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Is anyone "branching out', musically speaking? Trying new things?

Jack Aubrey

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I ordered a Flexitone last week & it arrived yesterday. She Who Must Be Obeyed says I'm having an "absolutely ridiculous" (her words) amount of fun with it & has threatened both confiscation of the instrument (again, her words) and/or "I'm gonna hear it in my sleep only to turn over to see her peeling off rubber gloves"!!! (Gulp.)

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On 5/16/2022 at 8:29 PM, Bahamas said:

I am reading through Far and Away: A Prize Every Time (NEP, 2011) Kindle version, again, and I recently passed page 204. I don't think I will ever stop loving this man I never met.


He is describing " 'The Drum Also Waltzes' and that rhythmic frame remains a comfortable and creative warm-up every day, as it has for many years. Slowly, gradually, I moved on to some more recent experiments in rhythm, first with wire brushes (I've had a long secret love affair with brushes, unexpressed professionally as yet - note to self)..."


I'm late to the topic, but I love seeing people discuss personal musical experiences that match our beloved trio. Cheers :)

That is very, very cool! Many thanks for sharing it!

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