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Everything posted by KenJennings

  1. I can't wait. Season 8 has been hilarious, and swearnet's season 8.5 has been really funny too.
  2. http://youtube.com/watch?v=vtQUePN5y40 Really bummed about this. Rest in peace.
  3. As I was scrolling through the thread, I saw this in your signature, and imagined that he was looking at the dress on his console, and it seemed like a reasonable reaction.
  4. http://imageshack.com/a/img909/7663/6xhUZJ.png
  5. Like most problems in life, this one can be solved with MS Paint. It's worth noting that each of the six random points that I sampled colors from turned up within the blue spectrum on the color mixer. http://imageshack.com/a/img540/532/VSuItx.png
  6. OK, one thing to preface: attempting to tie the visualization of this dress to any emotional state or mental condition is pseudoscientific BS. Don't put a dime's worth of credence into that. That having been said, the dress is light power blue with dark goldish brown stripes. It might be a darker blue if the picture is extremely washed out by light. It might be a lighter blue if we're seeing the shadowed side of the dress. It's hard to tell. But what you see is ONLY indicative of the environment you're viewing the picture in, the treatment of the photo, the settings on your device's screen, and the physical adjustments your eyes make.
  7. I was shocked and disappointed that they called the race when they did, depriving fans of what might have been an incredible finish. But I do think you have to allow for circumstances that take into account safety, like if there are disabled cars in extreme danger just across the start finish line. They raced for 50 years without taking events like that into account... Let the drivers self regulate.
  8. For 50 years, NASCAR would allow drivers to race back to the start/finish line whenever the caution flag would fly. A few years ago, they changed this to prevent cars from racing through the scene of a caution, in order to get back to the flag quickly. This is a fine rule change in general, but now with the Green-White-Checkered rule, if the caution flies on the last lap, it stops the race without giving the drivers a chance to race to any finish line. So, the best compromise would be to go back to the old rules... but only on the last lap. We raced that way for 50 years with only minor incident, and it used be that way on EVERY caution flag. Allowing drivers to race back to the line on JUST the last lap is not a significant safety risk. Not every decision balancing safety and race quality needs to come down on the side of safety. Stopping the race mid-lap is not worth the safety benefit it creates: if that's the attitude, we should forget the whole endeavor. Every race should end with the competitors racing at the start finish line. There is no excuse to see the series end on the backstretch.
  9. Absolute garbage. Saturday... wreck on the last lap, NASCAR lets them race to the finish. Sunday... wreck on the last lap; NASCAR gives Joey the win. BULLSHIT.
  10. Hamlin doesn't deserve that kind of reputation. Danica wrecked herself in practice, and in the Duals, Hamlin did screw up, but that's hardly usual. The one that scares me is that moron Logano.
  11. The charges against Kurt are complete bullshit. He's being accused by a manipulative CIA stooge who has absolutely no proof.
  12. That was a nasty, nasty lick Kyle took. I knew right when I saw that, he was going to be hurting. Glad to see him at least climb out on his own.
  13. Season Five is going to be filmed this spring and will be released in two parts... one in the summer of 2015, then one in the summer of 2016. Then that will be it for Hell on Wheels.
  14. I think that's an exaggerration. The Borg never even showed up until the last episode of Season 3 ("Scorpion"). It was Species 8472 that was laying waste to the Borg in Season 3-4. From then on, Voyager had occasional encounters with the Borg, but never a full battle until the series finale, when Admiral Janeway came from the future with advanced weaponry and shield technology. IMO, Voyager went down the tubes the moment they made Jeri Ryan (and her large, beautiful breasts) the focal point of the series. Agreed. They tried too hard to re-create the Data-Picard bromance as a Seven-Janeway sisterhood... At times it got downright slash-ficcy. Data-Picard bromance? Was there supposed to be some kind of subtext going on? I'd more believe a Picard-Q than a Picard-Data. I'm exaggerating a little, but there was definitely strong student-mentor role going on with Picard and Data. Picard was constantly holding Data's hand through his explorations of humanity, very much in the way Janeway did for Seven. Kirk-Spock Picard-Data Sisko-Odo (or Kira-Odo) Janeway-Seven Each series had a non-human trying to learn what it means to be human. The Next Generation, more so than the others. It was an anthropology class at times. I don't know that Spock ever showed much interest in learning to be human. If anything, he spent his time trying to teach others the value of Vulcan logic. Spock and Kirk (and Bones for that matter) were ultimately much more like equals than student and teacher.
  15. It's funny, I watch the original Star Trek, I find myself surprised by how forward-looking it was. My memories of watching the show were a bit different than reality. I decided to rent the series on Netflix a couple of years ago and was surprised that it wasn't as corny or hokey as I remembered it being. The special effects might be a little less refined than they are now, but otherwise it really holds up. Right, and the recent Blu Ray remasters with (tastefully) added CGI effects make it even better. Anyone who enjoys the tone of the original Star Trek should check out the three episodes of Star Trek Continues. These guys have done some amazing work recreating it.
