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Found 3 results

  1. This was just posted in another FB group I am in- there will be a benefit performance on Canadian television Sunday night at 6:30 pm where many artists will be performing from their homes to benefit frontline workers in the coronavirus crisis. Geddy is not named in the list of artists on the web site but there is a screen shot from an ad showing him as one of the appearing artists (and OMG they stuck his name next to Justin Beiber's! ) I know Canadian TV /webstreams of live TV are usually blocked to the US. Anyone in Canada willing to live stream this (so we can see like 90 seconds of Geddy? ). Rod in Toronto? Rush Fan Forever? More information here- https://www.ctv.ca/S...ws/announcement
  2. This is from Loudwire and Mike Portnoy and I promise, it really is in honor of Neil. (See article below.) It had me laughing out loud (which felt good after the past month.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkbRq69kJ7g From Loudwire- "Portnoy, a huge Rush fan, starts off with a couple of easy ones, rocking out to "YYZ" and "The Spirit of Radio." After a bit of meditation, the drummer returns and decides to make the segment a "name that tune," specifically calling out his Sons of Apollo bandmate Bumblefoot. See how well you do on Portnoy's Rush "name that tune" challenge. While the tiny kit was all in good fun, the loss of Rush's Neil Peart is something that truly resonates with Portnoy, who decided this segment should be used for a good cause. “Losing Neil has been truly devastating and heartbreaking and I don’t want to make light out of that. To get serious for a moment, we are going to auction this off. I’m gonna sign it and the proceeds for this are going to go toward brain cancer research. I just wanted to say, Neil, rest in peace. You’ll always be my hero and I love you. Thank you for everything.” To place a bid on the signed kit, click here. All proceeds will go toward the American Brain Tumor Association." To read the whole article- https://loudwire.com...ShtsvdOXgcJwdDc
  3. Just gotta give my two cents to what was perhaps one of the greatest Rush Concerts ever put on. As everyone predicted the small arena made the Sound Quality spectacular beyond compare. Every note was crystal clear and not muffled in any way (not counting when it's supposed to sound muffled) and Geddy's voice was almost perfect, especially on subdivisions which sounded so close to the album it was mind blowing. Though the concert had a minor flub or two, and I had a personal bad experience with a drunk guy just getting into my car that would not leave and got grabby when I shouted for help (thanks mystery rush fans that helped), the concert could only compare to me hearing the set for the first time in Winnipeg under complete surprise. Other highlights include the fact that though the set was A, Limelight was played (Body Electric is not a personal favorite), and the other 3 songs (all of which I prefer their B variants by a tiny bit) were played magnificently (particularly the solo at the end of Bravado), the hall was more compact, so it had more hard-core Rush Fans (I swear I heard singing for their big hits), I had a seat which gave a full view of the lighting rig (it was really colorful for this show I realised) Alex's singing was audible a couple of times and it actually sounded pretty good, the unique Red Deer Shirt for sale was great, and finally, Geddy seemed to be having the time of his life at this show. I know he probably smiles the most of the three, but he just seemed so happy to do this show. Oh one last thing, Alex conducted the orchestra during YYZ and it was glorious. Apologies to everyone who could not make this amazing concert, and thanks to Rush for donating their time and efforts to everyone in Calgary. What did everyone else think of the show?
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