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Posts posted by ShlappinDahBass

  1. Hello all who read this! I'm new to the forums so I wanted to introduce myself. My name is Austin and I hail from Grand Rapids, Michigan. Born on June 2nd, 93'. I have just started listening to Rush my sophomore year of High School (about 3 years from now). I would love to share my story with you all of how much these guys have changed my life with my case of Aspergers but I'll save that for another day. I'm already boring you all just by enough introducing myself. I will probably be sounding like a cliche fan...


    Let me just start by how excited I am that I have finally found as big of Rush fanatics as me. I have been immensely teased and made fun of through my High School career for how much I love these guys. And it honestly really sucked because NO ONE else has shared the same passion as I do with these guys. Now I finally found a massive group.


    But yes, a massive Rush fan. There hasn't been a day that has gone by where I don't even listen to more than an albums worth. My favorites would have to be Fly By Night, 2112, Hemispheres, Moving Pictures, Grace Under Pressure, Counterparts, Snakes and Arrows, and I have amazingly high hopes for Clockwork Angels (since it's my first album they'll be releasing since I got into them).


    Craziest thing is that I haven't even found a song I actually dislike from these guys. Just knowing their background and how hard they've worked is amazing enough for me to appreciate every song they make. Only song I personally have an issue with is Dog Years in their Test for Echos album, but it's not worthy of skipping, in my opinion.


    I will be attending my first ever Rush concert at the Detroit show this September with my dad. I am SO pumped. He told me that their concerts are the best he has ever been to.


    I don't know about you guys, but already by listening to the 3 singles from Clockwork Angels, this album is going to be full of so much insanity and talent. Ged's voice even sounds amazing.


    I've been practicing the bass for about 1-2 years now. Slowly getting used it and playing it more now that Ged is a maaassive inspiration to me. My dad also plays the drums, so we sometimes have jam sessions. Pretty fun.


    Any who, hope this was a proper introduction. Rock hard Rush fans. Hope to get to know you all in the near future. And with that, I leave you this cat....



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