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Posts posted by trenken

  1. QUOTE (ReRushed @ Jul 16 2012, 09:18 PM)
    QUOTE (pedro2112 @ Jul 15 2012, 01:09 AM)
    If LaVilla does not win, then you all are worthless and weak.

    For those who don't vote for "La Villa Strangiato", will they have to drop and give you twenty?

    I didnt vote for that, and Im not doing push ups for anyone.


    It's a great instrumental, but it's just that, an instrumental. For that reason alone it doesn't touch Natural Science for me.


    No instrumental is going to match up with a song with great vocal melodies and very smart lyrics, even if they're a bit nerdy.


    As far as Garden, it's a good closer for a modern Rush album, but it's just not even close to some of their old classic closers.

  2. QUOTE (Slack jaw gaze @ Jul 16 2012, 09:03 PM)
    No way they do that to a brand new song.

    Yeah seems to risky with new songs. I cant see it going over well at all. Strip down Halo Effect? I hope the bathroom attendants are ready and the people selling the beers well stocked.


    Do this with an old classic though? Yeah that would be different.

  3. QUOTE (anchorman @ Jul 16 2012, 08:51 PM)
    QUOTE (bluefox4000 @ Jul 16 2012, 06:43 PM)
    QUOTE (GeminiRising79 @ Jul 16 2012, 06:26 PM)
    QUOTE (bluefox4000 @ Jul 15 2012, 02:12 PM)
    Give these guys a break they're old laugh.gif

    I mean come on now.


    Not that old. Try another excuse! smile.gif



    Who said i was making an excuse? It's just mind boggling to me that people say things like they're not like they used to be..............of course they're not wink.gif Just a playful observation tongue.gif



    There's a whole lot of us out here that love this band's body of work but don't feel CA is an untouchable masterpiece. It's got flaws, as do most of their CD's. On a whole, I think CA is fantastic. It's the best stuff they've done in a couple of decades and a half.


    Why the hell do I feel like I have to make that disclaimer in here before expressing an honest opinion about some tracks that I feel could've worked better.


    How boring would this message board be if we all just talked about how great Rush was ?


    Except for a few songs, I HATED HYF. There I said it. Run for your lives!! I love Cygnus X-1 and Neil Peart said in an interview that he hated the way it turned out!! I disagree with the master !!! Shame on me. What do I know about good music ??


    LOL at all the Nut Washing that goes on in this forum.

    You're arguing with hardcore Rush fans that love everything they do. You cant win so dont worry about it man.


    I grew up loving Rush, got my Permanent Waves tape when I was 6, but at the same time if they do something that sounds like crap to my ears, I have no problems saying it.


    I really dont think CA is very good. It's decent, better than S&A, not even remotely close to much of what they've done prior to the late 80s. It's just my opinion. If someone else loves it that's fine, but we should all be able to share our opinions as long as we dont attack others.


    I get attacked all the time by blind Rush fanboys just for sharing my meaningless little opinions on things when Im bored. Doesnt bother me one bit.

  4. QUOTE (ReflectedLight @ Jul 16 2012, 08:44 PM)
    QUOTE (trenken @ Jul 16 2012, 08:36 PM)
    QUOTE (ReflectedLight @ Jul 16 2012, 08:23 PM)
    QUOTE (trenken @ Jul 16 2012, 08:21 PM)
    QUOTE (bluefox4000 @ Jul 16 2012, 06:43 PM)
    QUOTE (GeminiRising79 @ Jul 16 2012, 06:26 PM)
    QUOTE (bluefox4000 @ Jul 15 2012, 02:12 PM)
    Give these guys a break they're old laugh.gif

    I mean come on now.


    Not that old. Try another excuse! smile.gif



    Who said i was making an excuse? It's just mind boggling to me that people say things like they're not like they used to be..............of course they're not wink.gif Just a playful observation tongue.gif





    Go on a general rock message board and youll get very different opinions about Rush these days.


    which message board would that be?

