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Posts posted by souperconductor

  1. I'm with TexMike and JohnnyBlaze. A well-produced photo book with carefully edited text would be a fine addition to the collection.


    And hey, Carrie must have rubbed off on him - the photos must be getting better!

  2. I remember the first time I heard The Garden. Laugh if you will, but I said to myself, "it's their Stairway to Heaven."


    Something about that song is - at least to me - transcendent. I could never listen to it without getting a bit teary, and I'm someone who doesn't (or at least didn't) tear up easily.


    The day my son was killed by a drunk driver (November 2, 2013), I spontaneously played the track for everyone that was gathered at my house. Didn't say a word, just played it. Loud. For a room full of shell-shocked, broken-hearted people who were utterly lost.


    The silence in the room was incredible, right to the final cello fade out. My sister-in-law, not a Rush fan, was the first to speak. She said, "that song is Jon."


    In the journey to the new abnormal, that song has been a beacon for me. Can't listen to it without crying, and that's a good thing.


    I'm going to visit Jon's mom on the anniversary. We're going to play that song, likely several times, hold each other and truly understand the treasure of a life.

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  3. Speaking of concert etiquette, my pet peeve is for those scrims when the lads toss t-shirts. In Red Deer I was lucky enough to make a clean catch of a shirt tossed by Geddy. The absolute highlight of a wonderful evening. Pissant beside me snatches it from my two-hand grip and stuffs it in his shirt. That kind of thing just grinds my gears.
  4. Best performance I've seen from the lads, I thought even better than VT. Good, appreciative crowd, even if the pinhead to my left snaked the shirt I caught from Geddy.


    Liked the set list. Loved the mini-solos from Pratt. And I think Audrey is hotter than Adele. Just sayin'

  5. Happier with VIPNation. Just got an email yelling me my VIP seats were automatically transferred if I want. After some consideration (approx. a nanosecond) I responded in the positive. I suspect that's where a chunk of the floor seats went, depending on VIP package sales.


    A big relief, under the 'circumstances'...

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