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Everything posted by ghostworks

  1. Did you have that strange Burger King Cheetos Mac n' Cheese thing yet??? ..................um no!?
  2. there's a great Scotland Yard recipe I need to share as well
  3. now microwave mac & cheese (I KNOW BUT BEAR WITH ME) can be awesome *ducks*
  4. ^ if that font color was the color of my cheese I would be a little concerned
  5. linguine & cheese? please only if it's alfredo* (*though I do have an alfredo mac & cheese recipe!)
  6. and pasta choices can make or break a dish
  7. also: buffalo chicken mac & cheese is a particular favorite
  8. see these keep calling to me but I have yet to indulge
  9. but I am not posting it until I finish my final experiment
  10. I have a recipe that will get you all excited
  11. and I will substitute cavatappi and shells for the typical macaroni from time to time
  12. I do tend to bake my own rather than order out
  13. I like mac & cheese, do you?
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