    Go make a thread on qbn.com, a general board for everything under the sun. Lots of guys there that loved Rush. Ask them what they think about new Rush, see how that works out for you. I already know what they'll say but they are brutally honest over there so it's always entertaining to see. You'll get some pretty nasty response if you post some of CA there.

    i'm sure it would be a little like here. some would like it, some will like some of it, and some don't like it. unsure.gif

    Lol. A little different at QBN than it is here. Here there is a lot of people very biased towards anything they do. This is Rush message board. Those people still buy their albums, which hover around 500k sales so there isnt all that many of us left in the world.


    Travel outside of here though and people have some nasty shit to say about modern Rush. QBN has millions of users and ive talked to them about Rush many times. Most of them will gush about everything from 76-85 or so, and shit in everything after that.



  5. QUOTE (ReflectedLight @ Jul 16 2012, 08:23 PM)
    QUOTE (trenken @ Jul 16 2012, 08:21 PM)
    QUOTE (bluefox4000 @ Jul 16 2012, 06:43 PM)
    QUOTE (GeminiRising79 @ Jul 16 2012, 06:26 PM)
    QUOTE (bluefox4000 @ Jul 15 2012, 02:12 PM)
    Give these guys a break they're old laugh.gif

    I mean come on now.


    Not that old. Try another excuse! smile.gif



    Who said i was making an excuse? It's just mind boggling to me that people say things like they're not like they used to be..............of course they're not wink.gif Just a playful observation tongue.gif





    Go on a general rock message board and youll get very different opinions about Rush these days.


    which message board would that be?

    Go make a thread on qbn.com, a general board for everything under the sun. Lots of guys there that loved Rush. Ask them what they think about new Rush, see how that works out for you. I already know what they'll say but they are brutally honest over there so it's always entertaining to see. You'll get some pretty nasty response if you post some of CA there.

  6. QUOTE (The Owl @ Jul 16 2012, 08:04 PM)
    Sorry if this is in the wrong sub-forum, this topic I think could fit in both here and in the tour sub-forum..


    I was thinking about what Alex could do for the now-traditional post-drum solo acoustic track... and I was thinking the boys could re-work "Halo Effect" into an acoustic set and both Alex and Geddy could come out and do the track on stools... Much in the same way "Resist" was re-worked and performed after the drum solo live on previous tours.

    Would this be a good idea, and would it work?

    It's possible. At his age Neil seems to really like that 5 minute break after the solo so it wouldnt shock me to see them do something similar again.


    Personally though I think I would rather it be something older. Not a new song. Ive seen on the VT and S&A tours new songs dont usually go over all that well even in their normal hard rocking form. Rush has so many fans that dont care about their new music that still go see them to see their old favorites. PNC was just dead during that long stretch of S&A songs in the 2nd set, so to strip down a new song? I dont know.


    I think it would work better if they did this with an older song, like maybe Lakeside Park. They would needed to change it up a bit but it could work, and since we know Alex and Geddy dont like that album very much, it doesnt get much love at all during their tours.



  7. QUOTE (bluefox4000 @ Jul 16 2012, 06:43 PM)
    QUOTE (GeminiRising79 @ Jul 16 2012, 06:26 PM)
    QUOTE (bluefox4000 @ Jul 15 2012, 02:12 PM)
    Give these guys a break they're old laugh.gif

    I mean come on now.


    Not that old. Try another excuse! smile.gif



    Who said i was making an excuse? It's just mind boggling to me that people say things like they're not like they used to be..............of course they're not wink.gif Just a playful observation tongue.gif



    You're on a Rush dedicated message board. Here, they arent old, and still as good as they were 30 years ago.


    Go on a general rock message board and youll get very different opinions about Rush these days.


    There's nothing wrong with still liking what they're doing, but people get very butthurt here if you have an opinion about anything that differs from theirs.

  8. QUOTE (NYM86 @ Jul 16 2012, 04:51 PM)
    QUOTE (SUBDIVISIONS @ Jul 16 2012, 04:50 PM)
    Record done
    You think You know better?
    Make Your band
    Tour 38 years
    Make 20 gold or platinium records
    And then come back and we can argue about it.

    I knew it was only a matter of time till someone busted out this tired, wholly ineffective "argument." You don't need to be Michael Jordan to state your opinion on Kobe Bryant's jumper. You don't need to be Bobby Flay to state your opinion on Emeril Lagasse's duck a l'orange. Why do you need to be as musically accomplished as Rush to state your opinion on their music? Give me a break.

