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If it's in US, we won't know . . . still very little testing!


There's over 4000 confirmed cases in 49 states. It's definitely here and certainly should be a concern but it's not time for a full on panic yet. They're taking the proper measures I believe in the limitations they've made in my state when it comes to big get togethers. It's gonna be different for a while but we'll get back to some normalcy soon enough.


I think people are overreacting over here actually. At least it doesn't make total sense why everything's shutting down indefinitely for this one, but Swine Flu and Bird Flu and Sars and Ebola and ever other major health scare of the past 20 years didn't have half this effect. But oh well, people overreacting is probably what will keep the US from winding up like China in this mess...


Most of us do not have to worry but the elderly and sick people do. We have to quarantine ourselves so it does not keep spreading and infecting them. When people first started dying in Seattle they said 24 people had died but 18 of them were from the same Nursing home.


That is what people don't get, anyone can be a carrier without symptoms and then they spread it around to others. The flattening the curve effect is to keep the numbers down so our hospitals won't be overrun. That's why we needed our government to pay attention and not blow if off like it was nothing. We are fighting against a wave that started weeks ago but we just didn't know it because of the lack of testing capability. This isn't something we can just ignore, we are all in it together. This is uncharted territory and we need to work together or we sink together.


As for the comment that Ebola wasn't as bad, that is completely wrong. It killed 50 percent of the people who got it. We also had a Pandemic Task Force that went to West Africa to help fight the disease there.


In March 2014, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported an outbreak of Ebola virus disease in the West African country of Guinea. Additional cases have since been reported in the countries of Liberia and Sierra Leone, as well as Nigeria and Senegal. To date, there have been more than 22,500 reported Ebola cases in West Africa, with more than 8,900 deaths. At home, U.S. medical teams have treated 12 Ebola patients — all but two recovered.


Since the start of the outbreak, the United States has sent more than 3,000 DOD, CDC, USAID, and other U.S. health officials to Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea to assist with response efforts, as part of a 10,000-person U.S.-backed civilian response. With their help, the U.S. government has:

  • Constructed 15 Ebola treatment units in the region
  • Provided more than 400 metric tons of personal protective equipment and other medical and relief supplies
  • Operated more than 190 burial teams in the region
  • Conducted aggressive contact tracing to identify chains of transmission
  • Trained health care workers and conducted community outreach
  • Worked with international partners to identify travelers who may have Ebola before they leave the region

Thanks to their efforts, and the work of countless others from around the world, the number of people who are contracting Ebola has declined sharply from peak levels.


So what have we done this time? Pretend it doesn't exist, wish it away despite the evidence of massive deaths. Let large numbers of Chinese come to the U.S. BEFORE we closed our borders. By then it was too late. Maybe our Pandemic Task Force could have helped go to China to see what was going on and help but oh yeah someone canned the whole group in 2018. We have been put at risk by bungling and fumbling from the get go. Test kits made here in U.S.were defective, we could have had free tests given to us by the WHO but no we couldn't do that. So they try to get test kits to Americans but it is 3 weeks since they promised 1 Million would be made available. People are dying because of this inept response. People are scared because they can't trust the government to do its job professionally and in a timely manner. So it has been left to the local Mayors, Governors and their health departments to fix it but it is too big for them to do alone. This is why some people are panicking and buying everything in sight, it gives them some sense of control but of course it doesn't really help. People who really need food can't get it because the crazies have bought it all up.

Yes, I am upset and I am doing all I can to be careful and look out for those I can but I don't understand all the denial that this is no big deal, it has the potential to cause millions of deaths. I just hope that is wrong but better to err on the side of caution.

Boy it's obvious where you get your "news" from and worse yet believe it. Enjoy...


please tell us where you get your news from?


we are all still waiting for your reply.


i asked nicely too.

I am sure for the most part you can guess. The media enjoys hype and eyeballs and power. After what I have witnessed the past 12 years or so I can't believe anything they say. As I said enjoy the hype while I get on with my life...

You are just spewing nonsense. So many countries in the world are beginning to almost go on complete lock down and you believe the media has that kind of power? That is just ridiculous!

I do. Hair on fire about everything with one large goal in mind and anyone paying attention can see it. Not gonna belabor the point but they form opinions on both sides. The worlds not coming to an end and this will pass when the people grow tired of it...


