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Everything posted by KenJennings

  1. 1000 feet shouldn't be any scarier than 50 feet. You're not likely to survive either.
  2. That would be cool... I've got some ideas about how this could work... maybe I'll think about it a bit and 'host' the game.
  3. We should do an SOCN 'survivor' thread... We have challenges, immunities, tribal council polls, and we see who outlasts everyone else...
  4. Show me a video of a Parisian calling Paris "Paree", and I'm still not saying it that way. Unless you're talking about names of people, people say names in their own language, not in the original language. I've never heard anyone refer to the city of El Paso as 'The Step'.
  5. Didn't Jethro Tull write a song about this guy?
  6. So, after reading this thread, I've gone and watched all of Corner Gas. I don't think I've ever seen another character on all of TV who is more similar to me IRL than Brent Leroy. I really enjoy this show.
  7. On detail I loved, in the first episode... Lester, sitting in the hospital waiting room, when he first meets Malvo- he's wearing a nice suit with snow boots. I actually LOL'd at that.
  8. But it takes place in Minnesota and we all know that's how people from Minnesota really talk. I have never met anyone who talks like this. But I still love it. Also, I find it interesting how characters seem to zip back and forth from Bemidji to Duluth like it's no big deal. It's like three hours drive between those cities.
  9. It's just too bad the new stadium won't be outdoors.
  10. Well, given our track record, we're still at least 3 QBs away from whoever will be out starter in 2018.
  11. I'm hearing that our soon-to-be-built Crystal Palace will hold the 2018 Super Bowl. http://www.vikings.com/assets/images/imported/MIN/photos/2009/sb-logo-main.jpg Pretty cool news, MLB allstar game this year, now Superbowl in a few. I'm excited. Would be nice if the Vikings can get to it.
  12. I would guess that has something to do with the post-9/11 context that flows through that album.
  13. The biggest question would be- is there an interview with Geddy, Alex or Neil where they pronounce it? It should really be whatever the artist names it.
  14. I've heard Canadians who say "zee". What's interesting is that both 'zed' and 'zee' come from British derivation of the Greek letter 'zeta'. Somewhere along the line, the 'zee' followed British colonists to America, but then fell away from the rest of the English speaking world.
  15. "No point in steering now." -Doug MacKenzie
  16. "No point in steering now." -Doug MacKenzie
  17. I am only named after Ken Jennings. I'm not actually him.
  18. I got Condi, but had no idea on Buchanan.
  19. Probably Dream Theater.
  20. I just realized that jeopardy does not air at the same time for everyone. Glad I didn't post any spoilers earlier.
  21. Has Rutter ever been defeated by human competition? I think he won when there was a five day limit but he's been in a ton of tournaments...has he ever lost one? Well he finished third to Watson and Ken in that one.
  22. Brad Rutter is the greatest Jeopardy player ever.
  23. I'm the odd Star Trek fan who actually liked the Enterprise Theme:
  24. Graphite? Like the stuff they use to make pencils with? Yep. If you've ever chewed through a pencil... that taste is in this beer. Is that a good thing? Well... it is like $8.99 for a 30 pack. ...but you do have a hangover before you even finish a can.
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