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Posts posted by Snaked

  1. The practice of the "Meet & Greet" is a relatively recent phenomena.

    'Back in the day' those who were fortunate enough to get an AFTERSHOW or VIP pass would be taken into a hospitality suite (or sometimes to catering) and any of the band members who felt like it would stop in after freshening up to chat, sign stuff and if the person was able to sneak in a small camera, take a quick photo.

    I didn't see Neil at many of these... only 1 or 2 actually.


    One of the best though was at the Forum in L.A. on HYF.

    I'm pretty sure it was the 2nd night of the HYF tour (though it might have been the first.. that was a looooong time ago!)

    The aftershow party both nights was in the Forum Club.. a bar/restaurant for the VIP's and I guess he heard that a lot of celebs were there so he decided to make a showing... and after walking in the door, looking into the packed room he simply turned around and walked out.. pretty much unnoticed.

    Those of us who were not there to celeb watch were rather disappointed because we had been told Neil would probably show up so there were a couple cameras among the group of us.

    • Like 2
  2. There are several points about this which don't float well in the wash.

    For me, the one that jumped out at me first was the fact they're going to film at the Mid-Atlantic shows only.


    There are RUSH fans not only across North America, but around the world as well.

    It's very short sighted to attempt to sell a documentary about the fans, but then only focus on one small segment of that fanbase.



    Nice concept, but it needs to be thought through quite a bit better IMNTBHO.

    • Like 4
  3. Yeah, all good points but any news other than the unthinkable (retirement, long hiatus, etc) is good news. I am hoping they bypass doing a new album and concentrate on the setlist which needs to be totally revamped imo.


    It will most likely not be a full album but an "Extended EP"

    Something along the lines of 3-6 new songs they can showcase on the upcoming tour.

  4. Echos on the Stages - Final rehearsal show before the T4E tour (Soundboard)

    Black Forrest - Hemispheres tour

    O'Chicago - T4E (soundboard)

    Any of the St. Louis releases from the original master source (Be sure you're getting a 1st gen master, there are plenty out there)

    A View From The Palace (Pro-Shot vid from the CP tour)

  5. They're going into the studio in a little under 3 months. NOT going on tour.

    Dudes buddies friends cousins best friends uncles grandpop prolly told him that and it just got changed a bit down the line.

    Do you know for sure they're going into the studio in 3 months?


    Things can change.

    It has been the plan for quite a while that they would hit the studio in September.

    Most recent news I heard did not change that.

    • Like 1
  6. I just listened to four of their seventies albums and went straight to 1996 Test For Echo (I still don't think that is Geddy's voice singing background).


    And I have to say that I am glad they got out of the seventies. That music was what we used to call "heavy" and it was perfect for its time. They had to move on. If they hadn't, they wouldn't be around today.


    And that they could move ahead musically without harming their popularity just goes to show how talented they are.


    Just my opinion.

    Sorry Lorraine, that is Geddy in the background!


    Are you absolutely positive? It doesn't even sound like him. It sounds like a woman. Who is that woman that sang on one of Rush's song background? Are you certain it isn't her doing that harmony?

    Aimee Mann did backup vocals on TSS, but it ain't her this time. Nope, that's pure Ged Man. It does sound a bit like a woman though


    That's a pretty high pitch.


    What part are you talking about? The "video vertigo" bit later in the song?


    I edited my comment that you quoted to include this:

    Just so we know we are talking about the same part of the song, it is when he sings "what a show - vertigo - video vertigo - test for echo - touch and go in slow mo" at about 2:40 and then it is at the end of the song too.


    On T4E it's all Geddy.. guaranteed.

    I met Peter Collins at the Nashville show last year and talked to him a lot about the albums he produced (T4E is one of them) and asked specifically about guest vocalists. The ONLY spot on any of the records he produced that has vocals other than Geddy is TSS.


    Hmmm...I assumed the female-sounding voice in Force 10 & Tai Shan was Aimee Mann as well.


    Nope, I asked about Force 10 specifically and he said absolutely not. The giggle is a random patch from a sound pack Andy Richards had on his keyboard... and the rest is Geddy. He made it perfectly clear that other than TSS there were no guest vocalists.