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If it's in US, we won't know . . . still very little testing!


There's over 4000 confirmed cases in 49 states. It's definitely here and certainly should be a concern but it's not time for a full on panic yet. They're taking the proper measures I believe in the limitations they've made in my state when it comes to big get togethers. It's gonna be different for a while but we'll get back to some normalcy soon enough.


I think people are overreacting over here actually. At least it doesn't make total sense why everything's shutting down indefinitely for this one, but Swine Flu and Bird Flu and Sars and Ebola and ever other major health scare of the past 20 years didn't have half this effect. But oh well, people overreacting is probably what will keep the US from winding up like China in this mess...


Most of us do not have to worry but the elderly and sick people do. We have to quarantine ourselves so it does not keep spreading and infecting them. When people first started dying in Seattle they said 24 people had died but 18 of them were from the same Nursing home.


That is what people don't get, anyone can be a carrier without symptoms and then they spread it around to others. The flattening the curve effect is to keep the numbers down so our hospitals won't be overrun. That's why we needed our government to pay attention and not blow if off like it was nothing. We are fighting against a wave that started weeks ago but we just didn't know it because of the lack of testing capability. This isn't something we can just ignore, we are all in it together. This is uncharted territory and we need to work together or we sink together.


As for the comment that Ebola wasn't as bad, that is completely wrong. It killed 50 percent of the people who got it. We also had a Pandemic Task Force that went to West Africa to help fight the disease there.


In March 2014, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported an outbreak of Ebola virus disease in the West African country of Guinea. Additional cases have since been reported in the countries of Liberia and Sierra Leone, as well as Nigeria and Senegal. To date, there have been more than 22,500 reported Ebola cases in West Africa, with more than 8,900 deaths. At home, U.S. medical teams have treated 12 Ebola patients — all but two recovered.


Since the start of the outbreak, the United States has sent more than 3,000 DOD, CDC, USAID, and other U.S. health officials to Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea to assist with response efforts, as part of a 10,000-person U.S.-backed civilian response. With their help, the U.S. government has:

  • Constructed 15 Ebola treatment units in the region
  • Provided more than 400 metric tons of personal protective equipment and other medical and relief supplies
  • Operated more than 190 burial teams in the region
  • Conducted aggressive contact tracing to identify chains of transmission
  • Trained health care workers and conducted community outreach
  • Worked with international partners to identify travelers who may have Ebola before they leave the region

Thanks to their efforts, and the work of countless others from around the world, the number of people who are contracting Ebola has declined sharply from peak levels.


So what have we done this time? Pretend it doesn't exist, wish it away despite the evidence of massive deaths. Let large numbers of Chinese come to the U.S. BEFORE we closed our borders. By then it was too late. Maybe our Pandemic Task Force could have helped go to China to see what was going on and help but oh yeah someone canned the whole group in 2018. We have been put at risk by bungling and fumbling from the get go. Test kits made here in U.S.were defective, we could have had free tests given to us by the WHO but no we couldn't do that. So they try to get test kits to Americans but it is 3 weeks since they promised 1 Million would be made available. People are dying because of this inept response. People are scared because they can't trust the government to do its job professionally and in a timely manner. So it has been left to the local Mayors, Governors and their health departments to fix it but it is too big for them to do alone. This is why some people are panicking and buying everything in sight, it gives them some sense of control but of course it doesn't really help. People who really need food can't get it because the crazies have bought it all up.

Yes, I am upset and I am doing all I can to be careful and look out for those I can but I don't understand all the denial that this is no big deal, it has the potential to cause millions of deaths. I just hope that is wrong but better to err on the side of caution.

Boy it's obvious where you get your "news" from and worse yet believe it. Enjoy...


please tell us where you get your news from?


we are all still waiting for your reply.


i asked nicely too.

I am sure for the most part you can guess. The media enjoys hype and eyeballs and power. After what I have witnessed the past 12 years or so I can't believe anything they say. As I said enjoy the hype while I get on with my life...

You are just spewing nonsense. So many countries in the world are beginning to almost go on complete lock down and you believe the media has that kind of power? That is just ridiculous!

I do. Hair on fire about everything with one large goal in mind and anyone paying attention can see it. Not gonna belabor the point but they form opinions on both sides. The worlds not coming to an end and this will pass when the people grow tired of it...




