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Don Quixote

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Posts posted by Don Quixote

  1. QUOTE (Syrinx Priest @ Apr 20 2010, 07:13 PM)
    I know this will never happen and is probably not a very popular opinion but I have seen about 10 more Peart solo's in my life than I needed to.

    I would love if Neil moved out of the 70's and dropped the solo altogether. On second thought I am not sure when I would take my piss break then.

    I can agree with this - I liked it when the solo was a couple of minutes in the middle of a song (YYZ worked GREAT for this in '81).


    Remove the 8+ minutes of a drum solo and we could get something like Jacob's Ladder or A Farewell to Kings in there.

  2. Listening to the Exit...Stage Left DVD today with headphones on, I am getting more and more hooked on what Alex was getting out of that HRF. The ending medley is just a masterpiece of sounds - all over the map. Other than the 335 / 355's he's played, I don't think he's had a better guitar.
  3. From what I've read in an article or two where Alex is alone, I think he's all over the concept of playing a tour where they trot out the old horses a bit. Granted, some of them don't hold up worth a shinola because they'd have to be tuned down a half to full step, but some would work. Anthem would be an ass kicking opener with Alex's heavier tone these days.
  4. While it clears up the question of the infamous "Cousin Tapes", it still leaves one to wonder what the headline show at Massey Hall was in 1976, and whether or not they played a full version of The Fountain of Lamneth. I'm betting it never happened.


    Someone, sometime, somewhere has got to corner Geddy or Alex (likely the easier of the two to get the answer out of) and ask point blank if they ever played it live.

  5. Not a teacher here, but a student trying to learn on my own (at least to play chords - I have no desire to be in a band). Someone mentioned finger exercises earlier in this thread - could you describe these a bit? Sometimes I struggle switching chords smoothly (usually from a simple one like a G or D to a barre chord) - I tend to put my fingertips between strings instead of on them. Any tips would be appreciated!
  6. QUOTE (Tull Fan Too @ Jan 11 2008, 01:15 PM)
    Water Starter
    Mix one cup of lukewarm water with one cup of flour. Let sit until bubbly (about 4-5 days).

    You can accomplish the water / flour starter much easier and faster with stone ground organic rye flour.


    Start with equal parts water / flour by weight (2 oz is enough), let it go a few days until you see noticeable activity. Feed with equal parts (2 oz) rye flour and water a couple of more times, and then you'll have it going well. After this you can start feeding just water and bread flour, and its ready to use.


    Rye flour starters are quite durable - I can go 3 weeks between uses with this method.


    I cheat a bit and use some instant yeast along with the starter. I get a decent souring and the yeast helps guarantee the rise. Here is my method:


    Night Before:

    3/4c water

    1/4c milk

    1/4c starter

    1.5c bread flour


    Stir together - don't worry if its lumpy.


    Next Morning - you'll see that the starter has done its juju on it



    1.5c bread flour

    1/2T instant yeast

    1/2T kosher salt



    1T sugar

    2T butter


    I use a KitchenAid mixer to knead that together until it becomes a bit cohesive, then give it 5 minutes on speed 2. Turn into a slightly oiled bowl.


    Here's where I vary it.


    If I am wanting a regular loaf I'll let the dough rise until double, then stretch the dough out to a rectangle, and then fold to fit in a buttered loaf pan. Let rise again until double.


    If I am making a free form loaf I will let the dough rise 45 minutes (regardless of rise). Then stretch the dough out, and fold up like an envelope. Let rest 45 minutes. Repeat stretch and fold 1 or 2 more times. Then shape and let rise until double.


    Slash and bake at 425 degrees for 30-40 minutes (depends on your oven).


    The latter method helps to develop that shattering crust that is sooooooo good...

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