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Three Eyes

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Posts posted by Three Eyes

  1. ^^^ That's the way I see it, too. Signals was the first record in a string of four that came to be known as keyboard era Rush and it's quite a bit different from anything Rush did before it. It was such a ballsy overhaul in sound and style, (and right after the uber successful MP, no less) that it's in Neil Young and Todd Rundgren territory in terms of saying, "f**k what we were doing before, here's what we're doing now. Take it or leave it."
    • Like 3
  2. AFAIK, FJ hasn't announced anything regarding the board since it went down again. It was never really fully functional to begin with when it was back up. I hesitate to bother him about it again. I'm sure he's a busy guy and effed up message boards can be a headache to deal with. Has anyone contacted him recently?
  3. They just bitches, thinking they somebody.


    I'd address all your vitriol but I'd have to slam 20 beers to write at your reading level.

    Ah, reread that. I'd say 20 malt liquors, I suggest Colt 45.


    Ah you're dumb and racist. That's adorable.

    You played the racist card real fast. That how you guys roll there, shut it down fast?


    Not in the least, although they do have their version of Gabe. Hell, may even be the same person.


    Who's Gabe? I hope I'm not CP's version of some f**k named Gabe. lol.


    He's taking it too f***ing personally. How would I know if he's actually racist. That's between him and his god. But he stepped in it by bringing up Colt 45 and I just went with what felt like a natural response. :) We're not having a serious talk here. This is a burn session.

    There is only one true god, Zelix. I'm pretty damn sure he doesn't spread his solid gold awesomeness or inlightenment at Counterparts.


    Zelix knows to steer clear of CP. His "inlightenment" would get spell checked by the Brits.

  4. They just bitches, thinking they somebody.


    I'd address all your vitriol but I'd have to slam 20 beers to write at your reading level.

    Ah, reread that. I'd say 20 malt liquors, I suggest Colt 45.


    Ah you're dumb and racist. That's adorable.

    You played the racist card real fast. That how you guys roll there, shut it down fast?


    Haha. Keep trying.

    Try nothing. I just want to know is the bad ass biker bar just a bunch of PC snowflakes?


    We're a bunch of snowflakes who actually have a religious forum and don't have a swear filter nanny.

    • Like 2
  5. They just bitches, thinking they somebody.


    I'd address all your vitriol but I'd have to slam 20 beers to write at your reading level.

    Ah, reread that. I'd say 20 malt liquors, I suggest Colt 45.


    Ah you're dumb and racist. That's adorable.

    You played the racist card real fast. That how you guys roll there, shut it down fast?


    Not in the least, although they do have their version of Gabe. Hell, may even be the same person.


    Who's Gabe? I hope I'm not CP's version of some f**k named Gabe. lol.


    He's taking it too f***ing personally. How would I know if he's actually racist. That's between him and his god. But he stepped in it by bringing up Colt 45 and I just went with what felt like a natural response. :) We're not having a serious talk here. This is a burn session.

    • Like 1
  6. They just bitches, thinking they somebody.


    I'd address all your vitriol but I'd have to slam 20 beers to write at your reading level.

    Ah, reread that. I'd say 20 malt liquors, I suggest Colt 45.


    Ah you're dumb and racist. That's adorable.

    You played the racist card real fast. That how you guys roll there, shut it down fast?


    Haha. Keep trying.

    • Like 1
  7. The Brits and the Bored Crew made CP a formidable place to try and f**k with.


    The Brits did and still do to a degree. The Bored crew (I'm guessing you're referring to the self-titled D5) were reasonable members, if a little rascally, up until one day they decided to go full attention whore and start trashing the board with wanton glee. My experience on CP with troll clique outbreaks like that one is that they're pushing the admins as far as they'll go and burning as many bridges as possible with the full intention of getting banned. For whatever reason, they've decided they're finished with the board and want to go out in a blaze of glory, so to speak, with the added bonus of getting to pretend they're victims for being banned. Then I'm guessing in they're minds and the minds of their fans they've reached some sort of legendary status. The reality is that once the board is rid of them they are pretty much forgotten about in a week.


    Biker bar? Sounds like a group of bored teen boys


    I always thought the biker bar thing was silly. I make fun of it. I think we got named that by Roody or one of his buddies.


    As far as the teen boys thing goes, a lot of trolls act like them and actually are them. I don't think proper socialization can take place on the web.

  8. In its heyday CP was the place to be. Endless hilarity and good times for those who could hold their own there (not everyone could). Now it's a ghost town w/ tumbleweeds rolling down the street, and a small hand full of people who absolutely refuse to leave the dilapidated saloon bar for more lively pastures. If it's finally and truly dead it's been a long time coming. RIP Counterparts...you were dead to most of us a long time ago.


    Jesus. You're nice. I like CP better as a smaller board. We have a good crew of smart people over there. Much less casual meanness in the vein of your post.

  9. The Brits and the Bored Crew made CP a formidable place to try and f**k with.


    The Brits did and still do to a degree. The Bored crew (I'm guessing you're referring to the self-titled D5) were reasonable members, if a little rascally, up until one day they decided to go full attention whore and start trashing the board with wanton glee. My experience on CP with troll clique outbreaks like that one is that they're pushing the admins as far as they'll go and burning as many bridges as possible with the full intention of getting banned. For whatever reason, they've decided they're finished with the board and want to go out in a blaze of glory, so to speak, with the added bonus of getting to pretend they're victims for being banned. Then I'm guessing in their minds and the minds of their fans they've reached some sort of legendary status. The reality is that once the board is rid of them they are pretty much forgotten about in a week.

    • Like 1
  10. Slandering the band and it's management is also frowned upon in these parts. I'm sure that if I went on one of my Bricking Rants, or started talking about Suckfest 75' (COS), I'd be out on my fracking ass.


    You've already said too much aaaannnd you are reported.

    You clowns know nothing of our ways. We slander Neil all the time here. Some more, some less, those that complain get bitch slapped. Next is Ray Daniels who also gets some. We don't slander Alex or Geddy...that's cray-cray stupid. BTW Starbuck is a MAN!


    Look at you Mormons acting all tough while the cool neighbors are over. As soon as we leave it'll be this...



    • Like 3
  11. Not sure I've ever even heard Life on Mars before. Not the biggest Bowie fan because his singing voice drives me nuts but I like 2 or 3 of his songs. ADITL for me. Hell just the ending piano chord alone pretty much beats LoM, imo. It's just a beautiful, dreamy, melancholy, angsty, timeless, culturally significant song. Consider also that it was written in early '67. It's one of the songs that helped rock 'n' roll grow up. LoM arguably wouldn't exist in its present form without ADITL.


    Bowie owes tons to The Beatles yes, and LoM especially takes pretty generously from The Beatles’ songwriting sensibility. It’s very fair to say Bowie would not have written it without having first heard many Beatles’ songs, ADITL undoubtably included.


    That said, it’s still my fav Bowie cut and tops ADITL for me. Maybe Here Comes The Sun would beat it for me.


    I give preference to my favorite songs too. At the end of the day we're really just showing favoritism for the song that's more moving to us and then trying to argue why we think it's the superior song.


    Also. I may have come off as dismissive of Bowie in my post, I actually think he's a great artist and his 70s output places him in the pantheon of the greats, imo. He injected a boldly artistic vision into pop and rock. That said, I can find some of his music kind of pretentious but that's hard to escape entirely for any deeply artistic musician. One obit for him said, and I paraphrase, that his entire career was like one big art installation. That's a nice way of putting it, I think.

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  12. Let me preface this by saying I really don't know a lot about how TRF is run by its admins on a daily basis. Light touch? Heavy handed? Somewhere in-between? Probably a light touch, I'm guessing, with a like-minded, self-policing membership. I also want to say I've mostly been just screwing around in this thread if that's not already obvious,


    I don't presume to speak for other CPers. This is all just my opinion.


