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Posts posted by Thrak

  1. Animate: my intro criticisms of Rush on that page were meant to acknowledge some of the things that mainstream critics held against them, particularly in the lyrics (the themes of which I personally endorse). As for the observation of Rush not being very improvisational, that was just a personal admission and one I noted as being unfair. They are one of my favorite groups and embody so much that has been sadly eradicated in pop culture.


    Anyway, I linked the page to share my thoughts on Clockwork Angels without pasting the whole thing into one post, and I hope my enthusiasm for their latest work comes through.



  2. After my giddy first impressions of CA and a couple months digesting it, I finally wrote a review (toward the end of the page linked below). In a nutshell, CA is the 'best of both worlds' for me - Rush staying true to themselves and not turning back as players or writers, yet they obviously consulted their past for permission to make more than just another collection of songs. I'm still truly excited by some of the tracks (Caravan, Angels, 7 Cities, Garden) and find the whole program a more fulfilling listen than anything since Grace. This despite some horrid mixing. Anyway:



  3. Neil called the lyrics "doggerel" somewhere down the line, but they make a particular point, one that most rock critics are bound by oath to dismiss. I've often been amused at how strongly some people object to The Trees - tells me more about them than Peart's allegorical whimsy. smile.gif



  4. QUOTE (DistantEarlyRushFan @ Mar 25 2012, 11:11 PM)
    Only qualm I have is that I accept Fly By Night as classic.


    I think FBN is very good and can be seen as classic, but revisiting all those albums via the Sector sets, it struck me as a transitional album, or a re-beginning with expanded ambitions. For what it's worth, I listen to it as much as the other early titles.


    Thanks for the comments everyone.


  5. Greetings all. I've been lurking here a bit since my Rush enthusiasm re-peaked with the Sector boxes and recent viewings of Peart's Taking Center Stage DVD. Also excited about the forthcoming album, if only because I like "Caravan" so much. Anyway, I've got some Rush reviews online that some folks here might enjoy, even if our opinions differ. Upfront, I'll say that my favorite records are Permanent Waves, Moving Pics, and Signals (their best sequence in my view), though I dig other efforts in their own ways. Hope to pitch more into this forum once Clockwork Angels is out.



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