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Alien Girl

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Posts posted by Alien Girl

  1. Just got back from seeing it. It was a fun movie but...as far as the book is concerned, the soundtrack, and considering Spielberg directed it it was, for lack of a better word, bland. Or dull. Or oatmeal, or, whatever...meh. Visually it was cool looking, but no better than a well executed computer animated show on Cartoon Network. Everything that I loved about the book (and that made it such a personal 'read' to me) Rush, Blade Runner, Max Headroom etc. didn't make the cut. I could even get past it leaving out all but the briefest cameo Rush image appearances (same one showed twice in different places), but the soundtrack itself and what did make the cut was just forgettable. Like I said, it was fun, but nothing special. Which is surprising considering the source material and who directed it.
    • Like 2
  2. And in the naked light I saw

    Ten thousand people, maybe more

    People talking without speaking

    People hearing without listening

    People writing songs that voices never share

    And no one dared

    Disturb the sound of silence

    • Like 5
  3. People of the earth, can you hear me?

    Came a voice from the sky on that magical night.

    And in the color of a thousand sunsets,

    they traveled through the world on a silvery light.


    The people of the earth stood waiting,

    watching as the ships came one by one.

    Setting fire to the sky as they landed,

    carrying to the world children of the sun.

    What great song.


    It is my absolute favorite. :heart:

    • Like 1
  4. Since this is in the Rush section, I wonder if the OP was just looking for lines from Rush tunes. Maybe I'm wrong.


    Yeah, I wasn't sure either...that's why I started w/ Rush then went from there.

    • Like 2
  5. He takes the good,

    He protests the bad,

    He makes a big stink and there you have The Rush Forum,

    The Rush Forum.


    When the fan world never seems

    to be living up to 78's dreams,

    then suddenly he's sobering up

    and finding out that TRF isn't just about him,

    ooooo oooo

    Not just about him.


    Ms. Garrett


    JB, you are the Tootie to my Mrs. Garrett.






    On a very special Facts of Life...


    *Gasp* NOT MARIJUANA!!!


    (wait'll she discovers alcohol.)


    I don't want to be Mrs. Garrett anymore. She's a buzzkill. Literally.

    • Like 1
  6. People of the earth, can you hear me?

    Came a voice from the sky on that magical night.

    And in the color of a thousand sunsets,

    they traveled through the world on a silvery light.


    The people of the earth stood waiting,

    watching as the ships came one by one.

    Setting fire to the sky as they landed,

    carrying to the world children of the sun.

    • Like 2
  7. Since I don't know what 'take it to the dome' means, though I assume it's some sort of sports metaphor (that or Thunder Dome reference, but even that doesn't make a whole lot of sense), I chose 'form a 3 piece band and try to make money from the memories in my head', because those are gold, pure gold.

    I think he means suicide by shot to the head.



    I'd rather it was a sports metaphor.

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