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Apollo was astonished

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About Apollo was astonished

  • Birthday 01/07/1975

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  • Location
    Wapakoneta, Ohio
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  • Last Rush Concert Attended
    Several on R30 Tour
  • Favorite Rush Song
  • Best Rush Experience
    Man, isn't every Rush concert a best experience in it's own?
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  1. That guy in the first frame on the right looks like Biden's ex nuclear waste official who was stealing people's luggage.
  2. I cut it off at age 21 and gave it to my dad for father's day. He hated my long hair.
  3. I'm so sorry, Noah... That sucks. I pray for you and your family.
  4. I assume you are in a Democrat led city. Seems to be the pattern.
  5. Not stirring the pot. Just pointing out that their racist organization by its very existence (the advancement of one particular race over other races, the very definition of racism) should consider changing their name since it is a no-no to call a black person "colored" in this day and age. Lead by example...
  6. Well, someone had better tell the NAACP how offensive their name is so they can change it...
  7. Doesn't the NAACP stand for "National Association for the Advancement of Colored People"?
  8. Why would you possibly assume it was because of covid??
  9. Oceangate CEO on his hiring and how he won't hire experienced 50 year old white men:
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