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  1. I will be brutally honest, Snakes And Arrows is a beautifully played stinker. But I see it has its devoted fans. On the other hand, I think Hold Your Fire is a genuine work of art, a 10/10 masterwork from a band who never truly reached this high level of artistry again (with the exception of the sulphuric fury of Vapor Trails). Go on, pick!
  2. 2112 saved Rush from falling into oblivion, after Caress Of Steel left them in a very sticky situation. CoS bombed with the critics and the fans. But they kept the same formula, and returned with 2112, only to win back their audience, and have their name immortalised in rock n roll history. And it only got better! But with hindsight, is it possible that Caress Of Steel was simply the right album at the wrong time? Could it actually be the better album? Or is it a step back from what came before, and a lesser album than what came immediately after? Is it a bit of both? Let us know what YOU think (not what you think others want you to say). Keep this classy (but a bit of squabbling keeps the popcorn crowd happy!). And on that note:
  3. Two songs that I really like, one from an album I think is near perfect (p/g), the other from, erm, Counterparts. For me, Everyday Glory. One of the overlooked Rush classics.
  4. Soo...we all love Rush. But how many here love them more than any other band? For me: Lacuna Coil Nightwish Paradise Lost Kansas (seventies only) Fleetwood Mac
  5. Why have Rush performed with washing machines on stage?
  6. A fan made video, actually really works well with this song:
  7. Rivendell I Think I'm Going Bald Tears Circumstances Different Strings Vital Signs Countdown Red Lenses Emotion Detector Tai Shan We've got some real losers on the list now! :) And speaking of losers, this brings me to the subject of Round Twelve.......Just teasing folks. I know there are some true blue Presto lovers here. :) Presto :)
  8. Mine: Lacuna Coil- Karmacode: My all time favourite album! Khoma- The Second Wave Fleetwwod Mac- Tusk Nightwish- Dark Passion Play Rush- Hold Your Fire
  9. Ok, I have noticed a trend with this album: you either love or hate this...very little in the way of a middle ground... Well, I love it! The eighties ended on a higher note than expected, and not one song gets skipped...Superconductor came close, but truth be told, I find much to love in that song... So come on, what is your verdict? Is Presto Magic, or Mucous? Have fun!
  10. Lorraine suggested a gushy Presto thread. I will start: It it great!
  11. The Big Money - 8 Grand Designs - 9 Manhattan Project - 10 Marathon - 10 Territories - 9 Middletown Dreams - 10 Emotion Detector - 5 Mystic Rhythms - 7
  12. Force Ten - 8 Time Stand Still - 9 Open Secrets - 10 Second Nature - 9 Prime Mover - 10 Lock & Key - 10 Mission - 10 Turn The Page - 10 Tai'Shan - 1 High Water - 2
  13. So...I love movies...always have, always will. Sometimes a director I like makes a dreadful, pitiful mess of a movie that had so much going for it on paper. One example: Ridley Scott's abysmal Kingdom Of Heaven. What a mess... ...and then I find the Director's Cut for less than a fiver online, and it not only improves on the original theatrical cut, it blows most of his films right out of the water! So what director's cuts have you seen that stick out as improvements? And why? For me: Kingdom Of Heaven Gladiator (referred to only as Extended Cut) Troy (not great, simply better) The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy
  14. There may already be a thread like this. O well. I will start with a list of MY favourites: The Speed Of Love Ghost Of A Chance Chain Lightning Limelight Available Light 2112 Bastille Day Nobody's Hero If I had to pick just one song from that list? Possibly... Available Light. That soaring vocal, that gentle melody. Sends shivers up my spine... What are your favourites/favourite?
  15. ..Rush may just be the best band I have ever heard, ever. Three years a fan, and they are taking over the affections I have had for every other band: The Beatles, Springsteen, Fleetwood Mac....LACUNA COIL! Believe me, this is the most unexpected thing...its been a revelation to finally discover my own special band, a band who I have to say has a stupid number of albums I deem perfect, and a fair few close to perfection. Perfect: 2112 AFTK PeW MP p/g Close to perfect: CoS Hem PoW HYF CA Very Good: FBN Sig Presto RTB CP T4E Feedback Average: Rush VT SA Looking at those figures, no other band that I have love for has this many albums that I hold so very dear. I have yet to explore their live albums, but the snippets I have heard here and there have been revelatory. I know this is a pointless thread, perhaps an element of attention seeking. But I have to give Rush their due: they have transformed my taste in music, how I see the world, and how they opened my eyes to the wonder of classic rock in a way not even The Beatles or Fleetwood Mac could have... ...and I suffer badly from depression and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Their music is a constant joy and a relief from my mental anguish (I am more ill than anyone here realises, because I hide behind a constant shiny surface veneer only those close to me can see past). The nice thing is, this forum has proven Rush fans come in all shapes and forms, backgrounds and personal interests. I love listening to older members love for bands of their era (Narpski, ReGorLaTroy and Lorraine deserve special mention here), and it gives me joy when newer fans share their ever growing and expanding experiences with this band, considering I know of no one else in my life who likes them. So I want to give Rush some well deserved love. No other band moves me like Rush, and I am now at a point when I couldn't deny it if I tried: Rush are my favourite band, possibly ever.
  16. A Farewell To Kings So awesome is this album I could happily listen to it forever. Everything is perfection. I know its popular, so why do you love it? Or is it overrated? Let us discuss!
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&persist_app=1&v=FG7465G6DQo This...is why I love music. Enjoy guys!
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