We in Contra Costa County had our first death today. Sucks.

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I now see the problem we are having. You trust the spin and I don't. Pretty simple. Remember impeachment? John Bolton etc? The hysteria? Lots of media generated hysterics over the past 4 years or so and none have panned out in their favor. Just my opinion and I pay close attention...


I am sure for the most part you can guess. The media enjoys hype and eyeballs and power. After what I have witnessed the past 12 years or so I can't believe anything they say. As I said enjoy the hype while I get on with my life...


People are dying and you think it won't affect you? Unless you are in a hermetically sealed container, you are in danger. Why is it that everything is a conspiracy to take down Trump? Logic would tell you that is nonsensical, everything that happens is not about him. He's supposed to be our Leader and steer the Country through these rough times. Instead he acts like a child and says everybody is being mean to me.


You obviously have your mind made up and that makes me sad that you would be so callous to dismiss what is happening all around you. I'm very dismayed to see someone I like be brainwashed. :eh: I don't know what else to call it, the refusal to accept anything that collides with your world view is very disturbing.

Yeah, Italy just called in the military to enforce the lockdown. I guess that is just another ploy to remove Trump. Don't you people who keep saying this stuff realize how ridiculous you sound?


Those stupid fukking celebs singing "Imagine" online. What a joke. Why don't these ultra liberal assholes start funding relief for humans less fortunate. This is a worldwide disaster no matter what anyone thinks. Wait until the military is called in to monitor every neighborhood and every city to make sure we are all on lockdown in our homes for at least 14 days.


Go on millennials and spring break selfish morons! Go out and party! Get drunk! Have wild sex with everyone!!!! Keep "SPREADING THE DISEASE!!!!"





I misread Earls post and overreacted because I was already wound up about Narp's post. I just can't believe that Nrps has that attitude and thinks he knows more than some of the greatest scientific minds of our times. Edited by snowdogged
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my temperature is 100.1 now, i have a splitting headache, ive been coughing, and im short of breath from my chest being tight. im gonna try to make an appointment to get tested tomorrow morning.


Get tested if you can. My thoughts are with you.


This thing is spreading like wildfire. 1000 new infections today in NYC.


I predict there will be a 14 day mandatory lockdown shelter in place for every American. The National Guard has already been alerted.



i hope they dont pull their BS and tell me that i can only be tested if i've had direct contact with someone who has it. im a cashier, i touch money all day, how the hell would i know if a customer had it or not!

Hi Jamie, I hope you are feeling okay. It would be nice if you could check in and give an update as I am worried about you as I'm sure many others are.

I don't wanna scare anyone here, but i'm getting winded easily as of last night. My chest and lungs just feel tight and i have to take deep breaths so I'm avoiding doing things that take the breath outta me. I can still talk just fine and form complete sentences without getting winded which is a good sign, so i don't need to go to the ER. it's gotten better as the day has gone on, it was worse when i woke up this morning because whatever fluid or mucus might be in my lungs probably settled in my sleep (i think that's how it works?). right now i feel fine despite all this, like i've said all of my symptoms are pretty mild.
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my temperature is 100.1 now, i have a splitting headache, ive been coughing, and im short of breath from my chest being tight. im gonna try to make an appointment to get tested tomorrow morning.


Get tested if you can. My thoughts are with you.


This thing is spreading like wildfire. 1000 new infections today in NYC.


I predict there will be a 14 day mandatory lockdown shelter in place for every American. The National Guard has already been alerted.



i hope they dont pull their BS and tell me that i can only be tested if i've had direct contact with someone who has it. im a cashier, i touch money all day, how the hell would i know if a customer had it or not!

Hi Jamie, I hope you are feeling okay. It would be nice if you could check in and give an update as I am worried about you as I'm sure many others are.

I don't wanna scare anyone here, but i'm getting winded easily as of last night. My chest and lungs just feel tight and i have to take deep breaths so I'm avoiding doing things that take the breath outta me. I can still talk just fine and form complete sentences without getting winded which is a good sign, so i don't need to go to the ER. it's gotten better as the day has gone on, it was worse when i woke up this morning because whatever fluid or mucus might be in my lungs probably settled in my sleep (i think that's how it works?). right now i feel fine despite all this, like i've said all of my symptoms are pretty mild.

