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Lady April

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Everything posted by Lady April

  1. Happy birthday my bruthuh of old! Make it a really good one cause remember this life is stupid short!!!
  2. HA! I took that picture! We were at Café Vivace on Capital Hill in Seattle. Nice to see you back. :) Hey thanks lady! That was an awesome day! Are you still in my area eh? Been a few years since I have seen you :)
  3. Thanks bbcat and thats what I call well, my baby cat <3
  4. TG!!!!!!!!! Ha ha your visit to Seattle and the most awesome coffee shop.... iz now closed :( :haz:
  5. Now Michael Palin.... always love that guy!!! :drool: That was the "Salad Days" sketch right? :clap: One of the all-time best (among many) Python sketches! The piano player getting his hands lopped off when the lid slammed shut, then holding up his stumps spurting blood, STILL puts me in stitches every time. Upperclass Twit of the Year is still at the top of my list!!!!!
  6. No way, ADD and OCD ya know... Blimey!!!
  7. OHHHHHH my BRAAAIIIIIINNNN! Gumby weekend baby! Remember????? OMG!!!!!! Rush Gumby Week! You lost your voice we were laughing so hard!!! :LMAO: Roadtrip to die for. Screaming Rush songs and Gumby... yeah I had no voice left
  8. Now Michael Palin.... always love that guy!!! :drool: That was the "Salad Days" sketch right? :clap:
  9. OHHHHHH my BRAAAIIIIIINNNN! Gumby weekend baby! Remember?????
  10. You are about to meet one of the coolest people on the forum! I was just wondering a couple of days ago if we'd ever see her again. Happy to see that the answer is "yes". :) Lady A, do you still have a crush on Hugh Laurie? he still a sexy bitch at any age yeah! Anyway... MARA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy crap yur still here YAYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!
  11. Last movie I watched was "Awesome I f*ckin' Shot That", the Criterion Collection version of Adam Yauchs' B=Boys movie. Released from Oscilloscope Laboratories. :bump:
  12. Maybe you are really me?? oi? hmmmm... Sorry me eyes got stuck crossed n shit for a sec... oh kay now what now?... Ohhhh wait a tick... I'm thinking too hard, owie...
  13. Maybe you are really me?? oi? hmmmm...
  14. Fridge is back too! Welcome back mate! :cheers: Ahhh you took a break too eh Fridge? Well a definate welcome back to you too as once a true Rush fan we are always Finding our way back home :haz: :rush:
  15. Hey Hawk, love your name. I wouldnt think of myself as that. Dont like that word or "clique" either, I just appreciate those who appreciate me :kisshug:
  16. Being able to afford a full service oil change on my new truck today. Pay day kicks ass!!!
  17. Ohhhhh this is embarrassing... seriously!!!! 90% of the people here have no clue who I am and more than likely think this thread is in homage to next month :D until that is they read the posts and have no fu*king clue whatsoever what you are talking about cause it makes no sense as it doesnt follow the title Though the thought is wonderful, I've missed this place and the greatest of the great Rush fans -hellz yah!!!!! Still embarrassed though...
  18. I love Doctor Who and so does my daughter... #1, #2, #11 (12?) Are our faves so far. Most bummer of a companion exit was Donna Noble with poor sweet genious kid A coming in close second. I guess ya just have to be a geek, like Sci-Fi and also British shit to dig the Doc!
  19. Ha! I gave you your first "Like!" http://i1239.photobucket.com/albums/ff508/blackcc/LOLlapalooza/zeaJc.gif Dude you are seriously as awesome as yur name!!! I frikkin LOVE Jim Parsons! http://i1239.photobucket.com/albums/ff508/blackcc/GIFs/tumblr_mat3k1i1aW1r1mtsdo1_4001_zps218fcf22.gif
  20. Ha! I gave you your first "Like!" http://i1239.photobucket.com/albums/ff508/blackcc/LOLlapalooza/zeaJc.gif Dude you are seriously as awesome as yur name!!!
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