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Everything posted by KenJennings

  1. A Show of Hands... Simply Fantastic
  2. The Angel's Share! This album is freakin' AWESOME!
  3. Gotta say heart full of soul.
  4. Oh Sweet Miracle of Life! One of two candidates for my favorite Rush song. (Can't believe Earthshine is VT's most popular.)
  5. Half the World is one of Rush's most excellently poignient songs.
  6. Cut. Cut. Cut. Cut. Cut to the Chase!
  7. 0 votes for Heresy! I should've voted for it. Bravado IS tough to top though.
  8. Wow, I'm surprised. I thought I'd be alone in liking The Pass.
  9. Possibly my favorite Rush song: Time Stand Still.
  10. Curves and Lines... Grand Designs. I used to have Chronicles, and my friend Toby used to always think Geddy was saying: "We've got another song from PURPLE Windows: It's called Mystic... Rhythms..."
  11. Every muscle tense to fense the Enemy Within!
  12. With a flash of silver leaves, the analog kid is the best!
  13. Witch Hunt --- Very Catchy Tune.
  14. The most endangered species is the honest man, who listens to Natural Science!
  15. "I love singing, so easy!" LaVILLA
  16. [deep voice]CLOSER TO THE HEART!!!!![/deep voice]
  17. 2112 --- particularly Oracle.
  18. Willows in the breeze, Lakeside Park for sure.
  19. Anthem of the Heart and Anthem of the Mind...
  20. Undoubtably Finding my Way. --- Probably the only Pre-Peart Rush song I truly enjoy.
  21. http://home.comcast.net/~mike.moritz/desktop.JPG
  22. Stroh's Light Heck, I drink that when i've GOT money.
  23. Racing. Hockey would be second. Football is overrated.
  24. I know we've got people from several nations here, and while I know it is illegal for resale in the U.S. I do think, the way the law is written, that it is perfectly legal for personal consumption in the U.S. I've been looking at trying it next time i'm in Canada, or maybe just picking up a bottle. Any experiences, any suggestions? (If this topic is unacceptable because of the questionable legality in some places, I apologize.)
  25. I was watching this cartoon the other day called Harvey Birdman, about a super-hero bird-man guy who has a job as a laywer. In this episode last week, his boss (voiced by the HILARIOUS Stephen Colbert) was claiming things in the office were being stolen; so he created an inner office "alert level" system, mocking the U.S.'s current terror color coding. Anyhow, the levels he had went from regular colors like gree, yellow, and red; to more intense levels like black plaid, then eventually to the highest level "Moving Pictures", then they showed the Rush album cover on the screen. Maybe you had to see it, but it was pretty funny; as is the show in general, i'd suggest it to anyone with a taste for the obsurd (most Rush fans!). http://boulderdirt.com/images/editorial/thumb/d21harveybirdman.jpg
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