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Posts posted by WildKineticDreams

  1. Man, some people's idea of dark is really tame. Subdivisions? Really? None of you have ever heard The Wall from Pink Floyd before? Have a listen to Dirt from Alice In Chains and then tell us what dark is.


    Sorry, but Rush isn't that dark. They've dabbed into on occasion but nothing too deep.

    Calm down, the question is what is the darkest Rush album, not is Rush a dark band that plays dark songs. Plenty of people have heard The Wall, Alice In Chains, and are aware of what dark music sounds like, doesn't mean Rush doesn't have their darker and moody moments. Subdivisions is dark for a Rush song, listen to those synths that really set an uneasy mood.

  2. It's gotta be Grace Under Pressure for sure. It was right in the middle of the synth era and the lyrics and music are a product of the time. Signals is dark but not as dark, Power Windows definitely has a warmer, brighter sound, etc.


    Besides Losing It which I think is more sad than dark, what on Signals is dark? The Weapon maybe?


    I think it's the overall production of Signals that makes it dark for me anyway. Subdivisions is clearly dark. Also The Analog Kid and Chemistry sound kinda dark in spots.

  3. It's gotta be Grace Under Pressure for sure. It was right in the middle of the synth era and the lyrics and music are a product of the time. Signals is dark but not as dark, Power Windows definitely has a warmer, brighter sound, etc.
  4. Test For Echo is a really forgettable album. It's in my personal bottom 5. Not their worst, I actually enjoy cuts like Driven and Cut away the stone. But I also have to say that Dog Years and Virtuality are two of the worst songs they've ever written. It's a bad cut.
  5. Rush- Take A Friend

    Fly By Night- Rivendell

    Caress Of Steel- I Think I'm Going Bald

    2112- Tears

    A Farewell To Kings- Cinderella Man

    Hemispheres- Circumstances

    Permanent Waves- Entre Nous

    Moving Pictures- Witch Hunt

    Signals- Countdown

    Grace Under Pressure- Red Lenses

    Power Windows- Emotion Detector

    Hold Your Fire- Tai Shan

    Presto- Superconducter

    Roll The Bones- Neurotica

    Counterparts- Nobody's Hero

    Test For Echo- Virtuality

    Vapor Trails- Sweet Miracle

    Snakes and Arrows- Armor and Sword

    Clockwork Angels- Halo Effect


  6. You know, I have to listen to this one again, and really the whole thing cause it's probably a top 5 album. However, Circumstances was always my least favorite part of the Hemispheres album. It just didn't click with me like the others, but I am eager to listen to the whole album soon and will see if my opinions change.
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  7. It's gotta be Power Windows, it just speaks to me slightly more than Signals or Grace Under Pressure, although those two are very very close behind. With Power Windows they really mastered the implementation of the synths and it boasts some of the best of Neil's lyrics. I'm a bit mixed on Hold Your Fire, it has some good tracks but it's a little uneven.
  8. Rush to me is the perfect example of honesty and integrity in music. They have always stuck to their guns and made the kind of music they wanted. They don't belong in a hall of fame or anything of the sort because they are above all that nonsense. For years critics and the industry have attacked Rush while they've been just doing their own thing and making great music. Then years later they want to induct them into their little pointless club? It's stupid.
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