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Double Bass Drum (Double Pedal)


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Dont you think is a little overused?


I like it when its used to do certain effects in the songs, for example, the style of playing of Danny Carey or Mike Portnoy; but i think certain genres use it a little bit too much. Ive heard entire songs comprised by unending attacks of double bass pounds, which they turn out to be very repetitive and boring in some cases.


Its just my opinion.

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A great drummer doesn't need a double bass pedal. I go the Vinnie Apiece route. He only uses one pedal. Drumming isn't and shouldn't be about speed in the first place.


CASE IN POINT: Neil Peart.

Look at him, he uses his double pedals MAYBE ONCE during the entire concert, which is in One Little Victory. Hell, he wouldn't even need them to do accents in the other songs like TSOR, and TS if he learned the heel to toe trick.

Edited by D3strukt
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Glenn Kotche is a perfect example of a drummer who could get away with a double bass pedal, but chooses not too. It takes a great amount of skill and coordination to use one, and that shouldn't be over used. I get how metal bands like Slayer, Dream Theater, or even djent bands like Meshuggah or Periphery utelize double bass, but some bands really don't need it. Edited by default236
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I agree. Ive played in a few speed metal bands where 16th and 32nd notes were required in the songs but I was never happy with it. Id rather be in a band where I could use other chops instead of all feet and no hands. Learning the heel toe was the best thing ive ever decided to learn. It helps out so much more than I originally thought. Thank you Jojo Mayer.
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I think people sometimes mistake constant double bass and blast beats as skill. Though im sure there is a great amount of endurance involved...it just has never really appealed to me...far too busy with zero variation...and far too many drummers getting too much credit for simply playing like that. I cant tell you how many top drummer polls ive seen that have the number one spots taken by those types of drummers...but i guess im biased...i prefer more of the Carter Beauford finesse mixed with the power of Neil...take all that and dip it in a bucket of funk and thats where i stand.
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It's funny that I read this thread after watching this video.


If you think double bass is overused now you don't know the eighties lol.


The Streets of San Francisco




Edited by calirush
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