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Posts posted by JDL2112

  1. I won't conceal my answer with some type of statement like "I like all kinds of music, but my least favourite on the list is...."


    I'd rather hear a fork scratching across a chalk board for 3 straight hours than listen to a rap song for 2 minutes...


    no ambiguity in that answer eh? biggrin.gif


    2.gif The very best





  2. This is, without a doubt, the weirdest winter/spring yet...


    Got about 7 inches of snow yesterday...then it rained...then it hailed...


    it's been doing that for a week now...


    Just as a note...we didn't get 7 inches of snow in the last 3 years combined...what is up with this now??? wtf.gif


    2.gif 2.gif 2.gif 2.gif 2.gif

  3. http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q111/JDL2112/CharmSchool.jpg


    I am about half way through this book. It was written when the USSR was still active and the book speaks of a Charm School where Soviet spies are trained for years to ACT like Americans, so they can live in the USA and do thier spy thing.


    There are several sub-plots and it keeps you going all the time.


    It helps if you know and understand the USSR's treatment of the people, and the way the land lays in Moscow and the suburbs that surround the capitol.


    The only thing I can say about the book in a negative way is that it's not written real well actually. I'm a very poor reader, and it's very easy to read, if that helps.


    If you like Soviet era, USA v USSR type books, this one will do just fine!

  4. Breach


    I saw Breach last night...and before I saw it, I did something I don't usually do and read some viewers reviews.


    Most of the viewing public either gave it an A or and F. It didn't take long to figure out why...most of the "F" grade came from people who thought they were going to see a Bond movie...


    It wasn't a Bond movie...slow, little or no action, but the movie gets 2 thumbs up, 5 stars, A+ from me.


    If you haven't seen it yet, I won't spoil it, but keep this in mind as you are half way through the movie, and it feels like you are never going to see a car chase...you won't...this is movie based on a real person, and even though I don't know any spies, I can guess that this is a little bit MORE like what a spy did to the USA for 25 years...not blew up some DNA altering lab in Cuba or something like that...


    Want to see what a spy REALLY does...see Breach...if you want endless action and some thin plot that is not realistic...there's a Bond movie out!

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