I am glad that you are starting to feel better. It sounds like you were hit with it relatively mild. I just hope that you are on your way to recovery. I don't want to alarm you but some people describe their symptoms as coming in waves where it seems like it is getting better and then it gets worse. That is probably not the case because I think their are fewer cases like that and also women don't seem to be getting hit as hard as men do overall. This virus seems to manifest itself in many different ways. I hope you get well soon!
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my temperature is 100.1 now, i have a splitting headache, ive been coughing, and im short of breath from my chest being tight. im gonna try to make an appointment to get tested tomorrow morning.


Get tested if you can. My thoughts are with you.


This thing is spreading like wildfire. 1000 new infections today in NYC.


I predict there will be a 14 day mandatory lockdown shelter in place for every American. The National Guard has already been alerted.



i hope they dont pull their BS and tell me that i can only be tested if i've had direct contact with someone who has it. im a cashier, i touch money all day, how the hell would i know if a customer had it or not!

Hi Jamie, I hope you are feeling okay. It would be nice if you could check in and give an update as I am worried about you as I'm sure many others are.

I don't wanna scare anyone here, but i'm getting winded easily as of last night. My chest and lungs just feel tight and i have to take deep breaths so I'm avoiding doing things that take the breath outta me. I can still talk just fine and form complete sentences without getting winded which is a good sign, so i don't need to go to the ER. it's gotten better as the day has gone on, it was worse when i woke up this morning because whatever fluid or mucus might be in my lungs probably settled in my sleep (i think that's how it works?). right now i feel fine despite all this, like i've said all of my symptoms are pretty mild.


Be well my friend. My thoughts are with you.

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See you guys when all this is over and it will be. Plenty of time to Monday morning quarterback at that time and I promise you the media will do plenty. My prediction is lots of good things for America will come from this ultimately. Our reliance on China, borders and many other things will change for the betterment of of America from all of this and I will be cheering it all on. See you when the hysterics fade and the new media hysteria begins. Somewhere around November I'm guessing. Rush onward... :cheers: Edited by Narps
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See you guys when all this is over and it will be. Plenty of time to Monday morning quarterback at that time and I promise you the media will do plenty. My prediction is lots of good things for America will come from this ultimately. Our reliance on China, borders and many other things will change for the betterment of of America from all of this and I will be cheering it all on. See you when the hysterics fade and the new media hysteria begins. Somewhere around November I'm guessing. Rush onward... :cheers:

Ignorance is bliss.
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In order to believe this is mostly (rather than "partly") media hype, it would have to be coordinated media across the globe -- it's not just the American media who are giving this thing wall-to-wall coverage, but across Europe, etc.


Remember that media empires, as broadcasting conglomerates, also have a tremendous stake in this thing NOT blowing up -- think about how much money CBS lost with the NCAA tournament cancellation. NBC has paid literally billions of dollars to broadcast the Olympics, and they will eat that money if the games get cancelled.


And to believe that we'll get less stuff from China would have to mean the fundamental basis of capitalism (get the most for the least) is going to change. Chinese companies can always make their working conditions even more deplorable to shave pennies, probably enough to get American companies to keep buying stuff from them. I hope it does change, though!


Stay well, everybody!

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I bet Fridge will be the first TRF member to get it.


Why did i KNOW YOU would be the first to NEED TO KNOW this about all of us here? Way to go, pinocchio.


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See you guys when all this is over and it will be. Plenty of time to Monday morning quarterback at that time and I promise you the media will do plenty. My prediction is lots of good things for America will come from this ultimately. Our reliance on China, borders and many other things will change for the betterment of of America from all of this and I will be cheering it all on. See you when the hysterics fade and the new media hysteria begins. Somewhere around November I'm guessing. Rush onward... :cheers:


i really hope you and your famly stay healthy.



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See you guys when all this is over and it will be. Plenty of time to Monday morning quarterback at that time and I promise you the media will do plenty. My prediction is lots of good things for America will come from this ultimately. Our reliance on China, borders and many other things will change for the betterment of of America from all of this and I will be cheering it all on. See you when the hysterics fade and the new media hysteria begins. Somewhere around November I'm guessing. Rush onward... :cheers:


i really hope you and your famly stay healthy.