    If TRF wants to be a safe haven from trolls, more power to them. They can run it anyway they see fit. But there's a difference between a permissive posting environment, which CP employs, and simply letting trolls run roughshod over your board.


    I can't stand trolls either. But since CP has traditionally promoted free speech it's been sometimes, in the past, a tough call on what's acceptable speech and what's straight up abuse. It can be even tougher when a debate erupts amongst the membership on what actually constitutes trolling when a purported trolling event occurs. Spamming multiple threads, randomly insulting members without cause, making threats, defaming someone's character are all grounds for banning in my book if the behavior takes place on a continual basis. That said. there is a greater permissiveness in our political forum for insults to fly but only a few current members engage each other in this way nowadays and there seems to be an understanding that the insults stay in politics and not spill over into the general threads. So this is not considered trolling on our board. It can even be fun to witness these back-and-forths and you get the sense they're putting on a show for us. They're awfully good at what they do. lol.


    CP ain't perfect admittedly and free speech ain't always pretty. Past real trolls have often played the free speech card in an attempt to take advantage of CP's permissiveness. It can be especially difficult on an admin when a clique of formerly upstanding members turns against the board for some imagined slight or no slight at all and starts trolling the board in, what seems to me, a weird hive-mindededness and in an often very take no prisoners way. How long do you let members who were friendly perhaps just the day before continue this kind of behavior before hitting the ban button? It's a tough call. You hope they return to being civil but sometimes they don't. And understand these member-turned-trolls often still have a lot of friends and allies on the board lobbying for them so it can start becoming a very politically divisive thing that can actually lead to years long tension among the remaining members. And to this day there still could be differing opinions on who the actual trolls were during our hostile intra-community outbreaks.


    Our Brit-trolls, on the other hand, who cheekily own that title, are not actual trolls. They can be tenacious, suffer-no-fools debaters, are often contrarian, and tend to abhor fanboyism. They will criticize the band's music and the band itself as much as they please, thank you very much. But none of this is what actual trolls do because there's usually a thought-out reason for their criticisms. At one time, I'll admit they weren't everyone's cup o' tea but, dare I say it, they've mellowed quite a bit over the years.


    The rest of the membership is not a lot different than you guys, really. CP is a lot smaller now and that's helped us a lot when it comes to us getting along with each other. General assholeishness is way down. :blush: But we still like a bit of edginess, memeyness, and a little bit of just-for-fun ball-busting in our posting style but, hey, I bet this board is no stranger to that stuff either. And while we think it's perfectly fine to criticize Rush and their music, no one should be mindlessly spamming every thread with it. You really are a troll in that case.


    But I love that CP has always had a light touch with the ban button and censorship. The freedom we've had over the years has been worth the strife, imo. We're not as young as we used to be so I reckon most of us don't want to involve ourselves in flame wars anyway. Outside the politics forum, we mainly just engage in a lot of cheekiness.


    CP still might not be for everyone but I'm hoping this helps to dispel the myth that we're all just jerks.




    Speak for yourself, c***sucker. :eyeroll:


    I did, dummy.


    What, just because you used words like "I'm"? Put your hat back on, "we're" tired of looking at your third eye. :finbar:


    So much for the olive branch but I guess you're bound to come up against at least one toothless, dumb, mean, squinty-eyed yokal when trying out a new board. :)




    I don't presume to speak for other CPers. This is all just my opinion.
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  13. Not sure I've ever even heard Life on Mars before. Not the biggest Bowie fan because his singing voice drives me nuts but I like 2 or 3 of his songs. ADITL for me. Hell just the ending piano chord alone pretty much beats LoM, imo. It's just a beautiful, dreamy, melancholy, angsty, timeless, culturally significant song. Consider also that it was written in early '67. It's one of the songs that helped rock 'n' roll grow up. LoM arguably wouldn't exist in its present form without ADITL.
  14. Let me preface this by saying I really don't know a lot about how TRF is run by its admins on a daily basis. Light touch? Heavy handed? Somewhere in-between? Probably a light touch, I'm guessing, with a like-minded, self-policing membership. I also want to say I've mostly been just screwing around in this thread if that's not already obvious,


    I don't presume to speak for other CPers. This is all just my opinion.


