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Posts posted by sassybaskets

  1. Oh hello all. Long time lurker, first time poster, etc. etc. etc. I thought I'd share a dream I had a couple nights ago. I dreamt I was the tour manager (or publicist, something like that) for Rush, back in the 80s, c. Permanent Waves, and there was a booking fiasco that resulted in the band and crew having to crash at some random house for a night. Well, there was only one couch available, and the band, being the gentlemen they are, offered it to me. So, I go to sleep, unknowing that throughout the course of my career with the band, Alex Lifeson had fallen desperately in love with me. I woke up (in the dream) to find Lerxst had fallen asleep on the ground next to me, his head in my lap, his hand holding mine. Suffice to say that there were swoons galore.


    And then I woke up from the dream. fists%20crying.gif

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