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The Rush Lyrics Quiz


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I stumbled upon a few Rush lyric quizzes I put together some time ago. I thought I would update them and post again.

All quizzes will be based on their studio records. Try and answer them without looking up the answers (I already did that for you!)


The number in parenthesis is the number of songs that are acceptable answers. Full answer list will be posted Friday.


Today's quiz: By the Numbers.


1. Which songs contain the number "thousand"? (5)

2. Which songs contain the number "two"? (8)

3. Three? (3)

4. Four? (2)

5. Five? (1)

6. Six? (1)

7. Seven? (3)

8. Eight? (1)

9. Nine? (2)

10. Ten? (3)


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1. Which songs contain the number "thousand"? (5)

2. Which songs contain the number "two"? (8)

3. Three? (3)

4. Four? (2)

5. Five? (1)

6. Six? (1)

7. Seven? (3)

8. Eight? (1)

9. Nine? (2)

10. Ten? (3)




Xanadu - "A thousand years have come and gone"


Tai Shan - "Up the seven thousand stairs"


Armor And Sword - "Are enough to leave a thousand cuts"


Lakeside Park - "A thousand ten-cent wonders"


For What It's Worth - "A thousand people in the streets"*


*It took me absoultely ages to get For What It's Worth and Lakeside Park but I was determined to ge them all without cheating. I certainly can't think of another!




Grand Designs - "Life in two dimensions"


Entre Nous - "Like two passing ships"


Summertime Blues - "I'm gonna take two weeks"


Different Strings "All there is really is is two of us"


Red Barchetta -"Two lanes wide"


Chemistry - "One, two, three, add without subtraction"*



*Looks like I've failed this time. Maybe you're counting "too" and "to" I dunno. Also was wondering if I can have Chemistry several times over since it says "two" more than once and it's not just a repeat of the same line either???


Okay that's about all I can be bothered to do for now. Too much thinking! I might come back later if I get bored. laugh.gif



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I didn't count Feedback (not Rush lyrics)

Here are the answers...


1. Which songs contain the number "thousand"? (5)

2. Which songs contain the number "two"? (8)

3. Three? (3)

4. Four? (2)

5. Five? (1)

6. Six? (1)

7. Seven? (3)

8. Eight? (1)

9. Nine? (2)

10. Ten? (3)





1. Roll the Bones, Xanadu, Lakeside Park, Tai Shan, Armor and Sword

2. Virtuality, The Speed of Love, Open Secrets, Grand Designs, Chemistry, Red Barchetta, Entre Nous, Different Strings

3. Chemistry, The Twilight Zone, The Necromancer

4. Available Light, The Twilight Zone ("four"th)

5. Working Man

6. Cygnus X-1

7. Dog Years, Working Man , Tai Shan ("seven" thousand)

8. In the Mood

9. Countdown, Working Man

10. Force Ten, Lakeside Park, Beneath Between and Behind


More quizzes to come...



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