    Not having 20 gold records doesnt mean someone doesnt actually know whats good and what isnt. Most ignorant thing people try to use in an argument and it never works.


    Pretty sure Rush are just 3 humans, just like the rest of us. They even admit to just being regular guys, no more able to judge something than any of us are. Accomplishments are irrelevant when critiquing something.


    Even the band themselves talked many times about this subject. Explain that please when they admit it doesnt always work out as good as can be.

  9. QUOTE (anchorman @ Jul 15 2012, 11:19 AM)
    Does anyone else feel that Geddy's vocals don't match some of the songs lyrically in mood or tone ?

    Specifically, Geddy just doesn't portray the anger and/or desperation that should be felt in The Anarchist, Carnies and The Wreckers.

    I don't need to hear him screaming like days of old at a higher pitch, but at least convey the song to the listener better. A good example would be Hand Over Fist - It's an angry, emotional song and you can hear it in his phrasing -

    "You talk as we walk along
    You never imagined I could be so wrong
    Humming your favorite song
    You know I've hated that song for so long

    How can we ever agree?
    Like the rest of the world
    We grow farther apart
    I swear you don't listen to me
    Holding my hand to my heart
    Holding my fist to my racing heart"

    I think the CA songs are very, very good and in some cases great (The Anarchist) but I think Nick or someone should have stepped up and said.."Hey Geddy, you sound much too "ok" with the circumstances here."

    Its like a movie where a director gives guidance to its actors. You're telling a story Geddy, you're the lone survivor of a vicious attack by pirates. Blood is in the water...how about a darker tone to your words ? You can still be melodious, but how about giving us a little despair?

    I thought Geddy did a good job on most of the other songs, especially The Garden.

    This is pretty common throughout their enitre career. Why is The Big Wheel so upbeat and positive when the lyrics are so negative? Just what happens when 2 guys write music in 1 room, and the other guy writes lyrics in another room. then it all gets glued together later. The lyrics arent always going to match the feel of the song. I dont think its a big deal but I definitely notice the same thing you are.


    Peart actually talked about this a while back how its difficult to make things match up well because of their writing process. He brought up Middletown Dreams as an example of where he thought the marriage of music and lyrics worked perfectly, but it doesnt always with Rush.



  10. QUOTE (JohnnyBlaze @ Jul 14 2012, 11:55 PM)
    In a recent poll called "Rush's best 'modern' slow song", The Garden beat the living hell out of The Pass, Bravado, and Resist. I was surprised by HOW MUCH it beat everything up. So, I'd like to test it's power again. I don't expect it to win but I'd like to see how it goes up against some of these other album-ending beasts.  trink38.gif

    Interestingly, my #1 and #2 Rush tunes are in this poll...something natural and something strange.  1022.gif

    People are in a honeymoon phase with new Rush. There is just no way Garden is better than the Pass, and its not even close to closers like Natural Science and La Villa. If people actually believe that Im convinced that Im just living in the Matrix.

  11. Appetite's production is pretty awesome. That album holds together cranked up. It has power and it's clean. To me it's very similar to Power Windows in that way.


    These days, not sure what's going on but it's not just Rush. Metallica's recent album is bricked to all hell. I guess it's just the desire to push it as far as they can to have a heavy sound, but the bottom line is it just ends up sounding muddy.


    With CA at least I dont hear a lot of that annoying clipping that VT had, but its still really lacking dynamics.

  12. QUOTE (USB Connector @ Jul 10 2012, 06:25 PM)
    QUOTE (UltimoGuitarist @ Jul 9 2012, 07:05 PM)
    Tabs are the hack musicians learning tool. Learn by ear like a real player.

    This is the most ignorant thing I've read on the forums in some time. Playing it by ear involves a ton of trial and error. Not everyone has time to do that. Let me use similar logic: can you modify your system files so that you can completely optimize your computer's performance or appearance? If not then you don't really know how to use a computer.

    He's right and I totally agree with him. Learning by ear takes time but it really does train you to identify notes and where they are on the fretboard the instant you hear them so you get to the point where learning stuff without tabs becomes easy. Tabs really slow down the development of your ear when you use them as a crutch to lean on even for stuff that isn't that complex.


