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Found 4 results

  1. I know i'm going to regret spilling the beans here, but you guys in the chat room specifically asked me to create a thread about my run-in with this complete charmer. So, here goes. Before Canadian porn star wannabe turned killer Luka Magnotta was charged and eventually arrested for dismembering people and leaving parts of their bodies in several interesting places, this absolute genius and model citizen tried to advertise himself as a star on a Ning Web site from 2009 where I was a moderator for a VERY short time. The site was full of weirdos, so we didn't think much of his behavior. We already had some minor celebrities from the wrong side of YouTube, as well as people who liked to post each other's personal info everywhere in retaliation for whatever. As I said, I was a moderator for a VERY short time before quitting. Anyway, this guy's pictures suddenly appeared everywhere along with spam like you wouldn't believe. He had joined, only to post subjects like, "HOW MUCH DO YOU LOVE LUKA MAGNOTTA?" etc. At one point I had to bring him up during a Skype chat with another mod. The brief but memorable exchange went something like this: ME: Who the **** is Luka Magnotta? OTHER MOD: Oh, some self-promoting queer. (Yes, those were her words.) Anyway, the guy wasn't on for long because, among the few rules we had, excessive spamming got you kicked off the site. So I never gave this so-called human being another thought until I heard his name on CNN and screamed. Like the strong and independent woman I was, I had to immediately run and tell my mother everything. Naturally, I got another lecture about people on the Internet and what weirdos they can be. And this story was still developing, mind you. I'm not Canadian, as I'm sure I've told you fellow Rushians. I'm from an American city where stories like this are far more common and usually involve a cocaine cartel or something. Still, I felt a level of guilt that left me little choice but to let my mother drag me to Confession after years of not going to church. I told the priest, and thankfully he didn't freak out. Again, this is a big city, so he's heard worse. But yeah, I think I had some nightmares as well as a few spells of waiting for Interpol to come to my house and start asking questions. Not that I wouldn't have answered them, of course.
  2. HELLO RUSH FANS, Come listen to RUSH'S greatest hits off of each album NEXT WEDNESDAY at 10:00-AM to 12PM EST. I will be reviewing each album with one to two songs played to highlight what I feel showcases each album best. I encourage all RUSH FANS to stream it at http://www.progrock.com or for mobile purposes go into TUNE IN Radio app, for android and iphone, and add a custom URL of http://nyc01.egihosting.com:2730/ I love rush, and I'm sure you do too, SO stream us!! Thank you all for the consideration of attending.
  3. Anyone know what's up with Neil's site? Construction? Security? New features? I hope some random d-bag didn't decide to ruin things.
  4. YouTube denies NASCAR takedown of horrific Daytona Speedway crash video Read more at http://venturebeat.com/2013/02/24/youtube-denies-nascar-takedown-of-horrific-daytona-speedway-crash-video/#iIOsVxdJiaWLyps7.99
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