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Headlong Flight - Insane/Spectacular Video


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That was badass, thanks for finding and sharing.


Many moons ago I dabbled in skydiving for a brief time. Alot of the people in that community have a very extreme, sometimes dark sense of life, i.e. "how can I scare the shit out of me and tempt dying today" kind of mentality. They always have top to themselves and others or it becomes boring to them. I would have loved doing the wingsuit thing, but never got that far. Unfortunately, the average career of basejumpers is very short for obvious reasons.

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I've seen this before, but I'd forgotten about it. Fantastic vid. I literally (and I actually mean LITERALLY) felt a RUSH when they zoomed through that Triangle shaped opening in the cliffside during the solo. Thanks for bringing this back to my attention.

what is insane is how close they get to the rocks and trees. All it takes is one slight miscalculation and your dead
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I've seen this before, but I'd forgotten about it. Fantastic vid. I literally (and I actually mean LITERALLY) felt a RUSH when they zoomed through that Triangle shaped opening in the cliffside during the solo. Thanks for bringing this back to my attention.

what is insane is how close they get to the rocks and trees. All it takes is one slight miscalculation and your dead


That’s why those lunatics do it though!

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