The Kepler Space Telescope has found the first Earth-sized planet orbiting another star in its "habitable zone". The planet, named Kepler 186-f, is at a distance where liquid water could exist on the planet's surface. There are other Earth-sized planets orbiting the star, but they are so close to it that they are way too hot for life as we know it to survive. Astronomers do not yet know if 186-f has any water or even an atmosphere, but the discovery of the planet is a huge breakthrough. Kepler 186-f's sun is a red dwarf, which is the most common type of star in the Milky Way Galaxy (70%). This tells us that there could be many millions if not billions of Earth-sized planets orbiting other red dwarf stars throughout the galaxy. :haz: :haz: :haz: An artist's depiction of the planet and its system: