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Posts posted by caskof43

  1. I am optimistic that they will issue 40th anniversary versions of every Rush album moving forward (with the early albums getting the 50th anniversary treatment starting in 2024!), my only question is when. Hoping they can get Signals’ 40th squared away by early 2023 so we can get back on track (in terms of release year) with Grace Under Pressure in 2024. 

    All of this is especially important to me as I first saw Rush in 1983 between the Signals and GUP tours during their sold out 5 night run at Radio City Music Hall (with Marillion opening!). I was 13 and it completely blew my mind. 😊

  2. Listening to Vital Signs live on this recording leaves zero doubt in my mind that Terry Brown was Rush’s greatest producer by far. The sounds, engineering and production are so much richer under his guidance it’s tragic that he didn’t remain on board (or return at some point).


    On a side note, the release of this track has me excited for what a 40th anniversary edition of Signals might hold.

    • Like 1
  3. I have a hunch that they’re going to do this for all of their albums. The audience (and $$$) are there, so why not? GUP was the first Rush album that came out after my first Rush concert at Radio City Music Hall in NYC in 1983 (where they debuted 3 songs from GUP!). I remember how thrilled I was to buy that album and would be excited all over again to get the 40th anniversary edition!


    Aren’t we fortunate to have such a passionate, obsessed group of peers as Rush fans? ������

    Sure, but once you get past the mid-80s, how many people do you think are going to want to pay $200 for a deluxe box set of, say, Presto? Probably not even a large number of people who post on here. Certainly not enough to justify the expense of making it.


    If I could wave my magic wand! ������

  4. I REALLY hope Signals doesn’t get pushed back to 2023!


    Super Deluxe Boxed Set Pre-Ordered.


    Please do this for Signals too!!!!!!


    Full Show.....take my money.


    On both CD and Vinyl!!!!!!


    And we got a 5.1 Atmos Surround mix? YES!!!!!

    It is amazingly good news. I thought this wasn't gonna happen.

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  5. I'm surprised no one sought this out and shared any photos yet. It looks like people have been receiving their preorders in the mail over the last week for Hugh Syme's "The Art Of Rush: Second Edition" book. When it was announced months ago, it was stated that this edition has a new section added specifically for the recent 40th Anniversary artworks. I've long been curious if it'd contain anything for Moving Pictures, so I asked someone on Reddit who received their copy if they could check if it features any new art, and it does! It features what seems will be the main box/sleeve art, as well as the indivudual art that represents each song, as per previous 40th releases.


















    All credit goes to Reddit user vomviersen for taking these photos.

    AWESOME!!! :dweez:
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