    I used to use tabs growing up learning some Dream Theater stuff because they are just ridiculously more complex than Rush ever was and it gets very hard to pick up every note by ear, but most Rush doesnt require tabs. There's nothing on this album even inexperienced musicians cant learn just by listening to it. It shouldnt take too much trial and error at all.


    Geddy doesnt play any of those crazy little runs he used to do and the bass is pretty up front. Yeah I get why you would want a tab for that 2nd little bass run in YYZ, but he really doesnt have a lot of stuff like that throughout their entire catalog. Most of it can be learned by ear without much time spent figuring it out.


    For guitar its a little different because there's chords involved, but for bass there is just no reason why anyone would need tabs for this album or most of their others.

  13. QUOTE (Tombstone Mountain @ Jul 13 2012, 09:33 AM)
    QUOTE (trenken @ Jul 13 2012, 09:30 AM)
    QUOTE (Tombstone Mountain @ Jul 13 2012, 09:27 AM)
    QUOTE (Gompers @ Jul 13 2012, 09:26 AM)
    QUOTE (Tombstone Mountain @ Jul 13 2012, 10:02 AM)
    I hope the band produces every album from here to eternity with Nick--he got the best out of them!!!

    What did collins bring to the albums he produced? what quality does he bring out of Rush that makes his productions superior to Nicks?

    It is almost universally agreed that CA is the bands best release since the early 80's...why is that? Nick had A LOT to do with it. Just ask the boys.

    Anyway...someone tell me about Collins and his upside please

    He brought Caveman to Rush. yes.gif

    OK, but what did Collins do for the band??? Caveman isone thing. what does Collins do that is so special???


    Nick is a hack producer who only gets hired by garbage mainstream rock bands.


    Why do some of the more creative and revered bands out there not work with stock producers like him? Hmmm I wonder...

    sorry sir, you are in the wee minority on this. everyone else in the world is wrong and your right? Best album since the early 80's is THE consensus.


    Anyway...have a nice day dude!




    Utterly Flawless



    cheer.gif cheer.gif cheer.gif cheer.gif

    This guy still has not learned what the word opinions mean. If this is the best album this band has put out in 20+ years, WTF does that say about what theyve been doing?

  14. QUOTE (Tombstone Mountain @ Jul 13 2012, 09:33 AM)
    QUOTE (trenken @ Jul 13 2012, 09:30 AM)
    QUOTE (Tombstone Mountain @ Jul 13 2012, 09:27 AM)
    QUOTE (Gompers @ Jul 13 2012, 09:26 AM)
    QUOTE (Tombstone Mountain @ Jul 13 2012, 10:02 AM)
    I hope the band produces every album from here to eternity with Nick--he got the best out of them!!!

    What did collins bring to the albums he produced? what quality does he bring out of Rush that makes his productions superior to Nicks?

    It is almost universally agreed that CA is the bands best release since the early 80's...why is that? Nick had A LOT to do with it. Just ask the boys.

    Anyway...someone tell me about Collins and his upside please

    He brought Caveman to Rush. yes.gif

    OK, but what did Collins do for the band??? Caveman isone thing. what does Collins do that is so special???

    He helped creat really crisp and dynamic sounding albums, Rush's best sounding albums IMO. CA is a muddy mess. The drums sound completely dead in it. Rush deserves better than this. Nick is a hack producer who only gets hired by garbage mainstream rock bands.


    Why do some of the more creative and revered bands out there not work with stock producers like him? Hmmm I wonder...

    sorry sir, you are in the wee minority on this. everyone else in the world is wrong and your right? Best album since the early 80's is THE consensus.


    Anyway...have a nice day dude!




    Utterly Flawless



    cheer.gif cheer.gif cheer.gif cheer.gif

    Um, have you read the threads on this board about the sound of this album? Yeah pretty sure Im not alone. You're too busy with your joke review threads to even realize how many people dont love the mix of this album.

  15. QUOTE (canadianice @ Jul 13 2012, 08:53 AM)
    QUOTE (trenken @ Jul 13 2012, 06:44 AM)
    QUOTE (eshine @ Jul 12 2012, 11:19 PM)
    No way.

