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Found 5 results

  1. Today I listened to these three albums. Which one is your favorite?
  2. The midwest vs. the west coast 1980 vs. 1981. Which monster hit machine radio conquerer is superior? For my money, Journey were usually better with Greg Rollie in the band. REO are firing on all cylinders here and it's been a long long time coming for them. You should have seen from the look in my eyes, there was something missing...
  3. These four bands all commercially peaked right around the same time and their collective sound dominated charts and airwaves during that time. Their many hits are classics, their rise to fame memorable at least, but even more telling of their similarity are their catastrophic falls in the mid to late eighties. Though each band's story is different, not one of them managed to make it out of the decade unscathed, and some faced greater semi-breakups than others. Seemingly over night each band fell in to that shamed category of popularity known as "has-been" or "washed-up," though modern incarnations and tours have proved very successful to their old fans. Like it or not, these bands share an important chapter of rock and roll history, but which one really made the best impact? That's up to you. Which of these old giants was/is your favorite and why? Post below and add to the poll above! :)
  4. So these two debut albums are among the best debut albums in existence and the most influential albums on the rock music scene of the late seventies and early eighties. Boston essentially kicked off the success of Album Oriented Rock (AOR) radio, giving huge popularity and rise to the more commercial material of bands like Styx, Journey, Foreigner, and REO Speedwagon, forming a style of popular music which dominated the commercial rock scene until the mid-eighties when all of these bands nearly simultaneously broke up. Van Halen essentially kicked off the success of the Hair Metal scene, giving huge popularity and rise to the music of Motley Crue, Def Leppard, Ratt, Guns N' Roses, and many others. These bands held a more underground, though still greatly commercially viable, style until AOR fizzled out in the mid eighties and Gun's N' Roses and Aerosmith (not hair metal, but still grittier) brought back grittier rock in popular music. Both albums are lodged with more than their fair share of hits and awesome songs, each playing essentially as a greatest hits album for their respective band (minus a few major hits). Which album do you prefer? Which album is more amazing?
  5. As many of you have surely noticed, I am an absolute addict for AOR. The bigger the hair the happier I am. The cheesiest ballad is a sure fire hit in my collection. But considering many older fans here would have been around when AOR was at its peak, both artistically and commercially, I thought it was about time we had a thread dedicated to progs sexier, yet vacuous, little brother. My current favourite AOR bands (or pomp-rock, cheese rock, etc): Toto Journey Styx Kansas Strangeways Fleetwood Mac (post 1975) Trillion Foreigner Let us all get the nerd on. I would love it if music like this could top the charts the world over all over again, I really love this genre.
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