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Now I feel like a real idiot. There are five entries since October that I haven't read. If you click on News on his site you can be like me and catch up.
Huh. Is Brutus allowed back in the US yet?
Brutus got caught leaving the US with pot. He was trying to get back into Canada with it. I think that's how it went. I was under impression he was banned for life or at least a very long time.

There's very little Rush info, but he does get into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame stuff. I just spent the last couple of hours catching up. I did read the March 2013 update before now. I must have followed a link from here. Neil's website needs to be fixed, it still shows the October 2012 entry on the home page so I thought he had not updated it due to the tour. I am happy to report that he mentions religion very sparingly making little reason for us to argue about it. My favorite is the bit where he mentions meeting his fellow musicians and then talks about meeting Chuck D and the surprising fact that they do have a thing or two in common.


I was going to quote it here, but the site won't let me grab the text for some reason.


Favorite pictures:








I do not know why he will not write more about the music or the tour. Maybe he is saving it all for a book later, but it is frustrating that he continues to deny us the benefit of his thoughts on the history of Rush. We get a crumb now and then. I just hope he doesn't die before writing the definitive biography of the band.


One gem was the fact that he and Geddy did not know what Alex was going to do at the RnR Hall of Fame ceremony. At one point Geddy whispered to him, "Is there any way we can make him stop?"


Good stuff. I didn't have anything I wanted to do this afternoon anyway. There was plenty of stuff I should have been doing, but little nibbles from Neil scattered between his travelogues were worth catching up on. There are some bits about the tour. You just have to sift through it.

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as per my usual response to these threads - is there any important news directly related to rush? if so, please do tell.


And I don't know why you keep responding with that. Last I checked, Neil was the drummer/lyricist for Rush. If the drummer/lyricist for Rush has a blog, and he posts a new entry, that qualifies as news in the Rush world. Even if he's not blogging about Rush. This is why people post about it here.

Posted (edited)
I do not know why he will not write more about the music or the tour. Maybe he is saving it all for a book later, but it is frustrating that he continues to deny us the benefit of his thoughts on the history of Rush. We get a crumb now and then. I just hope he doesn't die before writing the definitive biography of the band.


Neil writes about what he's interested in writing about. I reckon he's simply not interested in writing about Rush.


I doubt we will ever see that definitive biography. Not written by Neil, anyway.

Edited by GeddysMullet

as per my usual response to these threads - is there any important news directly related to rush? if so, please do tell.


And I don't know why you keep responding with that. Last I checked, Neil was the drummer/lyricist for Rush. If the drummer/lyricist for Rush has a blog, and he posts a new entry, that qualifies as news in the Rush world. Even if he's not blogging about Rush. This is why people post about it here.


too much boring motorcycle travel boring non-rush related boring stuff to sift through boring to get to the rush information boring.


did i mention boring?


people are welcome to enjoy his blogs/books, or whatever, and i'm fine with it being called rush news, i just want to know what he said about the band is all. people usually oblige when i request it to give me the info i'm looking for. i'm glad other people enjoy the rest, i just personally can't stand searching through all the rest to find it. i like rush for their music, not for their personal lives.





and did i happen to use the word boring at any point? if not.... boring. :P


as per my usual response to these threads - is there any important news directly related to rush? if so, please do tell.


And I don't know why you keep responding with that. Last I checked, Neil was the drummer/lyricist for Rush. If the drummer/lyricist for Rush has a blog, and he posts a new entry, that qualifies as news in the Rush world. Even if he's not blogging about Rush. This is why people post about it here.


too much boring motorcycle travel boring non-rush related boring stuff to sift through boring to get to the rush information boring.


did i mention boring?


people are welcome to enjoy his blogs/books, or whatever, and i'm fine with it being called rush news, i just want to know what he said about the band is all. people usually oblige when i request it to give me the info i'm looking for. i'm glad other people enjoy the rest, i just personally can't stand searching through all the rest to find it. i like rush for their music, not for their personal lives.





and did i happen to use the word boring at any point? if not.... boring. :P


Aw, sorry you find it boring, Goober. I really like Neil's writing voice, and like being absorbed into his world, whether he's talking about motorcycling (which it is mostly about), the places he visits or rides through, or snippets of his limelight life. I know most of it isn't technically Rush-related (well, it is Rush related by default, since it's written by one third of Rush), but it's cool to get a perspective that isn't just about what Rush is doing. It's a bit grounding to realize that the boys' lives don't completely revolve around Rush!

  • Like 2
Posted (edited)

as per my usual response to these threads - is there any important news directly related to rush? if so, please do tell.


