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Geddy's Soul Patch

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2: The Spirit of Radio

3: Entre Nous

4: Natural Science

5: Jacob's Ladder

6: Different Strings


*NOTE: In case you are unaware, the lines after the word "Freewill" are from the title toast at the end of Freewill in 2112. The full toast:


To freewill! (all repeat)

In 2112! (all repeat)

May America thrive on democracy! (all repeat)

And may the virtues of our Founding Fathers... (all repeat)

...never die! (all repeat)

We choose freewill! (all repeat)


Replace "2112" with "2017," and it still applies.

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1. Freewill

2. Entre nous

3. Spirit of radio

4. Natural science

5. Jacob's ladder

6. Different strings


Pretty much close to musical perfection IMO.


Freewill was the first Rush song to blow my mind. Entre Nous was the first Rush song to make my heart go all 'fuzzy'.

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