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i resently watched a japanese animated film from disney. "Howls' moving castle" i found this a fasinating film .i watched it with my daughter bri . my daughter is 5 and she absolutly loved it . my wife however was a bit irritated with me for renting it due to the fact the subject matter delt with alot of sorcery and witchcraft. she is not a big fan of my daughter watching that kind of stuff but i found this moving enthralling and a well written tale. has anyone seen this film ?

QUOTE (tick @ May 12 2006, 08:23 AM)
i resently watched a japanese animated film from disney. "Howls' moving castle" i found this a fasinating film .i watched it with my daughter bri . my daughter is 5 and she absolutly loved it . my wife however was a bit irritated with me for renting it due to the fact the subject matter delt with alot of sorcery and witchcraft. she is not a big fan of my daughter watching that kind of stuff but i found this moving enthralling and a well written tale. has anyone seen this film ?

i guess not.

and your sig rocks.. I don't know if you're just a comic fan or a gamer or both, but Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 is my favorite game ever. Too bad my pos Xbox crapped out on me. I haven't played it in months.
I saw it...loved it, though it did go on a bit longer than I would've liked. I love most of 'Miyazaki's (sorry if I mispelled that) work. His stuff is so cool and mystical. As far as the sorcery stuff is concerned...I grew up catholic AND fascinated by the occult, so did my sister (who is now a Prof. of Medicine) so I don't think it'll harm your daughter. Millions of kids have seen the Harry Potter movies, and you don't see a huge rise in the population of witches. I think little kids are just into mystical stuff. It's just a fairy tale to them. No different from Snow White or Sleeping Beauty in the long run. smile.gif

QUOTE (Alien Girl @ May 12 2006, 11:37 AM)
I saw it...loved it, though it did go on a bit longer than I would've liked. I love most of 'Miyazaki's (sorry if I mispelled that) work. His stuff is so cool and mystical. As far as the sorcery stuff is concerned...I grew up catholic AND fascinated by the occult, so did my sister (who is now a Prof. of Medicine) so I don't think it'll harm your daughter. Millions of kids have seen the Harry Potter movies, and you don't see a huge rise in the population of witches. I think little kids are just into mystical stuff. It's just a fairy tale to them. No different from Snow White or Sleeping Beauty in the long run. smile.gif

My wife feels differently about it . she cant stand harry potter. i try to respect her views , she is my partner. i however really liked this movie. its the first ive seen from this nakasuki laugh.gif whatever guy. tongue.gif

You mean you HAVEN'T seen 'Spirited Away'??!!! Good lord man, you have to see that one!! Really, I highly recommend it. It didn't win an academy award for nothing. smile.gif

QUOTE (Alien Girl @ May 12 2006, 12:13 PM)
You mean you HAVEN'T seen 'Spirited Away'??!!! Good lord man, you have to see that one!! Really, I highly recommend it. It didn't win an academy award for nothing. smile.gif

i will definetly check it out. whats the story about ?


Little girl who's dad is relocating to a new town, is in the process of moving when she's wisked away to the spirit world, where she must get a job and survive until she can free her parents from a magical curse put upon them. Very good...excellent artistry, great characters though the little girl does shout more than necessary. But some of the scenes take your breath away, they're so well done. I think your daughter would love it...some scenes are a little scary, but if she did well with 'Howl', then she should have no problem with this one. She'll probably identify with the little girl even more.

Also very good is "My Neighbor Turturro' by the same guy. Just ask the person at the video store to point you in the direction of the 'Myazaki' films. I think there's also one called 'The cat comes Back' which your daughter would probably really like. Very big fat cat in that one...

Ok..sorry, I talk too much.

Tell me how you liked them if you see them. smile.gif

Loved Howls but I didnt care for Princess Monoke. Mizayaki (sp) is brilliant. Watched them all on Cartoon Network. It was the Month Of Mizayaki
hmmm...never seen 'Princess Monoke'.

QUOTE (Alien Girl @ May 12 2006, 12:26 PM)
Little girl who's dad is relocating to a new town, is in the process of moving when she's wisked away to the spirit world, where she must get a job and survive until she can free her parents from a magical curse put upon them. Very good...excellent artistry, great characters though the little girl does shout more than necessary. But some of the scenes take your breath away, they're so well done. I think your daughter would love it...some scenes are a little scary, but if she did well with 'Howl', then she should have no problem with this one. She'll probably identify with the little girl even more.
Also very good is "My Neighbor Turturro' by the same guy. Just ask the person at the video store to point you in the direction of the 'Myazaki' films. I think there's also one called 'The cat comes Back' which your daughter would probably really like. Very big fat cat in that one...
Ok..sorry, I talk too much.
Tell me how you liked them if you see them. smile.gif

i will let you know.


I've only seen Princess Mononoke. I thought it was pretty good. I've been meaning to watch it again since I've only seen it in Japanese and I can't understand it completely. And I'm pretty stubborn about watching a movie in its original language. Another language's overdubs take something away from the original movie in my opinion.

Is it possible to get a copy in the states in Japanese with English subtitles? That, I'd buy.

Yeah, most anime DVDs have the option of turning on the original Japanese and English subtitles. I'm stubborn about it too, except for the Cowboy Bebop series. I think the english voices are better on that one.

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