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Everything posted by GlamMistress

  1. Katy Perry - Circle the Drain What's life without a little bit of shallow pop music?
  2. Alice in Wonderland, the Twilight Saga
  3. Mary Downing Hahn books - pretty much all of them I can get my hands on because they're quick, short reads. I was obsessed with her books in middle school lol.
  4. This morning, when I went to fetch a paper plate from the cabinet, I had previously set aside a leftovers container of Hamburger Helper on the counter for breakfast. When, lo and behold, the dishes were stacked too high and came crashing down, thus knocking my leftovers container on the ground and spilling my morning meal all over the kitchen floor. I was not too happy. I'm quick to anger and easily irritated by the slightest of things that go wrong.
  5. I'm currently reading Blood Price by Tanya Hoff (which had a short-run Canadian television series), The Tragic Story of Henry VIII's Fifth Queen by Josephine Wilkinson, as well as various other biographies I'm waiting on in regard to both Catherine Howard and Alexander Hamilton.
  6. No Respect - Vain Out of the Blue - Debbie Gibson Dead or Alive I'm all over the place.
  7. I just finished The Art of Racing in the Rain, so many feelings.
  8. Distant Early Warning. 80s Rush just hits differently for me.
  9. Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel. A combination of 12 seasons between the two. I think I have my work cut out for me better sacrifice any sort of life I had if I ever want to complete it ;)
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