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Posts posted by Music746605

  1. As an audiophile, I like extra bits of quality, when using iTunes, it seems to make all music sound the same, regardless of the bitrate. But when I'm on Foobar2000, I can tell if there is a quality difference. I listen to a 192kbps version on Clockwork Angels, and compare it to a 320kbps version of the same album on iTunes and, eh, who cares? But when in Foobar2000, the difference is much more noticable to me. Somethings, the things about these remasters that people dislike is the fact that they often change little parts that most people couldn't care less about, and some people freak out over. I've used this as an example before, but inn the Vapor Trails remaster, the used live audio from the song Ghost rider for the chorus, and I always notice it and it freaks me out. It's all your ears and your preference. How much you care if you care at all.
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  2. I went for Vapor Trails, the tour had very few songs from the album which was dissapointing. They played Ceiling Unlimited in rotation for Ghost Rider, but it never saw an offiicial release, there were so many great songs, it they had done that tour like Clockwork Angels, I would have loved it. I want them to revisit the material, but I get that it's a tough thing to do because of the emotions in the album.
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  3. They're getting old, but they keep giving us what we want, it's stupid to be so overly critical. There are always people out there that are going to be overly critical. At the end of the day, there is such a strong fan base, I think it's just getting to his head, they all need a bit of a break. I'm almost certain after 40 years, as long as they can pick up their instruments, they'll be doing something Rush related. Long live Rush!
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  4. 1.) Vapor Trails - Some of my all time favorites are on this album, with the remix it just got better. Also with fan remixes, the sound quality is not an issue. It's a great album.

    2.) Counterparts - All songs on this album are awesome, this is the one Rush album that's on my phone, and has some of my favorites to drum to.

    3.) Test for Echos - I can't stand how much hate this album gets, I love so many songs on this album and I really love the tour they went on for this album.

    4.) Clockwork Angels - Still an amzing album, seeing it live was breath taking, not to mention I got to do it twice! This album will go down in the books as one of the best.

    5.) Snakes and Arrows - I don't even dislike this album, it was my first ever Rush album, and I have great memories from it, it's just the one with the songs that stick with me the least, all 5 of these albums are great, and I could listen to them for ever. Long live Rush!

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  5. How's the sound? I listened to it on Pandora Premieres, and the audio quality wasn't as good as I was hoping. I'm seeing it theators tomorrow, but I just wanted to know if it was Pandora, or just sub-par sound quality. I really want a nice good sound Rush album again! :syrinx:


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