    Interesting. I'd love to know how they got "rising and falling" at the 2:43 mark to sound so much like a female.



    Sounds like they're running his voice through a phase/octaver.

    I'll have to take your word for it. can't stand the "sound" of that album...... :(


    Sound as in the songs or the production? I think the production is decent and some of the songs.

    The sound. The bass tone in particular. The thinness if that's a word. Mission is a nice song.....


    Geddy was using a Wal bass on that album which really gave him a much different tone.

    While I'm glad he dumped the Wal I can appreciate the difference.

  7. What's a "random patch from a sound pack"?


    I'm guessing just a sound effect from a keyboard. You can buy keyboards now that have cows mooing, ducks quacking, rapper dudes going "yo," women giggling (and a lot of them have the Tom Sawyer thing, too).


    Patches are what they load onto the keyboards to make all the sounds.

    You load a patch and a certain key will trigger the giggle... or a cow mooing.. or a jet plane taking off... or Homer Simpson going "D'OH!"

    • Like 1
  8. I just listened to four of their seventies albums and went straight to 1996 Test For Echo (I still don't think that is Geddy's voice singing background).


    And I have to say that I am glad they got out of the seventies. That music was what we used to call "heavy" and it was perfect for its time. They had to move on. If they hadn't, they wouldn't be around today.


    And that they could move ahead musically without harming their popularity just goes to show how talented they are.


    Just my opinion.

    Sorry Lorraine, that is Geddy in the background!


    Are you absolutely positive? It doesn't even sound like him. It sounds like a woman. Who is that woman that sang on one of Rush's song background? Are you certain it isn't her doing that harmony?

    Aimee Mann did backup vocals on TSS, but it ain't her this time. Nope, that's pure Ged Man. It does sound a bit like a woman though


    That's a pretty high pitch.


    What part are you talking about? The "video vertigo" bit later in the song?


    I edited my comment that you quoted to include this:

    Just so we know we are talking about the same part of the song, it is when he sings "what a show - vertigo - video vertigo - test for echo - touch and go in slow mo" at about 2:40 and then it is at the end of the song too.


    On T4E it's all Geddy.. guaranteed.

    I met Peter Collins at the Nashville show last year and talked to him a lot about the albums he produced (T4E is one of them) and asked specifically about guest vocalists. The ONLY spot on any of the records he produced that has vocals other than Geddy is TSS.


    Hmmm...I assumed the female-sounding voice in Force 10 & Tai Shan was Aimee Mann as well.


    Nope, I asked about Force 10 specifically and he said absolutely not. The giggle is a random patch from a sound pack Andy Richards had on his keyboard... and the rest is Geddy. He made it perfectly clear that other than TSS there were no guest vocalists.

    Interesting. I'd love to know how they got "rising and falling" at the 2:43 mark to sound so much like a female.



    That's just playing with the pitch on the vocal track.

  9. I just listened to four of their seventies albums and went straight to 1996 Test For Echo (I still don't think that is Geddy's voice singing background).


    And I have to say that I am glad they got out of the seventies. That music was what we used to call "heavy" and it was perfect for its time. They had to move on. If they hadn't, they wouldn't be around today.


    And that they could move ahead musically without harming their popularity just goes to show how talented they are.


    Just my opinion.

    Sorry Lorraine, that is Geddy in the background!


    Are you absolutely positive? It doesn't even sound like him. It sounds like a woman. Who is that woman that sang on one of Rush's song background? Are you certain it isn't her doing that harmony?

    Aimee Mann did backup vocals on TSS, but it ain't her this time. Nope, that's pure Ged Man. It does sound a bit like a woman though


    That's a pretty high pitch.


    What part are you talking about? The "video vertigo" bit later in the song?


    I edited my comment that you quoted to include this:

    Just so we know we are talking about the same part of the song, it is when he sings "what a show - vertigo - video vertigo - test for echo - touch and go in slow mo" at about 2:40 and then it is at the end of the song too.


    On T4E it's all Geddy.. guaranteed.

    I met Peter Collins at the Nashville show last year and talked to him a lot about the albums he produced (T4E is one of them) and asked specifically about guest vocalists. The ONLY spot on any of the records he produced that has vocals other than Geddy is TSS.


