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Everything posted by Stormtron

  1. http://booksnstuff.wolfcrews.com/red_dwarf/10054225.jpg best show ever
  2. Also, this was the first movie I've even been carded for, even though I was rocking a chuck norris beard of epic proportions.
  3. I saw it Friday. We had to drive a good way to the one theater around that was showing it, but it was worth it. My wife and I were pretty much laughing the whole time.
  4. QUOTE (rushgoober @ Jul 23 2006, 06:04 PM) QUOTE (Storm Shadow @ Jul 22 2006, 07:00 AM) I haven't bought it yet because I knew something like this would come out. Great movie. Even though it was long, it didn't drag like RotK did for me. you thought ROTK dragged? Yeah, especially near the end.
  5. I haven't bought it yet because I knew something like this would come out. Great movie. Even though it was long, it didn't drag like RotK did for me.
  6. I just got the new Bronx album http://image.allmusic.com/00/amg/cov200/drh300/h382/h38204tjqej.jpg It's not as aggressive or punk-ish as their older stuff, but it still rocks and there's more melody. Very solid album front to back.
  7. Unbreakable is easily my favorite M. Night movie, but I haven't seen Lady in the Water yet.
  8. QUOTE (DonnaWanna @ Jul 17 2006, 12:37 AM) QUOTE (tick @ Jul 16 2006, 08:06 PM) You should have seen the two pictures that were deleted ,very disturbing. i went abit too far. no more Clowns Plz migets too if u dont mind http://website.lineone.net/~apesgrapes/images/apes2.jpg
  9. http://www.horrordvds.com/reviews/n-z/rotld2-ld/rotld2-ld_shot6l.jpg
  10. http://www.phantasm.com/graphics/phantasm/TMface.gif
  11. http://www.gruselseiten.de/grbild25.jpg Frazetta rules
  12. I wish I had seen this thread last night.
  13. They had that song "I Hate Everything About You", right? I thought that was just some generic radio butt rock. That's the only thing I've heard by them, but I wouldn't compare them to Rush at all.
  14. I'm stoked. Silver Surfer is definitely a BAMF.
  15. QUOTE (Jack Aubrey @ Jun 27 2006, 10:11 AM)QUOTE (madra sneachta @ Jun 27 2006, 12:05 PM) I'm now going to offend everyone and suggest that 12 Monkeys is better than Brazil. I'm the opposite of Milty - 12 Monkeys is in my Top 5, Brazil is Top 30. That doesn't offend me, I agree with you. Brazil is my favorite movie, but that doesn't offend me either. They're both great to me. Saying things like "omg that movie iz soooooo boring n doesnt make ne sense" would though. Damn my friend.
  16. Brazil is my favorite movie of all time. 12 Monkeys is in my top 10. Terry Gilliam is awesome.
  17. Very cool. I hope they do a lot of horror movies.
  18. ATHF rules. Dr. Weird goes hard. I was bummed when they stopped using him. Dr. Weird: Gentlemen! I bring you... MORE CORN! Steve: Uh, sheesh, I dunno, man. I mean, after last time... Dr. Weird: This time... SHALL BE DIFFERENT! Mwahahahahahaha! Steve: [stares at the bowl of corn] Alright, 'cause I am hungry again. [gets punctured by the corn yet again] Dr. Weird: [pointing to Steve] It's not different at all! Is it Steve! Mwahahaha!
  19. The show was good, then bad, and now it's good again. AotS was good, now it's almost unwatchable. The rest of G4 is complete crap. Two year old reruns of Cheat! - A totally pointless show since the internet exists. The Man Show reruns - Who actually watched this when it was on? Fastlane reruns - Star Trek - I don't hate Star Trek, but when they show it, THEY DON'T STOP. There's like 10 episodes in a row on tomorrow. (Then a 10 episode marathon of The Man Show, god no.) Icons - This could be a good series of documentaries on gaming and comic culture, and it has been in the past, but lately... well, just look at the next one: "ICONS: Michelle Rodriguez Doing jail time, for her much publicized DUI is perfectly suited to the 'tough-chick' actress, Michelle Rodriguez. Join ICONS as we punch-it-out with the star of "Girlfight," "The Fast and the Furious" and ABC's "Lost." And join Michelle as she goes where few celebrities dare to go - skydiving!" and Formula D... just wow. G4 really has almost nothing to do with gaming now.
  20. God, I forgot about "Virtuality". That might be worse than "Dog Years".
  21. "Dog Years" for me, and solely for the lyrics. Second place goes to "Roll the Bones" for the line "gonna kick some gluteus max..." and that whole rap in general.
  22. I love the first one, so they better not f**k this one up. If it does well, do you think they'd make another Labyrinth too? If David Bowie is back I hope they digitally "fix" his tights if you know what I'm saying
  23. If it weren't for the well known actors in it, this would be premiering on Sci-Fi Channel. Uwe Boll sucks at life.
  24. As much as I wanna be cool and go with a lesser known choice I had to vote for Ziggy. I love that album.
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