    Some of the strongest melodies he's written in years, some really GREAT vocal performances, and all of the vocals fit nicely with the music and the context of the story.

    Lol is all I can really say to this.

    GeddyFinal.gif The guy is right on the money, you jealous little twit

    Yeah, Geddys singing is awesome on this album. lol


    He's as old as you are, Im not surprised you're sucking his nuts all day. Old people cant tell when other old people sound like shit. If you heard this 30 years ago you might hear what I hear.

  16. QUOTE (Tombstone Mountain @ Jul 13 2012, 09:27 AM)
    QUOTE (Gompers @ Jul 13 2012, 09:26 AM)
    QUOTE (Tombstone Mountain @ Jul 13 2012, 10:02 AM)
    I hope the band produces every album from here to eternity with Nick--he got the best out of them!!!

    What did collins bring to the albums he produced? what quality does he bring out of Rush that makes his productions superior to Nicks?

    It is almost universally agreed that CA is the bands best release since the early 80's...why is that? Nick had A LOT to do with it. Just ask the boys.

    Anyway...someone tell me about Collins and his upside please

    He brought Caveman to Rush. yes.gif

    OK, but what did Collins do for the band??? Caveman isone thing. what does Collins do that is so special???

    He helped creat really crisp and dynamic sounding albums, Rush's best sounding albums IMO. CA is a muddy mess. The drums sound completely dead in it. Rush deserves better than this. Nick is a hack producer who only gets hired by garbage mainstream rock bands.


    Why do some of the more creative and revered bands out there not work with stock producers like him? Hmmm I wonder...

  17. QUOTE (eshine @ Jul 12 2012, 11:19 PM)
    No way.

    Some of the strongest melodies he's written in years, some really GREAT vocal performances, and all of the vocals fit nicely with the music and the context of the story.

    Lol is all I can really say to this.

  18. QUOTE (ReflectedLight @ Jul 12 2012, 10:07 PM)
    QUOTE (Mystic Rythm @ Jul 12 2012, 09:58 PM)
    Too many songs in the last 3 albums where I find myself straining to hear Geddy.  He seems to be buried in the music to much.  trink39.gif

    so basically you're saying you want a more stripped down sound? i think that's what alex said they were aiming for with this album. unsure.gif

    Yeah I think thats what the previous poster was saying, Alex said they wanted to strip this down more, but didnt.


    Or maybe they did and there is in fact less tracks like he said, except they boosted those tracks and now it just sounds muddy.


    I think the drums sounding dead must just be how they were recorded. And the layered guitars and everything peaked out with Geddys vocals fighting to break through could just be from the mixing phase, which we know Geddy really hates and Alex isnt normally involved in.

  19. QUOTE (treeduck @ Jul 12 2012, 04:12 PM)
    Should Peter Collins return to the RUSH production fold next time? All the albums Peter produced with RUSH have great production quality. And he's still got it, the Flying Colors album sounds excellent!

    Come on now you RUSH fools, have at it!


    I wouldn't be against this at all. Nick reminds me more of just a safe standard issue rock album producer. I get why bands like Foo Fighters like him, but Rush? I think they deserve someone who knows how to get a better sound. The drums in particular on CA sound like shit. The snare and bass drums are both dead. All of his albums just have such a generic sound to them, and most of them really lack in the dynamics department.


    Peter Collins on the other hand is just all about dynamics. That's why albums like Power Windows just sound so amazingly crisp. the best Neil's drums ever sounded. Definitely would like for them to give him another shot if they were to do another album, possibly going back to him for the last one. Would seem fitting to me.

  20. This reminds me of those people that knock on your door trying to sell religion to you. Every day posting reviews from random underground sites that let their users post their own reviews. I have no idea why he's posting this stuff here.
  21. QUOTE (Lost In Xanadu @ Jul 12 2012, 02:40 PM)
    QUOTE (metaldad @ Jul 12 2012, 02:39 PM)
    Who the hell said S&A ? Oh yeah, the deaf

    Nah, the deaf would have picked CA... it is so brickwalled they would be able to feel the vibrations ph34r.gif

    Yes CA sounds worse than S&A, but I think the poll is more just about the songs, isnt it?

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