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Everything posted by workingcinderellaman

  1. I don't venture out of SOCN very much, mostly because of time but I went to a great concert last night and thought I would comment on it. It was The Offspring and it was a makeup concert that was rained out about a month ago. I've never seen them live but I've liked them ever since the early nineties. Anyway, I was thoroughly impressed. They sounded amazing and the show was very energetic. I didn't realize how talented Dexter Holland is. He doesn't sing all that wonderful, but he writes great music. On top of that, he has a PhD in molecular biology, started a hot sauce company and flies a military trainer jet. Anyway, it was a great concert.
  2. I feel bad for the people in California right now. But I had to share this because I've never seen this happen. The web camera that shows the snow stake at Snow Basin in the mountains just above me was buried last night. Scroll to the bottom to see the Snow Stake Timelapse and hit the play arrow at the bottom. It will show you the last 24 hours. https://www.snowbasin.com/the-mountain/web-cams/?gclid=CjwKCAiA2fmdBhBpEiwA4CcHzR-Pu3AFzarYsHs1we2D90qwcLWevYxTS0cRjn-DNTOzKoZrgvj2XBoCPzAQAvD_BwE These California storms that have been coming in are warmer so we've been getting a rain/snow mix in the valley but a TON of snow in the mountains.
  3. If giving is a chore then you aren't doing it right. It should be something you want to do. The point is to think of others and their needs. It also shouldn't be confined to Christmas time, but Christmas is a great time to reflect on how you can better serve others.
  4. That's nice. I looks like the scene in A Christmas Carol when they go back to Ebenezer's youth.
  5. Basin is reporting a 63 inch base. I got new skis this year but I've been using my old skis up until now. I'm trying them out for the first time today!
  6. For the last ten years or so, my wife has made me agree not to buy her presents. So, what I do instead is to help others buy her presents. Last year Nancy Sinatra got her a pair of boots and Carol Baskin got her a nice tiger print Minky blanket.
  7. We just finished 4 days of consecutive snow storms. I hope this keeps up, we really need the snow.
  8. Interesting story about that song. The fame of it broke up Berlin and they didn’t even write it.
  9. Just saw this movie last night and I wasn't disappointed. It's one of those rare instances where the sequel is better than the original. I highly recommend it, especially if you're an airplane geek like I am. They made it using real F-18 footage rather than CGI and it made a huge difference in the quality. Also, try to see it in IMAX with Dolby Atmos if at all possible.
  10. This thread seems to be getting too political for RS. I'm curious why this stuff isn't in SOCN.
  11. Another thing to consider is the ability of the market to adapt under different conditions. For example, if companies have equipment, permits, employees, etc., in place working a fracking well but they're only producing at 50% then if a spike occurs, they can easily increase production. If they don't have those things in place then it may take years to do it. If Canada can increase their oil drilling production in remote areas, but have no way to move it, then their production increase is limited until they have a pipeline or road built to move the oil which could take years.
  12. Lots of people think Old Joe did that but lots of people don't understand how the economy works too. Or gas prices for that matter. No president, left or right, controls them. Dubya, Obama, Trump, Biden...doesn't matter. We're not pretending that energy policy doesn't have a massive impact on supply, are we? It probably does to some extent but has that changed in the last 36 hours to cause gasoline prices to literally go up 45 cents or more in some places? No, what's happened is that the cumulation of bad energy policies coupled with world events have precipitated a historic spike in crude oil. Better energy policies would have made the spike less severe.
  13. I have a nice speaker system in my ski helmet and so in preparing for the upcoming ski season, I'm putting together a skiing playlist and I was wondering if anyone here had any suggestions. It needs to be up-beat and stuff that gets the adrenalin flowing. Stuff like Xanadu, Enter Sandman, Scorpions - Can't live without you, etc. Thanks in advance for any input. :)
  14. I went to this the other night and it really made me miss seeing Rush live.
  15. The science is that so far it has affected one in a million people that have gotten the J and J dose. I don't think it's so hard in the US; we have 2 other alternatives available. Given that we don't yet know how completely the people will recover from the blood clots, it makes sense to pull it here. However, it's going to be hard worldwide to lose a one shot, effective vaccine that some countries were counting on to use in rural and underserved areas. It sets back the vaccine effort a lot, unfortunately. I'm getting pretty tired of this stupid pandemic, it sucks. What is the chance of contracting COVID and dying from it? If it's more than one in a million then on the surface the vaccine would be more beneficial than harmful. I heard someone from the CDC on the news this am and they said that is the purpose of this "pause" in use. They said that during the time the J and J vaccine has been in use, there have been aprox 1 case per million of these blood clots, and aprox 1800 deaths per million from Covid. So, yeah, it seems to come down on the side of the vaccine. Plus the one dose makes it easier for rural and homeless populations to use. I hope that during this time they can figure out a way to still use it- maybe limited to certain ages, or males only or something, because it still seems to have some benefit. So the risk of dying without the vaccine is 1800 times greater than getting it. A lot of stupidity during the pandemic in the name of "abundance of caution".
  16. The science is that so far it has affected one in a million people that have gotten the J and J dose. I don't think it's so hard in the US; we have 2 other alternatives available. Given that we don't yet know how completely the people will recover from the blood clots, it makes sense to pull it here. However, it's going to be hard worldwide to lose a one shot, effective vaccine that some countries were counting on to use in rural and underserved areas. It sets back the vaccine effort a lot, unfortunately. I'm getting pretty tired of this stupid pandemic, it sucks. What is the chance of contracting COVID and dying from it? If it's more than one in a million then on the surface the vaccine would be more beneficial than harmful.
  17. There's a large boulder in waterfront park in Poulsbo, WA, that was dredged out of Liberty Bay. The rock is geologically dissimilar to the bay's bedrock. Why?
  18. I don't post in this part of the forum much because most of my Rush conversations have been exhausted. But, I have a reason to start a thread in here. Two days ago I became a grandfather for the third time! Baby and my daughter-in-law are doing great. My son is a big rush fan and he showed me this which I thought was hilarious. My newborn grandson loves it!
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