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Posts posted by rushlady2112

  1. I hate this venue as well, mostly because of the traffic jams entering and exiting the show. You're really screwed because there is only one way out, and you can't park elsewhere unless you want to walk 1-2 miles.


    Anyway, I'll be wearing whatever fits at the time. I'm pregnant with twins and will be pretty easy to spot! I might design a shirt that says "Future Rush Fans" with an arrow pointing to the twins! I also have the Man in Star/2112 tattoo on my leg as well.

  2. QUOTE (rocketom @ Jul 16 2010, 03:28 PM)
    Def Leppard, seriously, when they tour it's usually a package tour. I think they toured with Journey last year along with somebody else.

    Def Leppard toured with Journey about 4 years ago. Journey toured last year with Night Ranger. I forgot who Leppard was with.

  3. Here is mine on my inner left ankle/leg. As you can see, it is a blue man in star with the circle, and on the top it says Rush, below it, it says 2112! It's about 4 inches high and 2.5 inches wide.http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs238.snc1/8517_1274010650637_1241058395_30840373_439918_n.jpg
  4. It wouldn't stop me from attending the shows or respecting the boys. However, I have always admired Rush for being authentic musicians, who showcase their true talent, virtually free of gimmicks and pre-recorded voices. Technology is great, and I would love to hear the high notes again, but I would rather hear it from Geddy himself, and if he can't do it anymore, so be it.
  5. Funny you should ask. My son is 3 years old and he is slowly being groomed to become part of the next generation of Rush fans (maybe the 3rd?).

    But honestly, that's still too young. Since they are playing long shows, it's probably too much for a toddler to stay in one place. My opinion is to wait until around the age of 6, at the earliest.

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