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Noob to the forum: what is this time sig change in "The Trees?"

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Not only are there single bars of 1/16, but that is for particular instruments. The score is absolutely bizarre. Which is one reason it is near impossible to play. The first performances were tragically bad to the point there was booing and people leaving the theater because the orchestra just couldn't comprehend it.


So of course Disney put it in Fantasia...

This is a pretty cool breakdown of some of it...




I think he just had it in for the conductor. Time signature gymnastics like this are akin to throwing oil on a race track then kicking back with some popcorn to watch the mayhem.

Edited by stoopid
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Part of it is indeed in 7. Here's just the click.




There's an 8 count lead-in, so counting from when the drums start, it's a measure of 8/8, a measure of 7/8, a measure of 1/16, and then it settles into the 7/8 figure.


And here's the same thing with the click and the guitar part I came up with.




Your buddy is a whack job - who the hell would write a song like that!!?!?!?

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Part of it is indeed in 7. Here's just the click.




There's an 8 count lead-in, so counting from when the drums start, it's a measure of 8/8, a measure of 7/8, a measure of 1/16, and then it settles into the 7/8 figure.


And here's the same thing with the click and the guitar part I came up with.




Your buddy is a whack job - who the hell would write a song like that!!?!?!?


He's an engineer no less! If anyone should be able to count....

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