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Posts posted by Fritter

  1. QUOTE (Choose/the/light @ Jun 14 2008, 08:53 PM)

    Who Stole My African Prayer Cap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! angry.gif



    "Seriously, I'm not stopping this drum solo till someone hands it back!"

  2. It was June 1991, you got excited at the imminent release of Paula Abdul's latest single, entitled 2.gif 2.gif



    Also, it once crossed your mind that Jennifer Rush might be some sort of sister-group or something.



    Annnd, when I was a boy I had a kayak that had racing numbers stickered onto the side of it - take a wild guess what they were?!

  3. Tricky...it was always ESL, for it's track listing mainly but somehow the slow tempos and excessive flanging always bothered me a bit. Then I got DS and pow, I was a rabid convert all over again!



    When I was at school, we used to laugh at the opening on ATWAS, imagining that the guy who said the introductory "Ladies and Gentlemen, will you please welcome home RUSH!" made the announcement on one of the onstage mics, so he had to run like hell to get off the stage because they start in so quickly! Ah, happy innocent days...

  4. My brain nearly asplode thinking about this, in the end I had to do it by discarding albums that had even one track that was less than ecstasy-inducing (sorry, MP: Vital Signs is your achilles' heel). Until I got it down to two: Hemispheres and Permanent Waves. Hemispheres won, but only because SOtR's clunky reggae section and the lyrics of Entre Nous - pretty weak I know, but that's baseball.


    Even after so many years, every time I listen to Hemispheres it's as thrilling as getting laid while bungee-jumping in space - or something wacko.gif

  5. Must've been around 1981, I was 13 and on a hiking trip in Wales organised by school and in the big hut/dorm we were in one night, a bunch of Older Boys were going nuts to something playing on a tiny portable cassette player that I'd never heard before (and I'd never seen headbanging before either, so the whole scene was pretty exotic and slightly scary!). All night the power and energy of it reverberated around my head, as well as the only fragment of lyric I'd been able to make out: "We are the Priests of .....something or other" . Luckily one of the older boys was nice enough to tell me the name of the band and that was it, I was off on a great adventure!
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