The problem is, he doesn't seem to care.
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See you guys when all this is over and it will be. Plenty of time to Monday morning quarterback at that time and I promise you the media will do plenty. My prediction is lots of good things for America will come from this ultimately. Our reliance on China, borders and many other things will change for the betterment of of America from all of this and I will be cheering it all on. See you when the hysterics fade and the new media hysteria begins. Somewhere around November I'm guessing. Rush onward... :cheers:


i really hope you and your famly stay healthy.



The problem is, he doesn't seem to care.


i still hope he stays healthy. just because i think he's being recklessly stupid.....doesn't mean i want him sick


i just really hope he doesn't have to learn the hard way.



Edited by bluefox4000
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See you guys when all this is over and it will be. Plenty of time to Monday morning quarterback at that time and I promise you the media will do plenty. My prediction is lots of good things for America will come from this ultimately. Our reliance on China, borders and many other things will change for the betterment of of America from all of this and I will be cheering it all on. See you when the hysterics fade and the new media hysteria begins. Somewhere around November I'm guessing. Rush onward... :cheers:


i really hope you and your famly stay healthy.



The problem is, he doesn't seem to care.


i still hope he stays healthy. just because i think he's being recklessly stupid.....doesn't mean i want him sick


i just really hope he doesn't have to learn the hard way.



I don\t want him to get sick either, but if everyone had his attitude the hospitals would be overrun with critical patients and there would be a shortage of respirators which would cause an abundance of deaths which could have been prevented.
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I see the Middle Kingdom between Heaven and Earth

Like the Chinese call the country of their birth

We all figure that our homes are set above

Other people than the ones we know and love


In every place with a name

They play the same territorial game

Hiding behind the lines

Sending up warning signs


The whole wide world

An endless universe

Yet we keep looking through

The eyeglass in reverse

Don't feed the people

But we feed the machines

Can't really feel

What international means


In different circles

We keep holding our ground

Indifferent circles

We keep spinning round and round


We see so many tribes - overrun and undermined

While their invaders dream of lands they've left behind

Better people - better food - and better beer

Why move around the world when Eden was so near?


The bosses get talking so tough

And if that wasn't evil enough

We get the drunken and passionate pride

Of the citizens along for the ride


They shoot without shame

In the name of a piece of dirt

For a change of accent

Or the colour of your shirt

Better the pride that resides

In a citizen of the world

Than the pride that divides

When a colourful rag is unfurled

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Talked with my cousin in another state and she thinks she has it. Had to quit her job because she doesn't have any sick days to take and so that rules out unemployment. She is on SS and has a small pension but she needed the job to stay above water. She seems pretty calm about it, it is so frustrating that she is thousands of miles away and alone. Keeping my fingers crossed for her.
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Talked with my cousin in another state and she thinks she has it. Had to quit her job because she doesn't have any sick days to take and so that rules out unemployment. She is on SS and has a small pension but she needed the job to stay above water. She seems pretty calm about it, it is so frustrating that she is thousands of miles away and alone. Keeping my fingers crossed for her.


Why would she quit her job? She should have made them fire her and that's a slam dunk unemployment case.

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Talked with my cousin in another state and she thinks she has it. Had to quit her job because she doesn't have any sick days to take and so that rules out unemployment. She is on SS and has a small pension but she needed the job to stay above water. She seems pretty calm about it, it is so frustrating that she is thousands of miles away and alone. Keeping my fingers crossed for her.


Why would she quit her job? She should have made them fire her and that's a slam dunk unemployment case.


I asked myself that but I guess she wanted to stay on their good side so they might hire her back after things settle down. :huh:

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Talked with my cousin in another state and she thinks she has it. Had to quit her job because she doesn't have any sick days to take and so that rules out unemployment. She is on SS and has a small pension but she needed the job to stay above water. She seems pretty calm about it, it is so frustrating that she is thousands of miles away and alone. Keeping my fingers crossed for her.


Why would she quit her job? She should have made them fire her and that's a slam dunk unemployment case.


I asked myself that but I guess she wanted to stay on their good side so they might hire her back after things settle down. :huh:


Strange she did that because if she tests positive for it, the company or the government would probably pay her some kind of sick leave. Isn't the US working on a plan to help those financially hurt by the pandemic?

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Yes you are right but she was working for an animal sanctuary so they are like a non-profit and I don't know if they will be in line to get the government funds. I think it was a knee jerk reaction and maybe didn't think it through. :sigh:
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