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Posts posted by Bigbobby10

  1. Jacobs Ladder to me was the odd one of that album. It was different than the other songs on the album. Thats a big reason why i like this song.


    The rifts on the guitar are amazing, The slow keyboard solos, and the jams they do on that song are also big reasons why i like this song.


    I think the whole song together fits perfectly with the album

    • Like 2
  2. The only flaw with Different Strings is that they cut Alex's outro solo wayyyyyyyyy too early.


    That maybe would have been my favorite of the album if the didnt just stop it. Just like BU2B2

  3. Alrighty.



    Caress of Steel - BigBobby

    ATWAS - Narps and Troutman

    Hemispheres - EagleMoon and KennyLee

    Permanent Waves - John Rogers

    Signals - Lorraine :madra:

    Hold Your Fire - Blue J and Geddy's Soul Patch

    Presto - Mick and Segue

    Clockwork Angels - Canadianice


    Thank you for keeping track of this

    • Like 1
  4. I can see maybe why people dont like fly by night (I love it but)


    Caress of Steel I think is just a masterpiece.


    But what Narps said, a lot of people unfortunately a lot of people dont like Fly by night Or Caress of Steel (Even Rush doesnt like it)

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  5. I dont think so, they just played it so much they wanted to take a break.


    Like Limelight, they didnt play that song on almost all concerts during CA tour I believe, maybe they just wanted a break for now

  6. I'm not understanding the no love for Circumstances thing. Fargin' great tune, with a cool riff, great bassline locking in with the drums, a passionate vocal performance, and a melodic little interlude. What's not to totally, totally, totally love there?


    Circumstances is my second favorite of the album, short, but strong

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