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Posts posted by Lerxst6

  1. Just wondering if any of my fellow guitarists have heard or tried out this pedal?




    Just noticed that they are selling these now. I can't seem to find much in the way of soundclips or anything. Looks sort of like a King of Tone type with an overdrive and then a lead boost in one pedal.


    Looks like they make all sorts of modulation pedals too - Alex loves his chorus and flanges - not sure if he used them from DLS or not.

  2. Well none of them have said "Rush is done" and that's a good thing. They will all continue to work on something creative. Neil's writing, Alex producing, Ged solo project or film scoring? They may not even know yet. I've read a few interviews with Alex discussing how much he loves playing acoustics, alternate tuned guitars, etc. I think a solo instrumental from him would be great. And Neil aside it seems Alex and Geddy don't spend too much time apart, so maybe they would do something together without Neil - it certainly wouldn't be Rush but would still be interesting.


    And we hope they will eventually reconvene as Rush again. I think they will. Ray Danniels thinks they will too. Read an interview where Ray said it would be impossible to get 65 yr olds out on tour, and I think that's true - both for health reasons and it seems they are all active with their families, not just Neil having a young kid.


    Tours may be done, but I really think they will still write and record. Maybe they do 5 song EPs instead of full albums? Or just a few songs here and there.


    Safe to say we won't know for a while though.

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