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Posts posted by Samm'sTestforEcho

  1. I first will apologize for not immediately updating you on how everything went. i had the flu the week before Marathon, had Marathon, mid-terms, and recently spring break. But, Miracle's final total was...................................................





    yes. That is $321,000 for the kids. I was awarded the highest individual fundraising award with a total of around $4200. hat is amazing. I could not have done it without you. Every single person who donated made it possible for Miracle to save lives. I can't express what it ment to me to be ale to say it was RUSH fans who helped me raise my total. No one believed me when I told them how it happened. You guys are amazing. Thanks to the guys for inspiring such awesome fans.


    I am proud to be a RUSH fan. nothing beats it.


    peace, love, and 2.gif



  2. I am amazed by all of this. My personal goal is $4000. It would be half of my committee's current total and is approximately the cost of a week of outpatient chemo at children's. It make me think back to when I was sick and how much it helped not having to cover a lot my the cost of my treatments, which added up. It's just been a whirlwind an I am so greatful. To you and to Alex, geddy, and Neil for really having such a huge impact on my life.
  3. Dear Friends,


    I wish that I could put into words what I am feeling. I never thought that my total would reach $3,000 in 4 days. I just am...shocked. Thank you so much. I wish that I could say more, but i can't put it into words. I was informed tonight that I am one of the top fundraisers in Miracle at the moment. I have a hard time taking credit because it is all you guys. Some of the best people in the world have given so much to something i care so much about. I just can't express my gratitude. Thank you so much!!


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    This is going to do so much! this is amazing. My co-chair for the committee i'm on in miracle says that I alone have raised almost half of our committee total. And it is all thanks to you. You guys are amazing. Truly amazing.

    *A spirit with a vision is a dream

    With a mission*




  4. Hi everyone,


    SO, it has gotten around UGA Miracle that my total has shot up so quickly due to this mysterious force known as TRF. I have been telling anyone who will listen about how much support I have gotten from the people on TRF and everyone I know is amazed as well as grateful. Today, my exec has put a new challenge to me...to see if I can raise $1,000 dollars. I learned today that $1,000 dollars will pay for 4 hours of out patient chemotherapy at Children's. I also learned that it take $1,000,000 a day to open the doors of this non-profit children's hospital. It also takes, on average, $20,000 to save one child's life. Last year UGA Miracle raised $220,000 and this year our goal is $300,000. This is a big challenge and everyone has been helping me raise so much money...i am still overwhelmed by it all. This will be the last time my total is raised. This is the final goal. I appreciate everything everyone has done and hate to keep begging for money. I know how hard the economy is and I know how hard it is to give when you can't really see the outcome of what you are donating too. I can though. It was my life that needed saving not to long ago. it was my life on the line and organizations like UGA Miracle that go ABOVE and BEYOND the call of duty are the reason that I live today. It is the reason so many of our Miracle families get to celebrate birthdays and holidays with their children and with complete families. It is the reason that more children are surviving life threatening illnesses and accidents. This is HUGE. This is bigger than me and bigger than my total. There is a bigger picture to all of this. I ask you to share this with your friends, family, co-workers and anyone who will listen to see if we can make this happen. I already plan to formally recognize TRF as a donor at our annual 24 hour dance marathon on March 3rd when we announce who helped us raise our totals.


    Thank you so much. This means the world to not only me, but also thousands of kids who are currently being treated at the hospitals or have been treated at the hospitals. Just please remember, it's all FTK...all for the kids.


    Peace, Love, and 2.gif



  5. Hi everyone,

    This is Samm, the girl to whom you are donating. I decided to investigate when I woke up this morning and saw 4 emails saying someone has donated to my cause. Of course, it was RUSH fans. It was my wonderful, amazing, extremely extensive RUSH family supporting me as you always have. I just wanted to take a moment to let you know what this means to me and the cause which you are donating your money. All donations go to children's healthcare of atlanta. CHOA is a network of hospitals in Atlanta, GA and have impacted millions of children around the world. They saved my life when I was battling cancer almost five years ago now. Without the hospitals, I would not be here. I would not have met RUSH and got to have all the amazing opportunities I have had. UGA Miracle is more than an organization to me, it is my passion. When I saw that my total went from 0 to $210, I sat in out student's center and cried. I was overjoyed and touched by the kindness of strangers. Thank you so much.


    all donations go straight to the hospital. Our 24 hour Dance Marathon on March 3-4th. If you have anymore questions, please email me at samanthadyar@yahoo.com. I'd love to answer any questions or just chat.


    Thank you so much. Really.


    peace, love, and 2.gif


    Samm Dyar

    International Affairs/Political Science

    School of Public and International Affairs

    The University of Georgia 2014


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