    Hmmm...I assumed the female-sounding voice in Force 10 & Tai Shan was Aimee Mann as well.


    Nope, I asked about Force 10 specifically and he said absolutely not. The giggle is a random patch from a sound pack Andy Richards had on his keyboard... and the rest is Geddy. He made it perfectly clear that other than TSS there were no guest vocalists.

  10. I just listened to four of their seventies albums and went straight to 1996 Test For Echo (I still don't think that is Geddy's voice singing background).


    And I have to say that I am glad they got out of the seventies. That music was what we used to call "heavy" and it was perfect for its time. They had to move on. If they hadn't, they wouldn't be around today.


    And that they could move ahead musically without harming their popularity just goes to show how talented they are.


    Just my opinion.

    Sorry Lorraine, that is Geddy in the background!


    Are you absolutely positive? It doesn't even sound like him. It sounds like a woman. Who is that woman that sang on one of Rush's song background? Are you certain it isn't her doing that harmony?

    Aimee Mann did backup vocals on TSS, but it ain't her this time. Nope, that's pure Ged Man. It does sound a bit like a woman though


    That's a pretty high pitch.


    What part are you talking about? The "video vertigo" bit later in the song?


    I edited my comment that you quoted to include this:

    Just so we know we are talking about the same part of the song, it is when he sings "what a show - vertigo - video vertigo - test for echo - touch and go in slow mo" at about 2:40 and then it is at the end of the song too.


    On T4E it's all Geddy.. guaranteed.

    I met Peter Collins at the Nashville show last year and talked to him a lot about the albums he produced (T4E is one of them) and asked specifically about guest vocalists. The ONLY spot on any of the records he produced that has vocals other than Geddy is TSS.

    • Like 1
  11. Some of the best sounding Rush records had nothing to do with Terry Brown.



    Agree to disagree. I assume you mean that the newer records are the best sounding Rush.


    I whole heartedly disagree.


    No. I meant Power Windows and Grace Under Pressure. Counterparts was very clean. Am I talking about song quality? Not necessarily. Just the sound.


    VT-CA have not been produced or mixed to impress.


    Yes, but Terry wasn't just about the sound of the recording. Terry was way more. There is no way Terry would have let Geddy get away with some of the melody lines on the later albums or Alex's 12 guitar sound. He was the best they ever had.

    I agree he was their best producer, but I am glad they got rid of him. I'm happy with the music they created after his departure


    My point exactly.

    I wholeheartedly disagree.... :)

    It's not like Rush was all of the sudden going to make AFTK over and over again just because they kept Terry. They had already decided to change their direction, Terry obviously didn't know how to treat the new direction (see Signals), they had to ditch him


    For me signals was probably the last good album. I didn't like the direction they were moving after Moving Pictures, but the music was still really good. After signals it really didn't excite me any more and it still doesn't. So yes, I think Terry Brown had a huge influence on Rush's sound, even on the keyboard stuff. Once he was gone the band just stopped sounding like Rush, and they've never been able to recapture that.


    I agree with this. For those of us who got into Rush in the pre-Signals era, Rush had a certain sound and style, and each new album "made sense" in the context of that sound and style...you could trace a somewhat "logical" progression from the debut through Hemispheres. Certainly PeW and MP were deviations from that progression, but the changes still made sense in the bigger scheme, but starting with Signals, that band was gone -- what followed was still called Rush and still had the same members, but it wasn't the same band we'd grown to appreciate. Illusions were painfully shattered, I suppose.


    In some ways I'm envious of you younger fans who came to know Rush after they began to have a variety of styles to offer. The Rush we old folks came to know and love left the stage a long time ago.


    Please don't lump ALL fans that got into the band pre-Signals into the same group.

    My first show was on the PeW tour and for *me* Signals was a very logical progression when you consider how much more prevalent keys were on MP than on the album before. It was the next step and absolutely the same band.. and then P/g! PoW were progressions from that point. Still the same band.


    Just because YOU don't like the direction the band progressed into doesn't mean it's not the same band or that they're any worse because of the choices they made.

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