And I don't know why you keep responding with that. Last I checked, Neil was the drummer/lyricist for Rush. If the drummer/lyricist for Rush has a blog, and he posts a new entry, that qualifies as news in the Rush world. Even if he's not blogging about Rush. This is why people post about it here.


too much boring motorcycle travel boring non-rush related boring stuff to sift through boring to get to the rush information boring.


did i mention boring?


people are welcome to enjoy his blogs/books, or whatever, and i'm fine with it being called rush news, i just want to know what he said about the band is all. people usually oblige when i request it to give me the info i'm looking for. i'm glad other people enjoy the rest, i just personally can't stand searching through all the rest to find it. i like rush for their music, not for their personal lives.





and did i happen to use the word boring at any point? if not.... boring. :P


Aw, sorry you find it boring, Goober. I really like Neil's writing voice, and like being absorbed into his world, whether he's talking about motorcycling (which it is mostly about), the places he visits or rides through, or snippets of his limelight life. I know most of it isn't technically Rush-related (well, it is Rush related by default, since it's written by one third of Rush), but it's cool to get a perspective that isn't just about what Rush is doing. It's a bit grounding to realize that the boys' lives don't completely revolve around Rush!


And if I didn't use the word 'Rush' enough in that last part, here: Rush! :)


Oops, meant to edit my previous post, not quote myself. :P

Edited by Mika
  • Like 1

as per my usual response to these threads - is there any important news directly related to rush? if so, please do tell.


And I don't know why you keep responding with that. Last I checked, Neil was the drummer/lyricist for Rush. If the drummer/lyricist for Rush has a blog, and he posts a new entry, that qualifies as news in the Rush world. Even if he's not blogging about Rush. This is why people post about it here.


too much boring motorcycle travel boring non-rush related boring stuff to sift through boring to get to the rush information boring.


did i mention boring?


people are welcome to enjoy his blogs/books, or whatever, and i'm fine with it being called rush news, i just want to know what he said about the band is all. people usually oblige when i request it to give me the info i'm looking for. i'm glad other people enjoy the rest, i just personally can't stand searching through all the rest to find it. i like rush for their music, not for their personal lives.





and did i happen to use the word boring at any point? if not.... boring. :P


Aw, sorry you find it boring, Goober. I really like Neil's writing voice, and like being absorbed into his world, whether he's talking about motorcycling (which it is mostly about), the places he visits or rides through, or snippets of his limelight life. I know most of it isn't technically Rush-related (well, it is Rush related by default, since it's written by one third of Rush), but it's cool to get a perspective that isn't just about what Rush is doing. It's a bit grounding to realize that the boys' lives don't completely revolve around Rush!


And if I didn't use the word 'Rush' enough in that last part, here: Rush! :)


Oops, meant to edit my previous post, not quote myself. :P


It's completely fine. If people love his blogs, books, whatever, that's great. If people are fascinated by Geddy's love of wine, that's great too. About as far as my interest lies in their personal lives, however, is that I absolutely LOVED Beyond the Lighted Stage. That really is mostly about the band/music though. I'm sincerely glad that they're good people and aren't egotistical, womanizing, drug addict assholes, and I greatly appreciate their senses of humor. Still, my interest in them is 99.9% Rush music, and I care about them getting recognized as a great legendary band.

  • Like 1
Rushgoober if you go to the site and scroll through the entries he writes about Rush when there are pictures of the band. It's easy to find. It isn't for everyone, but I really enjoy his travel writing. He often tells me things about my own country (and others) I might never have known. The latest one from June even gives me a new appreciation of Heresy, a song I never really cared for.

Why do people keep looking for rush news in Neil's travel journals.. ?



  • Like 1
It's a bit grounding to realize that the boys' lives don't completely revolve around Rush!


:o What!!? Do you mean to tell me that they have a life outside of :rush: ?


Of all the nerve.

  • Like 1

as per my usual response to these threads - is there any important news directly related to rush? if so, please do tell.


Yeah I havent read any of these in ages. I usually just stop by here to see if theres any news relevant to Rush in it. Im sure he loves writing about other things in his life, which is interesting for a guy so private, but to me he's just the drummer in Rush. Thats all I ever want to hear him talk about. Going skiing or riding his bike is interesting to him Im sure.


as per my usual response to these threads - is there any important news directly related to rush? if so, please do tell.


Yeah I havent read any of these in ages. I usually just stop by here to see if theres any news relevant to Rush in it. Im sure he loves writing about other things in his life, which is interesting for a guy so private, but to me he's just the drummer in Rush. Thats all I ever want to hear him talk about. Going skiing or riding his bike is interesting to him Im sure.


Wow. Way to marginalize someone to a one-dimensional identity.

  • Like 1

Why do people keep looking for rush news in Neil's travel journals.. ?


Because he often buries relevant or interesting Rush news among the mostly non-Rush related info...


Why do people keep looking for rush news in Neil's travel journals.. ?


Because he often buries relevant or interesting Rush news among the mostly non-Rush related info...


fair enough but some people expect it to be there!


personally I enjoy reading them. he's not the best writer but I like how his mind is so damn curious. you can tell he's been soaking up facts from everywhere his whole life!

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