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Found 22 results

  1. So I recently set myself a challenge: construct a playlist featuring one song from each year represented on my iPod. The farthest back I go is 1957, and I have at least one song or album each year from then until the present. I didn't really try to create and kind of flow or sequence from one song to the next, just picking out songs that convey a cross section of what's on my iPod, what was going on in music at that point in time, or for the more recent entries songs that I feel represent my own state at certain points in time. Anyway here's a link to my playlist on Spotify, and I'll list it out in text here too. Anyone else want to join in? Also to reiterate, it's not any kind of favorite from each year or best from each year, just a good song from each year.
  2. This week is.... MICK RONSON!!!!! On account of me putting on Aladdin Sane. Mick’s work on that record is out of the world! Great video of him playing some old Spiders’ songs years later. Also, fun fact that maybe not everyone knows, that’s Mick on the arrangement and some of the guitar parts (and “baby rattles”) on John Mellancamp’s “Jack And Diane!” According to Johnny Cougar, he owes that hit to Ronno. What are some of your favorite Mick Ronson facts, songs, memories, etc.?
  3. Listening to Having my mind blown by Santana's Welcome for the first time right now, and it just makes me wonder, did anybody put out sub-par work in 1973? Particularly anyone who wasn't known for making bad music in the first place. It seems to me like every album I listen to from this year is obviously great, whether or not it's considered in the particular artist's pantheon of top albums or whatever. Oh, and I won't accept Tales From Topographic Oceans as an answer. You can refer to Segue if you'd like to know why that album is great as well.
  4. So in this one the best of the best albums from each band duke it out against each other.
  5. So there's another thread about comparing these two bands, but this is different, this is a true showdown. A competition where the band with the most amazing career will win.
  6. So, today I began my 3 months internship as a web developer. I will work with Umbraco and .NET programming and after the 3 months, I'm going to write my bachelor thesis, and then I'm done and ready to conquer the world. I might not have time to be here as much, and maybe you don't even care - I feel a little silly writing this - but I wanted to let you know. I had a little hiatus and recently came back. But it's going to be hard not checking in all the time, but I need to focus on working and make my bachelor thesis the best I can. :)
  7. Been playing a lot of blues lately and finally felt comfortable enough to record a video of it. But not enough to show my face because I look like a dork when I play guitar. Seriously, I do ;) It's mostly improvising over ideas I had practiced. So, tell me what you think? http://youtu.be/724hzH6S_y0
  8. I'd might start doing something like this. As a man who loves model building this is incredible. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Qz4NcTnQedo
  9. According to National Geographic. I don't feel overly happy though.
  10. I'll see you next year! :hi: :martini: :cheerleader:
  11. So, the time for Christmas parties are here. The lighthearted friendly banter, the making out in secrecy and photo copying your ass. All those things. Going for a Christmas party tonight with the company I work at. Then I got to think about how Christmas parties in Denmark might or might not differ from the ones in USA and Canada? 'Tis the season to be jolly! :martini: :digi: :mwah: :hail: :cheers:
  12. I'm in the mood for watching a movie I saw when I was a child. My mom rented me some movies one day and one of them left quite an impression on me, except for the title because I can't for the life of me remember it! All I can remember is that in the movie some people are flown to a ship by a helicopter, but the ship seems abandoned. All I think I can remember about the title is something with "Pitch ..." If anyone knows what movie I'm talking about, please help. Thanks :)
  13. My second guitar hasn't got much playing time since I got my Les Paul and one of the pickup wires broke off. It's a Schecter C1+ which is an amazing guitar. I have a Gibson pickup in the neck position which is way too dark and muddy, and a Dimarzio Paf Pro in the bridge. I would like to take everything out and rethink that guitar. New pickups and completely new wiring of the pots. I'm thinking about doing some sort of coil splitting, but I'm not sure yet. It is a two humbucker guitar with one volume knob and two tone knobs. Do any of you have any suggestions to pickups (passive) that would lend themselves great to coil tapped tones, and suggestions to wiring of it all? My Les Paul have Burstbuckers 1 and 2 in them, so it would be great if the new pickups matched them in output. Thank you :)
  14. What is the record or cd you always have with you when you need to try new speakers? I'm planning on upgrading mine so I want some suggestions to music that will be good to test them on. I normally use Peter Gabriel's Secret World Live and listen to Digging In The Dirt.
  15. You're so awesome, Tag! :D-13:
  16. Sheldon, if my memory serves me correct you have a Mark VI right? Do you use Mesa/Boogie branded tubes or any other and why? I think my Rectumfrier could benefit from new tubes. I'm thinking about a 5751 in V1 to tame it a bit, perhaps a 12AY7 in V2 to avoid having high gain at 10 o'clock on the gain control. Other than that I'm thinking about using the ecc803s in the rest. Any thoughts or suggestions? :)
  17. I'll start. I'm puzzled by people walking "together" where one of them is walking several feet ahead. Why? Especially couples do it. Doesn't seem like someone who cares about each other, but then why bother? I used to have friends who would constantly walk ahead of me, and I'm not walking in a slow pace, but then I figured it was a an attempt to assert some sort of dominance. Screw that I thought and I would slow down until they would realize they where 20-30 feet ahead of me and come back. Or if I got really pissed off I would just change my direction. Screw that! ;) What puzzles you?
  18. My band has been without a singer since the beginning, and since we prefer just being drummer, bassist and guitarist we kinda decided to go for it ourselves. We have 7 songs and about 45-50 minutes worth of material I'm writing lyrics to. I've been home alone for the last couple of days, and turns out my voice aren't that bad after all. So I guess I'm gonna share the duty with the bassist. Any tips how not to give any f*cks about what people think when you're up on the stage singing?
  19. http://youtu.be/EgBWC-Mzkd8
  20. I gathered some of my sound bits I had lying around and uploaded them to my Soundcloud. For best listening experience immerse yourself in total darkness. https://soundcloud.com/martindamm/sets/the-sound-of-dark
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