heehee, look at Geddy's mullet...

  3. Marathonist, I did have one friend at the time was into Rush, too. (yes, female friend!) She thought Lerxst was the cute one though. She always did prefer blonds!


    Oh, and George Michael was another one some of my other friends liked. Ewwwwwewwwwewwwwwwewwwwwww! 062802puke_prv.gif


    I said even back then, he seems sort of flaming, why would you be hot for a flaming gay? My one friend would get so mad and yell at me that he wasn't gay. Time told on that one huh? laugh.gif




    now back to the regularly scheduled droolfest wink.gif



    http://i166.photobucket.com/albums/u102/rushnroll/PDVD_044-1.jpg wink.gif

  4. QUOTE (Marathonist @ Jul 6 2008, 12:47 PM)
    QUOTE (rnrgal @ Jul 6 2008, 11:11 AM)
    <--- mmmm, rat tail!

    I love the rat-tail on him too! He was at premium hotness then, I think - that's around the time I first developed a crush on him. And then I found out that the guy has a mind like a steel trap and is uber-intelligent, something I also find very sexy. Did you know he skipped 2 grades in school?

    And it's nice to know others have folders of Pratt pictures. (I get grief from the husband over this).


    *Edited to add that I think he looks damn good now, too. He's dropped a little weight since the last leg of the tour - all solid and muscular now. Yum. drool1.gif

    I did indeed know that. I've read all his books, too (of course!)


    I have to agree, I think he was at peak hotness, mid to late 80s, though I started liking him before that.


    excuse my being too lazy to go back and look, but was it you who was talking about how you thought your friends in HS would pick up on the hotness but they never did? Been there, done that. I had pictures in my locker and my friends were like, who the f*** is that guy? When I explained I just got a disinterested "oh". They were all into Scott Baio, Leif Garrett, Andy Gibb, Erik Estrada, 062802puke_prv.gif whomever.... think early 80s "hunks". I didn't like any of those boys, I preferred a real man. tongue.gif




    OK, I did think Richard Hatch on the original Battlestar Gallactica was hawt, too.



    I don't have a hubby to get annoyed over the pictures.



    Right now, I have a picture of the Earth from space as my desktop because I got sick of constantly deciding/changing Neil pics!


  5. looking in photo folders on my computer and thought I'd check something



    Dirk folder - 77 files


    Lerxst folder - 119 files


    Pratt folder ...

























    after totaling up subfolders...
































    does this tell you anything? laugh.gif


    A good chunk of them I got here so thanks ladies smile.gif


  6. QUOTE (sekada @ Jun 24 2008, 03:04 AM)

    WHERE did you find that pic in your siggy, the one on the far right from (I think) the SARS show?  And can ya post it bigger?  Like, wallpaper size? LOL

    wub.gif  drool1.gif

    I posted that piccy back in this thread somewhere but here it is again.




    Can't enlarge it much more than that. couldn't get a really clear screen cap. prob'ly need better software :/



    Didn't someone ask for a towel a few pages back?







    or maybe, you would prefer this one?









    reapeat, but reading is sexy yes.gif





    you're welcome for the red shorts pic ladies. I posted that one somewhere back in the depths of this thread too, lol smile.gif


    I was always sorta "meh" about that Presto sweatshirt picture (ducks from GG's bd.gif )


    thanks for the wb, Jaye bekloppt.gif


  7. QUOTE (edgyspice @ May 31 2008, 04:46 PM)
    QUOTE (Jaye @ May 31 2008, 11:08 AM)


    What's Geddy looking at in the first one, a sixteen-ton weight? laugh.gif


    And that second one is so cute!

    I think the FIRST one's cuter, lol. Love that expression on Neil's face. Ged I think is practicing to try to be as goofy as Alex. (lotsa luck...)

  8. QUOTE (Jaye @ May 11 2008, 01:09 PM)
    Here's some Neil I found on Flickr:


    OMG, catching up with what I missed. Jaye, great pics from the current tour, especially back on page 90 where you also posted this gem. I love seeing old pics that are new to me. Nice find! trink39.gif

  9. QUOTE (Rolinda Bonz @ Apr 15 2008, 11:47 PM)
    biggrin.gif  the old-fashioned way  laugh.gif  i LUV it!  trink38.gif

    is that from show of hands?.. can't remember what song, but he's just tossed his stick in the air. 
    watch yes.gif he'll catch it. cheer.gif

    he's so yummeh! wub.gif

    where did you find all these fantastic pics, rnrgal?!?!?

    Hey! Wow, it's been way longer than I thought since I was last here. Anyway, to answer your question, I have a couple of photo albums/ scrapbooks full of Rush pics from magazines that I started when I was a teenager. Obviously, I haven't kept up with it the way I could then (when my income didn't have to go to rent n' annoying stuff like that!) But, that's where all those are from.


    oh, yeah, and that particular one was from ASOH, during The Big Money, I believe


  10. QUOTE (Marathonist @ Apr 15 2008, 05:30 PM)
    QUOTE (rnrgal @ Apr 15 2008, 12:37 AM)


    oh mercy, those pecs!!

    And those shoulders. Ohhhh my. The thoughts in my head right now. . . blush4.gif

    and the arms, and the neck, and--



    'scuse me, I need to take a cold shower now. yes.gif


  11. Check out that (then) state-of-the-art computer!



    come on, you can tear your eyes away from him for just a second if you try. well, i didn't say it was easy! tongue.gif




  12. Funny thing about this one, is that you know how way back before there was all them new-fangly digital cameras and them DVD thingies, we had 35-mm SLRs with actual fil-um, and we had videos on magnetic tape, VHS we called it? Well, this here is a fotergraph taken with one o' them old-fashion cameras of the TV screen with one o' them ol' VHS tapes paused. Yep. Them was the days... old.gif





    oh mercy, those pecs!!

  13. Love the flying locks in this one!





    This one's from an ad for Zildjian cymbal mics, blown up quite a bit from the actual size. (like you care! laugh.gif)







    edited for bad size coding wacko.gif

  14. As promised, some classic Pratt




    ^^^ the title of this ad's rather ironically humorous, ain't it?






  15. http://i166.photobucket.com/albums/u102/rushnroll/powerwindows-6.jpg




    I have some older ProMark ads I need to scan. I haven't seen 'em posted here yet. (I keep saying I'm going to scan all this stuff...I will, soon, honest!)

  16. QUOTE (Jaye @ Apr 13 2008, 12:49 PM)
    Love that smile biggrin.gif



    Thanks for posting those! I love seeing old pics of them that are "new" to me! I've seen the 2 posted ahead of these, but not these ones. I have to say, I loved that shaggy, unruly hair he had then. It made (and still makes) me want to entwine my fingers in it!

  17. QUOTE (Ya_Big_Tree @ Mar 23 2008, 12:31 AM)

    Came across these and thought you gals would like them.  biggrin.gif

    Two of my fave Neil pics EVAH!!!!


  18. I hadn't really even heard of Rush till MP. A friend who also never heard of them before played it for me after someone else had turned them on to it. The next one I bought was PeW and then backward chronologically and bought every album since if not on the exact release date, close to it.
  19. Cygnus: I wasn't sure why you posted wtf.gif, then I realized it looks like I'm calling YOU a troll.


    I actually typed ARF right above that, for Asian Rush Fan. Guess I should have spelled it out the first time cuz it doesn't stand out too good. Sorry for the misunderstanding. trink39.gif

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