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Found 2 results

  1. (I will delete this post if not allowed) ATTENTION ALL :rush: FANS My new book, titled 2115, is now available on amazon kindle. It's fan fiction featuring over 70 Easter eggs that any hardcore Rush fan should be able to spot. Even those who might not know Rush so well, or even at all, will definitely enjoy this book. The story features themes from 2112, Hemispheres, Cygnus X-1 and Clockwork Angels. The story is NOT about Rush though, I have taken these concepts and re-worked them then melded them together to create a separate story on its own. All the previously mentioned Easter eggs are simply words and characters within the story. The main character, Dirk Lerxst, makes a discovery while on a weekend hike that confirms the stories of the revolt leaving the city long ago. He decides to go in search of the new city they started. After being welcomed to the community he learns he has special knowledge and skills and is recruited for a special mission, a mission to help his newfound home. There are other adventures, fun, humor, excitement and he even falls for the boardinghouse keepers assistant. An epic story ANY Rush fan is sure to enjoy! Be sure to spread the word and THANK YOU for your support!
  2. I saw this meme last week and woke up the following day and it dawned on me... what if I could tell a story about 2020 using Rush song titles? Well, here you go. :) They gave us a Distant Early Warning about the seriousness of COVID. The kooks and non-believers were really Animated. They donned their War Paint. They said You Can't Fight It. Their anger and frustration came to the fore like Chain Lightning because they felt they were unable to choose Freewill. Instead, they acted with a sense of false Bravado, playing a game of You Bet Your Life by Rolling The Bones as they refused to wear masks. They proclaimed that there were Grand Designs and that the virus is a socially engineered Manhattan Project in order to keep us under Lock and Key; That it's all about The Big Money. As summer turned to autumn, Vital Signs were fading and some didn't make it -- their existence reduced to a faint Afterimage. Scars mounted, blame shifted, and people started Losing It. Every time they ventured from their homes it felt like they were entering La Villa Strangiato. Nothing was familiar anymore and the continuing unease caused many to develop a serious case of Neurotica. Politicians, with their Emotion Detector on high, feared a Witch Hunt. Many decided to shun the Limelight and avoid The Camera Eye, worried that all this Natural Science would amount to nothing... that we would never be able to stem the Red Tide... that we didn't have a Ghost of a Chance. The scientists, wearing their Bravest Face, were on a Mission and determined to Turn The Page. They worked like they were powered by a Superconductor, running a non-stop Marathon with a Force Ten wind in their face as they attempted to get the Chemistry right. Day after day, night after night they toiled, with experiment after experiment going up in a Vapor Trail. Many felt like they were climbing a Totem with no end, but deep down they knew that they had to Stick It Out and Carve Away The Stone. Meanwhile, Der Trommler, nestled in his Peaceable Kingdom, saw us aging in Dog Years. Little did we know that the Ghost Rider was busy Workin' Them Angels. And one day, Presto! Here It Is! We have not one but two vaccines! "Oh, Sweet Miracle", they proclaimed! It's as if The Stars Looked Down and finally granted us One Little Victory! And as they rang in 2021, there was Hope that The Main Monkey Business and Malignant Narcissism that permeated 2020 was on a Headlong Flight over the horizon. People wanted the Good News First. They were confident that it wouldn't be long before they were able to get back to their Middletown Dreams... to enjoy those Mystic Rhythms... and most importantly, to be able to party in YYZ.
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