    If TRF wants to be a safe haven from trolls, more power to them. They can run it anyway they see fit. But there's a difference between a permissive posting environment, which CP employs, and simply letting trolls run roughshod over your board.


    I can't stand trolls either. But since CP has traditionally promoted free speech it's been sometimes, in the past, a tough call on what's acceptable speech and what's straight up abuse. It can be even tougher when a debate erupts amongst the membership on what actually constitutes trolling when a purported trolling event occurs. Spamming multiple threads, randomly insulting members without cause, making threats, defaming someone's character are all grounds for banning in my book if the behavior takes place on a continual basis. That said. there is a greater permissiveness in our political forum for insults to fly but only a few current members engage each other in this way nowadays and there seems to be an understanding that the insults stay in politics and not spill over into the general threads. So this is not considered trolling on our board. It can even be fun to witness these back-and-forths and you get the sense they're putting on a show for us. They're awfully good at what they do. lol.


    CP ain't perfect admittedly and free speech ain't always pretty. Past real trolls have often played the free speech card in an attempt to take advantage of CP's permissiveness. It can be especially difficult on an admin when a clique of formerly upstanding members turns against the board for some imagined slight or no slight at all and starts trolling the board in, what seems to me, a weird hive-mindededness and in an often very take no prisoners way. How long do you let members who were friendly perhaps just the day before continue this kind of behavior before hitting the ban button? It's a tough call. You hope they return to being civil but sometimes they don't. And understand these member-turned-trolls often still have a lot of friends and allies on the board lobbying for them so it can start becoming a very politically divisive thing that can actually lead to years long tension among the remaining members. And to this day there still could be differing opinions on who the actual trolls were during our hostile intra-community outbreaks.


    Our Brit-trolls, on the other hand, who cheekily own that title, are not actual trolls. They can be tenacious, suffer-no-fools debaters, are often contrarian, and tend to abhor fanboyism. They will criticize the band's music and the band itself as much as they please, thank you very much. But none of this is what actual trolls do because there's usually a thought-out reason for their criticisms. At one time, I'll admit they weren't everyone's cup o' tea but, dare I say it, they've mellowed quite a bit over the years.


    The rest of the membership is not a lot different than you guys, really. CP is a lot smaller now and that's helped us a lot when it comes to us getting along with each other. General assholeishness is way down. :blush: But we still like a bit of edginess, memeyness, and a little bit of just-for-fun ball-busting in our posting style but, hey, I bet this board is no stranger to that stuff either. And while we think it's perfectly fine to criticize Rush and their music, no one should be mindlessly spamming every thread with it. You really are a troll in that case.


    But I love that CP has always had a light touch with the ban button and censorship. The freedom we've had over the years has been worth the strife, imo. We're not as young as we used to be so I reckon most of us don't want to involve ourselves in flame wars anyway. Outside the politics forum, we mainly just engage in a lot of cheekiness.


    CP still might not be for everyone but I'm hoping this helps to dispel the myth that we're all just jerks.




    Speak for yourself, c***sucker. :eyeroll:


    I did, dummy.

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  15. Anyone got a linky to that 11 page CP thread on here, please? I can't find it.


    Here it is. Okay probably not board war level hate but many of the posts pretty much depict us as assholes. It's actually kind of funny. Tony R makes some good posts defending us but he was mostly preaching to deaf ears. Other TRFers were cool too though so it's not a total bash-fest. Hell, for our size back then I thought our admins did a pretty good job managing the rebel rousing especially when compared to the rest of the Internet during those wilder west days. (That is except when Ken and Julie would intentionally release super troll Oax onto the board just for shits and giggles. lol.)



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