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I posted this in the other thread that we have for setlists below, but I'm really interested to start a discussion on realistic AND fantastical ones sets as opposed to purely sentimental ones or those on someone's dreamline. As you'll see below, I love making rush puns. Here's my Setlist! It's both fantastical and realistic. At the beginning there were too many hands on my time, too many feelings,... Too many things on my mind. However, in the end, I detached and subdivided it over and over, but now I'm happy and would endlessly rock to it any day. Don't be afraid to give feedback on my setlist, as I can't stop thinking Big, and would enjoy others telling me what they think just between us. So here goes it. Set 1 R41 Overture - Working Man - Anthem - Bastille Day - Making Memories - What You're Doing *leading straight from the solo towards the end into the opening song* Far Cry Driven Earthshine Kid Gloves Red Tide Nobody's Hero Malignant Narcissism Drum Solo Secret Touch Closer to The Heart Second Nature Emotion Detector Headlong Flight -- Intermission -- Act 2 Spirit Of Radio Free will Jacob's Ladder Entre Nous Different Strings Natural Science Afterimage The Twilight Zone (ambitious, I know) YYZ Resist Broon's Bane The Trees Mystic Rhythms The Enemy Within Losing It (ambitious Part II) Everyday Glory Tom Sawyer -- Encore -- 2112 (Overture, Temples, Finale) La Villa Fly By Night** ** Alex talked about how he'd like to do a heavier version of FBN so assuming they do, that's where I'd put it. What do you think?