  16. I think that's an exaggerration. The Borg never even showed up until the last episode of Season 3 ("Scorpion"). It was Species 8472 that was laying waste to the Borg in Season 3-4. From then on, Voyager had occasional encounters with the Borg, but never a full battle until the series finale, when Admiral Janeway came from the future with advanced weaponry and shield technology. IMO, Voyager went down the tubes the moment they made Jeri Ryan (and her large, beautiful breasts) the focal point of the series. Agreed. They tried too hard to re-create the Data-Picard bromance as a Seven-Janeway sisterhood... At times it got downright slash-ficcy. Data-Picard bromance? Was there supposed to be some kind of subtext going on? I'd more believe a Picard-Q than a Picard-Data. I'm exaggerating a little, but there was definitely strong student-mentor role going on with Picard and Data. Picard was constantly holding Data's hand through his explorations of humanity, very much in the way Janeway did for Seven.
  17. It's funny, I watch the original Star Trek, I find myself surprised by how forward-looking it was.
  18. I think that's an exaggerration. The Borg never even showed up until the last episode of Season 3 ("Scorpion"). It was Species 8472 that was laying waste to the Borg in Season 3-4. From then on, Voyager had occasional encounters with the Borg, but never a full battle until the series finale, when Admiral Janeway came from the future with advanced weaponry and shield technology. IMO, Voyager went down the tubes the moment they made Jeri Ryan (and her large, beautiful breasts) the focal point of the series. Agreed. They tried too hard to re-create the Data-Picard bromance as a Seven-Janeway sisterhood... At times it got downright slash-ficcy.
  19. I think that's an exaggerration. The Borg never even showed up until the last episode of Season 3 ("Scorpion"). It was Species 8472 that was laying waste to the Borg in Season 3-4. From then on, Voyager had occasional encounters with the Borg, but never a full battle until the series finale, when Admiral Janeway came from the future with advanced weaponry and shield technology. IMO, Voyager went down the tubes the moment they made Jeri Ryan (and her large, beautiful breasts) the focal point of the series. I haven't watched voyager in years. Nor do I ever plan to again. I remember them consistently boarding and disabling borg ships like they were nothing. Every encounter with the borg, especially in later seasons is a joke. Even with species 8472 it feels like Voyager consistently had some sort of upper hand. It didn't feel like they were really being threatened beyond the first encounter or two. I rewatched the whole series recently, and I was surprised to find that the first few years of Voyager were actually pretty good. There were some subplots surrounding the Kazon arc that I was pleasantly surprised by on a more mature viewing.
  20. I think some of them look pretty good, but more look bad. I like the Rams helmet a lot, they should go back to mustard yellow instead of gold. Also, their design for the Steelers looks kinda cool in an abstract way.
  21. Season 2 of TNG was gold. One of the best seasons of the whole series. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I sampled it and just couldn't get into it. If you will name three episodes from season two that stand out, I'll fire up Netflix and give them a look see. 1- The Measure of a Man (s2 e9) A bit of a slower, procedural episode. Deeply philosophical. Great Patrick Stewart speech. Tackles the question "what defines a person" beautifully. Arguably the best episode of TNG, if the moral parables are your thing. 2- Contagion (s2 e11) More action packed and mysterious. Great Enterprise v Romulan plot. Very fun episode with a lot of interesting background. 3- Q Who (s2 e16) Everyone loves a good Q episode, especially back when Q was still somewhat ominous. This also marks the first appearance of the Borg. 4- Peak Performance (s2 e21) A fun episode that pits Riker against Picard in war games, all while Data has a great character developing plot of his own. Not generally the most memorable episode, but a very solid entry the same. 5- The Emissary (s2 e20) A great defining moment for Worf, establishing his relationship with Alexander's mother, who is a great character in her own right. Altogether a fantastic Klingon episode.
  22. Borg queen is one of the big ones. One of the reasons the Borg were so threatening was that if you take one out, any other Borg can replace it without much issue. Voyager also casually disables entire fleets of bBrg ships every two or three episodes later in the series. The Borg become a complete joke. The Federation's ENTIRE fleet of starships could barely survive a Borg attack. One little ship, all by its lonesome, has no problem dealing with them. Ruined. Borg queen is one of the big ones. One of the reasons the Borg were so threatening was that if you take one out, any other Borg can replace it without much issue. Voyager also casually disables entire fleets of bBrg ships every two or three episodes later in the series. The Borg become a complete joke. The Federation's ENTIRE fleet of starships could barely survive a Borg attack. One little ship, all by its lonesome, has no problem dealing with them. Ruined. In fairness, Borg ship in TNG was ultimately taken down by one ship- the Enterprise. Also, Voyager didn't engage in much direct conventional combat with the Borg. But I agree, Voyager watered down the Borg pretty badly.
  23. Season 2 of TNG was gold. One of the best seasons of the whole series.
  24. Hard to believe today marks 14 years since we lost the Intimidator. http://images2.fanpop.com/images/photos/4000000/Dale-Earnhardt-nascar-4032135-1500-982.jpg
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