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Posts posted by pasqua

  1. On 9/10/2022 at 9:15 PM, Bahamas said:


    Think as much as you like about it. His writing often had multi-meanings into things. Sarcasm, sentimentality, frustration - and then he would make a point of explaining why he wrote something.

    You have the words in front of you, I have read it all a couple of times but don't know why, exactly, he wrote any of it per-say.

    But something that comes to mind is, it may have been a point of geography when he learned terrible news during previous travels. And perhaps Michael (boy, how they loved to banter!) should have known better, but I am on Michael's side. It must have taken a lot to consider all the thoughts and reactions Neil had during travels around the world. 

    Personally, I think to really understand a lot of what Neil wrote you need to keep a running journal of entries for cross-referencing. I think he really did pay that much attention to what he wrote.

    Thanks so much for that reply. I think you're absolutely right, he took his writing very seriously and chose every word carefully. I really wish his unpublished China book would get released someday!

  2. In Far and Wide, Neil mentions that, on the day they rode from Seattle to Portland (7/20/2015), Mike Mosbach (his riding partner) "forgot to turn over the map," which led to something Neil calls "Heartbreak Day." He chooses not to go into any detail in the book about it, and based on what he does say, despite a touch of humor, he seems truly frustrated by what happened. Does anyone know more about this story?


    Here is what he wrote:



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  3. Thanks so much for your replies!


    A trend I've noticed is that you post random questions once in a blue moon about subjects pertaining to the R30: 30th Anniversary World Tour video.


    Hopefully you can be more active and contribute something to the forum.


    Uncharacteristically mean spirited of you RFF. Honestly I think we don't get enough new Rush threads anymore (though I'm very guilty of perpetuating the problem by making non-Rush threads every day). The fact that he's asking anything at all is positive for discussion, not to mention this is an interesting question.


    And on top of all that, while technically a trend needs a minimum of two data points, I think it's a bit premature to talk about trends of someone who has, as of this writing, a total of four posts, two of which are in this thread.


    pasqua, you go right on asking questions.


    Thanks a lot my friend, I truly appreciate that. Unlike some, you seem like a friendly and welcoming guy.

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  4. I just read Roadshow for the 1st time, and Neil mentions being very upset at himself for a mistake he made during the R30 intro medley that appears on the DVD. I've listened & watched it quite a bit and haven't noticed any mistake. Has anyone here noticed it?



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