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Found 12 results

  1. For anyone interested, the Big Beautiful Book of Bass is now half price on Amazon. It can be yours by Thursday! :P
  2. Heads up, Denver, Seattle, Phoenix and Austin; he's coming your way ! ETA: The Seattle announcement says the ticket is good for one book and TWO people in the signing line. ( My husband would have liked that!~. ) https://www.rush.com...qr7t32SKGwh_k3Q
  3. This went up on the NPR site today. Geddy is on World Cafe on WXPN in Philadelphia. Anyway, it's one of those interviews where there is a playlist of some of his favorite songs, and as always, Ged is interesting and very articulate about what the bass is doing in the songs and why he loves it. (Who has ever used the phrase "subterranean melodic content" about Motown before? But it describes the playing perfectly.). :heart: https://www.npr.org/...3mvRJ-zDG7_Zz3U
  4. Here is a link to a new article in this month's Classic Rock magazine. The link is to the article reproduced at Cygnus X-1.net, which is a great resource for fans! Anyway, this introduction is shared from them and they supplied the link. (I think it was originally tagged by our own Rush Fan Forever.) From Cygnus X-1.net - - "Back in June, Geddy Lee began the European leg of his Big Beautiful Book of Bass signing tour with three dates in the UK. During that time, Classic Rock Magazine followed him around to gauge the Rush frontman's reaction to the crowds that had come out to see him. The August 2019 issue of the magazine documents Geddy's visit in a new article titled Geddy Lee: Is Reading the New Rock 'n' Roll?. In the article, which is now available online, Geddy reminisces about the last time he went on a signing tour: “I haven’t done any official kind of signing since My Favorite Headache in 2000,” says Geddy, coffee in hand. “So it’s been twenty years. It’s fun. That said, my back doesn’t like it and I’m developing different chops in my wrist – I am standing up there for two hours signing books.”Several fans were also interviewed about their experience of meeting Geddy, which makes for some interesting reading. But perhaps of even more interest in the semi-announcement that Neil Peart is working on a new book: "It’s true to say that Lee and guitarist Alex Lifeson held out of hope of a reunion, but Neil Peart’s promise of one final tour was steadfast and the drummer and lyricist retreated into retirement in the coves of Santa Monica. Peart has been working on a new book since then, Lifeson has made musical and TV cameos, while Lee travelled widely and then went down his self-confessed rabbit hole of collecting and curating." You can check out the entire article here: https://www.cygnus-x...ock-08.2019.php
  5. Announced in an email tonight! Email says tickets are available to Rush newsletter members ? (that is me but I'm not sure how they know) tonight before they go on sale to the general public tomorrow at 9 AM. Philly here I come!
  6. Geddy did several publicity interviews in July during his most recent book signing tour, but I found this one to be well written and interesting. As always, Geddy is well spoken and he gives Skully, his bass tech, a nice shout out. It's easiest to read if I put up the link- http://illinoisentertainer.com/2019/07/stage-buzz-geddy-lee-book-signing-at-barnes-noble-chicago/
  7. Geddy announced on Instagram this morning that BBBB DID go into a second printing, which is available now. Someone asked if there would be any UK signing events and he said yep! :ebert: No other mention of other signings anywhere, I guess we can keep our fingers crossed.
  8. I have been thinking about this over the weekend, after the whirlwind day of going to Geddy's book signing on Friday. I wanted to thank everyone here and other Rush fans for making Rush fandom a great place to be! I ended up explaining this to my husband (who made 3 new friends on Friday, lol) when he said yesterday, "Everyone was so nice when I was in line for the book signing; it made things so easy for me. The guys around me held my place and didn't mind when I kept leaving to check on you. (long story; I didn't feel well for a bit.) I was telling my husband that yes, seeing and meeting other Rush fans was almost as big of a thing as seeing Geddy. (of course, we already know this . . .) It was a huge part of the day to meet the people around us and (of course!) they were all friendly and very devoted. There was an ER nurse near us that worked the overnight shift, slept 3 hours and started the drive from southern Maryland to come to Philadelphia. An older guy in a man skirt (I can't even describe it other than something they would wear as a joke on McHale's Navy but he owned it) and his wife were a riot to talk to and had driven 5 hours from Virginia. A very young guy right behind us had driven from upstate New York, not knowing anything about Philly and doing the long drive alone. Everyone here from TRF has been so supportive, also, through my seven months of posting, "I hope Geddy comes to Philly!" over and over. Thank you! Special shout out to Rod from Toronto, who spread positivity when we were stuck in gridlock on the way and I didn't think we would get to the bookstore at all. Anyway, while talking to my husband about Rush fandom and reflecting on all of the "we came because we don't know if we will get a chance to see Geddy in person again" comments, it really hit home with me that maybe all we have left of Rush is the music (which is huge, not denying that), but also the memories, and each other. I'm so glad you guys have made the Rush universe a great place to be. :heart:
  9. treeduck! Catchthemystery! Greyfriar! Here's your chance! Geddy will be signing books in Europe during June.
  10. An interview with Geddy, posted today! He is interesting as always! He brings up the concept of a theatre production based on Rush music- he approves. . . . (saw on Rushisaband . . )
  11. Earl and any other West Coast TRFers, here's your chance! ( and Geddy, one more East Coast event, please?). Tickets are on sale now at the link at booksoup.com. $65.00.
  12. Geddy has announced another book signing, this time in Toronto. ( He added the explanation of how the ticket was actually the book after some woman was complaining all over Instagram that she had already spent enough money on Rush over the years and didn't want to have to buy a ticket! )
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