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Found 5 results

  1. Yes, i know that rush is taking a year off from touring. However i still see them doing a late fortieth anniversary tour (R40 anyone?) when they return. So how should we spend this upcoming year while we wait for Rush to return? By creating the best setlists for the next tour. R30 was great, but they really focused on stuff from the late 80s and 90s, as well as their cover songs from feedback. This next tour should include songs from their early albums, as well as songs they havent played in a while (seriously, name the last time they played fly by night!). So heres my ultimate setlist, dominated with 70s and 80s classics, but still having more recent stuff peppered here and there. Set one Bastille day Time stand still Roll the bones Lessons OR making memories Vital signs One little victory Limelight The trees Subdivisions Medley combining cygnus x-1 and hemispheres Far cry Set two Tom sawyer Closer to the heart In the mood/drum solo Caravan Fly by night Farewell to kings YYZ Animate Spirit of radio Working man Red barchetta La villa strangiato (with polka intro from time machine tour) Encore Passage to bangkok Red sector A 2112 (overture+finale) Marathon
  2. Since I've seen several other new threads around here pitting Rush's best songs sharing similar qualities against each other, I thought I'd start the arguably most obvious showdown. Rush's two best known and most heavily played songs. Each so different, each so unique, but each so connected to the other by the winds of fate! Which shall win? I can't decide. The Spirit of Radio is such a classic, and a mini epic in its own right chocked full of riffage and crazy funky new age summery goodness! But Tom Sawyer is the one song Rush have declared they have to play at every concert from the time of its release onward, and it's got such a cool and weird sound to it with that metronomic feel and one of Neil's most incredible drum performances Maybe if they play them both on the next tour I'll decide when I see them live.
  3. After listening to both Fly By Night and Bastille Day again earlier today, I remembered how awesome these two songs are and how similar. Who wins? Once again, I must choose not to decide...it's so difficult. Let the wonders of the wor-orld claim their bloody prize!
  4. A while ago I posted my ultimate Rush concert setlist, which received overwhelmingly negative criticism, with some people accusing me of “trying to destroy Geddy’s voice” and stuff like that. But after a few months of listening to deeper material and noticing trends in recent tours, I have put together a setlist that I hope will satisfy everyone and not bring up any problems. R41 anybody? Set one Dreamline Entre nous Limelight Superconductor Bravado Vital signs Cygnus X-1/Hemispheres instrumental medley Driven Vapor trail Animate New world man Set two The enemy within The weapon Witch hunt Freeze Kid gloves Drum solo/The anarchist Broons bane/Closer to the heart Far cry Headlong flight Subdivisions 2112 (overture/finale)/YYZ Afterimage Time stand still The garden Encore The spirit of radio Tom Sawyer Marathon Like the recent Clockwork Angels tour, this setlist features a lot of deeper tracks from their 80’s catalogue, such as “Kid gloves” and “Entre nous”. The FEAR series is played in its entirety for the first time, and “Broons bane”, a classical guitar piece Lerxst used to begin “The trees” with, serves as the intro to “Closer to the heart”. And finally, there are fan favorites from the 70’s and 90’s included, as well as newer material ranging from Vapor trails to Clockwork angels. I really like this setlist, and seeing it live would be unbelievable. What do you all think?
  5. Hello everyone! Some of you may know me, but I'm not that popular here on TRF. I need a favor from all of you. I am in this contest to meet rush, get front row seats, and a bass guitar. As of right now, I am in 6th place, and I need to be in the top 3 in order to qualify to win. That's why I need ALL your guys's help! I am just as big of a fan as those people who have been to 50+ rush shows- and trust me, if i were older, I would totally be there. I've been a fan since 2009. But its not about being a fan from the beginning, its about being there until the end. Rush has truly changed my life for the better. They are much, much more than just a band to me- they are my idols and heroes. They have taught me life lessons I will never forget. They have inspired me to play guitar and viola and make music of my own. They truly are three extraordinary men that have saved me from many things. I will never be able to thank them enough for what they have done for me. When I say they mean the world to me I truly do mean it. Their music is just so unbelievable- I have spent countless hours listening to them, watching them, and playing their music on guitar. I have spent hundreds of my own dollars on them, and I am only 15! My dad has been a fan for 25+ years and has seen them every tour since Grace Under Pressure. He is also a spectacular drummer who wishes to play like Neil. without him, I would not be the person I am today. We go to Rush concerts- that's our absolute favorite thing to do together. We also absolutely LOVE to play music together- me on guitar and him on drums. When I see his smile when we are playing Rush songs it is one of my favorite things to see ♥ Winning this contest is literally one of my biggest dreams! People always say to chase your dreams, so I am chasing this one. (that is what i would put if we weren't limited to 140 characters!) Here is some of the Rush-related artwork I have done: http://i1186.photobucket.com/albums/z365/musicalabby2112/SnakesandArrows_zpsfbdd945f.jpg http://i1186.photobucket.com/albums/z365/musicalabby2112/GraceUnderPressureTTT_zpsba195667.jpg I drew this one with sharpie markers: http://i1186.photobucket.com/albums/z365/musicalabby2112/391177_400512320008474_1563216773_n-1_zpse867cda1.jpg http://i1186.photobucket.com/albums/z365/musicalabby2112/rsfhhhsa_zps57561cb7.jpg I did this portrait with graphite and charcoal pencil: http://i1186.photobucket.com/albums/z365/musicalabby2112/IMG_2245_zpse09bbaf7.jpg That's not even all of it! I just wanted to share some of my favorites! here's a link if you want to hear me play some rush on guitar: https://soundcloud.com/musicalabby2112/rush-guitar-riff-medley That is why every single one of your votes counts in this contest. Every. single. one. it only takes two seconds to vote. so if you could please vote me the “ultimate Rush fan”, I will never be able to thank you guys enough. you will make my biggest dream finally come true. Plus my dad will get THE BEST fathers day gift EVER!!!! :D Thank you! VOTE HERE: http://www.q1043.com/c/?28 :rush:
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