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Status Updates posted by treeduck

  1. Jaime loves to get grimy and slimy with her favourite limey!
  2. Where've you been hiding mate??
    1. Godeater2112


      Hey Pat!!!! How the hell have you been man? I've been busy as dozens of f***s at work and haven't been doing the forum thing too much. Excited about this tour though, are you getting to see the boys this time around?



    2. treeduck


      Hey Chris, get back on here ASAP! I've been good thanks, how you been doing? I don't know, we'll have to see if RUSH come over to Europe on this tour!
  3. Where've you been hiding mate??
  4. Does this mean I'm stalking?
    1. sundog


      You're welcome to visit anytime, Ducky. <3


    2. treeduck


      Now it's on my page I'm stalking myself!! :-O
  5. I thought you were Jamie and I thought Jamie was you.
    1. Janie


      Who the f**k is Jamie? Boy or girl? Too close to my name dammit!
    2. treeduck


      I dunno but I saw them in Sunny's profile thread yesterday, and I thought oh that's JANIE but then I realised it was JAMIE!
    3. treeduck


      Ok I'm here at your profile! Now what???
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